What is the deadline for submitting annual financial statements?

An accountant is an important person in any enterprise. Indeed, it is his work, his activity, which is aimed at analyzing and clarifying the financial situation at the company. According to the accounts of the accountant, it becomes clear how profitable or unprofitable the enterprise is, visible gaps in the activity, the most unprofitable and unpromising sectors, departments. You can also judge by reports where the funds go and whether all costs are justified. Therefore, it is extremely important not to miss the deadline for submitting annual financial statements, but to do everything on time. Firstly, your bosses will appreciate your quality work, and secondly, you will avoid many problems, such as fines for not reporting on time. Fines are imposed by the tax service on the entire company, and in some cases they are incredibly high. Therefore, due to such negligence, you may be fired.

How to manage to do everything on time? The fact is that experienced accountants have a secret: they make a calendar and are guided by it, what, when and how much to pass. As for the annual reporting, it should be started in advance: the volume of work is too large, even three sleepless nights will not help here. In addition, it is extremely dangerous to perform such difficult and responsible work at night in a sleepy state: one mistake can lead to the fact that the entire report will be incorrect and will have to be redone.

So, the deadlines for submitting annual reports, as a rule, “burn out” after 90 days have passed since the end of the reporting year. It can be either June 30 or March 31 - in different organizations in different ways. In addition, the date changes every year. The bosses need to clarify the deadlines for submitting annual financial statements so that later there will be no problems and disagreements: after all, he knows everything for sure. And be sure to write down the received dates in your accounting calendar and underline in red - this is the most important work for the whole year: it will evaluate not only the activities of the entire enterprise as a whole, but also yours in particular as an accountant.

By the way, this year the deadline for submitting annual financial statements would be postponed to May 18. This is recorded in article 6.1 of the Accounting Act. It is very useful to look at this law, as well as the main amendments to it, again, record all dates and changes in your calendar. For your information, the same amendment says that it is possible to submit a report on the last day, when the deadline for submitting annual financial statements comes out . This can be done up to 24 hours. By the way, if the deadline is on the day off, then you can return it on the next working day. However, this does not always happen. Each date must be approached individually. If you can meet such a time frame, then the term will not be considered missed, which will not be considered an offense. However, do not reach this point: the delicate situation will make you and your leadership nervous.

And now let's summarize how a good accountant does it: he collects all the information and numbers about the annual statements long before the deadline for submitting the annual financial statements. Even more: he lobbies the information for the first three quarters in advance: at least a week before the deadline. Indeed, in the data for previous quarters, nothing will change. The fourth quarter remains: first you need to prepare a report on this quarter, calculate profit, income and expense. After that, enter all the necessary information for the quarter in the annual report, summarize everything and hand it over to the appropriate authorities in advance. This will help you complete awareness of the dates of delivery for this year, as well as the preparation of a calendar in which all these dates will be carefully marked.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25295/

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