Types of communication in psychology

Communication is characteristic, of course, of all living higher beings. But nevertheless, at the level of people, it takes on the most perfect forms, at the same time becoming an indirect and informed speech. In communication, 3 aspects are distinguished: content, means and purpose. There are different types of communication, but more on that later.

Through communication, data on their various emotional states (joy, anger, satisfaction, suffering, sadness, etc.) can be transmitted to one living creature from another, which indicates the mood of another living being for contacts.

The purpose of communication is for what people have this kind of activity. This may be a hidden impulse of another living being to specific, specific actions or a warning about refraining from any action. Also, the goal may be the receipt and transfer of objective knowledge about our world, education and training, clarification and establishment of business and personal relationships, coordination of joint actions of people in their activities, much more.

Concept and types of communication

Communication is a rather complex process of the natural interaction of people, depending on many factors. The final results of communication can be both effective and ineffective. It is known that communication has its own tricks, types, methods. For these reasons, a classification of communication is made.

Material communication - subjects engaged in individual activities actively exchange its products, which, in turn, serve as a means of satisfying their urgent needs.

Conditioned communication - people exert influence on each other and strive to bring each other into a certain mental or physical state.

Motivational communication - its content has the transfer to each other of specific attitudes, motivations or readiness for action in a certain direction.

The active and cognitive type of communication is associated with various types of educational or cognitive activity. Biological - this is such communication that is necessary for the preservation, maintenance and development of the body. It is directly related to the complete satisfaction of the most common organic needs. The goals of strengthening and expanding interpersonal contacts, development and establishment of personal growth, interpersonal relations are pursued by social communication.

Types of communication in psychology by means: direct and indirect, direct and indirect. Direct - it is carried out with the help of natural organs that nature gives to a living creature: body, head, vocal cords, hands, etc. The mediated is connected with the direct use of special tools and means specifically for organizing information exchange and communication. Direct communication is carried out in personal contacts and with the direct perception of each other communicating people. For example, these are conversations, bodily contacts, communication in cases where the interlocutors see each other and directly react to the actions of the partner. Indirect communication is manifested through intermediaries - other people (for example, negotiations between two conflicting parties at the international, interstate, family, group levels).

There are some other types of communication that should be distinguished: personal and business, target and instrumental. The content of business communication is what people are busy with, and not problems affecting their inner world . Personal communication is mainly centered around various psychological problems of an internal nature, those needs and interests that intimately and deeply affect the personโ€™s very personality: the search for the main meaning of life, the internal definition of the attitude to what is happening around, to a significant person, the resolution of any internal conflicts .

Instrumental is communication that is not an end in itself, is not stimulated by an independent need, but that pursues some other purpose, besides obtaining banal satisfaction from this act of communication. Target - is in itself a means of satisfying some specific need, in communication (in this case).

It is very important to highlight such types of communication in people as verbal and non-verbal. Verbal implies a prerequisite - the use of language. Non-verbal is communication through gestures, pantomimes, facial expressions, through direct bodily or sensory contacts. These are visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and other images and sensations received from any other person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25293/

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