Will there be a metro station "Cathedral of Christ the Savior"?

It has already been a decade and a half since the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church was restored in its place in the center of Moscow. In the Stalin era, it was demolished, and the site was cleared under the delusional architectural design of the Palace of Soviets, which was never implemented. But today, Muscovites have already become accustomed to the fact that in its rightful place stands the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The metro station "Kropotkinskaya", which is located opposite it, has become a kind of completion of the symbolic "road to the temple." Every day, parishioners of the temple and just curious pass through it.

metro station temple of christ the savior

Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Kropotkinskaya metro station

This place on the Boulevard Ring was previously quite popular. And with the opening of the restored temple, it turned into one of the main attractions of the capital. Those who come to Moscow for the first time consider it necessary to visit here without fail. β€œAnd what metro station is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior?” - such a naive question can be heard not so rarely. It somehow seems so in the common mind that any significant attraction should have a metro station of the corresponding name nearby. But in reality, not all so unambiguous. In this part of Moscow there are many attractions. One of them, in particular, is the metro station. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior rises just opposite it. This is the Kropotkinskaya station of the Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro. and it was commissioned as part of the first metro start-up line back in 1935. Passengers at the exit from the station could watch the wreckage of the first blown up church raking in. The station’s ground lobby in the form of a semicircular rotunda with a colonnade became the undoubted decoration of the Gogolevsky boulevard . decades ahead determined its future appearance.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior metro station

New metro station Kalinin line

Not everyone knows that in the near future the metro station "Cathedral of Christ the Savior" may actually appear on the Moscow metro map. It can be indicated on the currently under construction Kalinin line. The new station will be part of the interchange hub with Kropotkinskaya. And the thing is that its name has not yet been determined. And it is quite possible that a new toponym will appear on the map of Moscow - the metro station "Cathedral of Christ the Savior". But the decision has not yet been made.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior metro

Other ways to get to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

If the reserve of time allows you to take a leisurely walk through the historical center of Moscow, then it would be a mistake to miss this opportunity. Other paths lead to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. You can go to it along Volkhonka - one of the oldest and most beautiful streets of the capital. The walk starts from the Kremlin wall and the Alexander Garden. Drive to the Borovitskaya metro station. No less interesting can be a walk from the famous Arbat Square towards the Moscow River along Gogolevsky Boulevard. To do this, go to the Arbatskaya metro station, any of the two available on this square.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25313/

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