Lac "Tsapon": application, properties, reviews

In this article we will tell readers what the “Tsapon” varnish is intended for. In addition to considering the areas of application of decorative products, we will dwell in more detail on the composition of the product, consider some characteristics and properties, and also get acquainted with the reviews.

What is the remedy for?

The composition is used to protect various decorative surfaces at operating temperatures ranging from -30 to +150 degrees. And this means, “Tsapon” varnish can cover products from ceramics, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, wood, glass, earthenware, brick, stone and other finishing materials for both indoor and outdoor decoration. Along with the protective function that prevents the destruction of surfaces of materials, the presented varnish composition has a decorative function. So, various dyes are introduced into the composition, which helps to fruitfully use varnish as a processing element of applied art.

Lac Zapon

The chemical composition of the coating

The “Tsapon” composition of the varnish is a mixture of cellulose, dyes and plasticizers dissolved in volatile organic compounds. Dissolved nitrocellulose and artificial resins are absolutely harmless to health, which allows you to use the coating for interior decoration, as well as the creation of various decorative elements.

Adding Dyes

You have purchased a decorative product. The question immediately arose: how to tint “Tsapon”, varnish? For coating products from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as for varnishing paper and glass surfaces, colored shades are used. It is only necessary to add organic dyes. In addition to the traditional colorless shade, it is possible to achieve red, green, black, purple and blue tones.

Lac Zapon application


If some organic compounds are added to the varnish composition presented in today's publication, then the Tsapon varnish itself can successfully serve as a component in the creation of paints. Such complex coloring compositions are made immediately before application to the surface, since after a day a paint made on the basis of varnish, metal pigments and mother of pearl will become worthless. In view of this, it is not recommended to breed coloring pigments in large quantities. Here is the complete list of compounds from which excellent paints are obtained:

  • Metallic pigments (coloring base) - mother of pearl, bronze or aluminum powder.
  • Lac "Tsapon".
  • Inorganic pigments - minium, iron oxide, chromium oxide.

Where are paints made using varnish used?

The scope of quickly deteriorating paints is very extensive. They are covered with metal grilles and window frames, chimneys, fittings, door handles and other interior elements. The main thing to remember is that varnish dissolved in coloring pigments must be applied to the working surface during the day. The product applied to the surface of non-ferrous metals does not allow the material to fade over time.

Lac Zapon Properties

Lac "Zapon": application. How to apply the composition to the surface?

If you are sure that only specially trained professionals can use paint materials, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, even an inexperienced person can apply the composition. The main thing is to approach the matter with all responsibility and accuracy and remember some not tricky rules.

  1. The application surface must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  2. The composition is applied in various ways: using a paint brush, spray or spray gun, as well as by dipping small parts into a varnished composition.
  3. The surface is treated with two to three applications at intervals for intermediate drying of 20 minutes.
  4. Half an hour is enough to completely dry the varnish.
  5. When applying the composition in 2-3 layers, the flow rate is not more than 250 ml per 1 square meter of surface. Average consumption - 200 ml. This information will be useful in calculations performed before diluting the pigment.

Zapon varnish, the use of which we have studied in detail, is not commonly diluted with solvents. This is done only in exceptional cases and only when really necessary.

Lac Zapon reviews

Issue price

The cost of the product will not hit the consumer. So, a 0.5 liter bottle costs around 220 rubles. Prices are from the manufacturer, depending on the distribution point may vary slightly. However, the relatively low cost does not affect the quality of the coverage provided.

Product Positive Features

Consider the positive aspects of using such a decorative composition as varnish “Zapon”. The properties of the coating allow it to be classified as quick-drying, which makes it possible to use varnish both outside and for interior decoration. In addition, no negative environmental influences, be it temperature extremes, freezing, heat and excessive humidity, can affect the quality of the coating. The presented tool, taking into account its low cost and excellent characteristics, will become an indispensable assistant in carrying out construction and finishing works both in the country and in a multi-storey residential complex.

