Branches of Law

The legal norms enshrined in the legislation regulating social relations are subdivided into branches in order to make it easier to navigate in the variety of different legal requirements.

Concept of branch of law

Under the industry refers to a system of institutions and legal norms that regulate social relations of the same kind. Each of the industries is distinguished by the subject of legal regulation, that is, by a qualitatively homogeneous group of social relations enshrined in legal norms. They also differ in the method of regulation, that is, in the methods and methods of legal impact on a person.

The main methods are imperative and dispositive. The first method contains strict requirements that are binding, and the second offers the right to choose. The imperative method is more inherent in industries such as administrative and criminal law. They contain standards for the violation of which administrative or criminal liability arises.

Branches of law are divided into public and private. The former regulate relations in the areas of state power, judicial, executive and administrative activities. The second are aimed at ensuring and protecting private interests.

The main branches of law

1. The basic industry is constitutional law. The subject matter is relations that establish the constitutional system, the form of government, the general principles of organization of state bodies. Constitutional norms have supreme legal force.

2. Criminal law. This industry regulates the fight against crime. The main source is the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, consisting of the General and Special Parts. The first contains general legal norms, and the second establishes responsibility for the commission of various kinds of crimes.

3. Criminal procedure law. It establishes the procedure for criminal prosecution of persons, starting with the initiation of proceedings, and ending with the verdict of the court. Source - Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

4. Criminal executive law. The subject of regulation is relations arising in connection with the execution of sentences. Source - PEC RF, which enshrines the legal status of convicted persons, the procedure for extinguishing a criminal record, the procedure for serving a sentence, etc.

5. Administrative law. The subject of regulation is relations arising in the areas of maintaining public safety and order, and public administration. Source - Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Private law

1. Labor law. Its norms legally consolidate the relations of workers and employers. The main source is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Family law. It strengthens the norms in the family sphere: relations are regulated among spouses, parents, children, etc. Source - RF IC.

3. Civil law. Industry standards regulate property, personal non-property relations. Source - Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Civil procedure law. It consolidates the civil proceedings (trial in court, the possibility of appeal, etc.) Source - Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

5. Financial law. The subject of regulation is relations on the formation of the state budget, tax collection, spending and distribution of public funds.

6. Land law. The norms fix relations in connection with the ownership, use, disposal of land. The main source is the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

7. Business law. The subject of regulation is relations associated with the activities of citizens and legal entities aimed at making a profit from the work and services performed, with the risk of property liability.

In addition to this industry, rights are also divided into substantive (establish the rights and obligations of the subject) and procedural (establish the procedure for implementing the norms).


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