Zapon varnish specifications

Universal remedy

To date, there are so many specific narrow-profile compounds that can be suitable only for a certain operation. If for each type of finishing materials to acquire its own individual varnish composition, then during construction and repair it is possible to force more than one row against the wall with tubes. In addition, as a rule, such specialized types of coatings cost a lot of money. However, a way out of this situation was found. And the name of the saviors is universal varnish compositions. It is to such decorative finishes that the Zapon varnish belongs. The purpose of the composition and the scope of its application are so extensive that they make the tool really the main character, going to the forefront of construction and finishing works. In addition to the high water resistance of the coating, the material has an increased hardness of the varnish film.

Excellent adhesion

What do we need for a durable and high-quality coating of materials with a protective layer? We need good adhesion of the material to the application surface (adhesion). If there is no good adhesion of the applied material to the surface, soon the varnish will begin to crack, peel, peel and darken. Zapon varnish, whose properties we are now considering, has excellent adhesion to such capricious surfaces as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass, stone, ceramics, brick. The composition lays well on the tree, it is used in radio electronics.

Lac Zapon appointment

Application in electronics

We will talk in more detail about the use of coating in home electronic installations. Not all electronics engineers have the skills to manufacture printed circuit boards using photoresist, and not all of them are equipped with modern equipment. So you have to invent improvised methods of manufacturing at home, one of the stages of which is to immerse parts in varnish “Zapon”. The instructions for using the composition are simple, and in this article we have already touched on the issue of applying to shallow surfaces. However, for the manufacture of a printed circuit board, a syringe is needed with which a radio amateur draws lacquer tracks on a foil fiberglass laminate. After drying, it remains to etch the board in a solution of ammonium persulfate or ferric chloride.

By the way, “Zapon” varnish is also widely used for painting bulbs. The reviews of the masters indicate an extensive scope in the protection and creation of electronic parts. The only warning of professionals is the information on the prevention of the use of the presented composition in relation to the protection of the tracks of ready-made boards. For these purposes, masters recommend the use of more narrow-profile coatings, such as urethane.

Release form

We touched on almost all aspects of the application, talked about the properties and positive qualities, about the method of application. Since “Tsapon” varnish (the purpose of which has an extensive spectrum) belongs to the category of quick-drying, then, depending on the volume of the surface, each customer calculates the amount of necessary funds. We agree with the statement that it is incredibly convenient to have a mini-bottle with a composition for some small needs. In addition, the shelf life of the varnish is limited, it must be used within 3 years from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer produces:

  • 30 ml mini vials.
  • Glass bottles of 0.5 liters.
  • Euro bucket of 20 liters.
  • Steel barrels having a volume of 50 liters, as well as 200 liters.
  • Individual packaging made to order.

The manufacturer determines the individual packaging methods directly with the customer. Standard glass bottles are packed in corrugated boxes of 24 pieces. Euro buckets go on sale in individual packaging.

How to tint Zapon varnish

How else can I use “Tsapon” varnish? Appointment as a topcoat

Many craftsmen and amateurs to experiment with materials during the repair share their positive experiences. The people presented the product even gave a characteristic nickname - "liquid cellophane." Tip: Use this product as a topcoat on regular acrylic varnish. Such protection comes out super strong and is practically not subject to wear. Also, lovers of multilayer compositions caution that friendship with any other varnish surfaces, except for acrylic, will lead to disastrous results.

A few words about the manufacturer and additional features

Varnish is produced in the Russian Federation at the Novbytkhim enterprise. The paintwork material immediately earned wide recognition due to its excellent technical characteristics and the ideal price-quality ratio. One-component varnish is odorless, dries quickly, which is a definite plus in the use of funds for interior decoration. It has a pleasant glossy sheen.


In this article, we examined in detail the universal protective and decorative coating “Tsapon” (varnish). Technical characteristics, method of application and industry use of the product are also reflected in our publication. We hope you have received comprehensive information.


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