Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs: conditions, documents, terms. Lending to entrepreneurs in Sberbank

Many people know about lending programs for individuals, but what are banks ready to offer entrepreneurs today? Previously, financial institutions were not very loyal to individual entrepreneurs, it was almost impossible to get funds to promote a business. In recent years, the situation has changed a bit, special financing programs began to appear in banks, from which each businessman will be able to choose the one that suits him. Today we’ll talk about Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs: conditions, programs, interest rates and more.

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs

Why exactly Sberbank?

In fact, there is no particular difference in where to get a loan, the main requirement is that it be most beneficial. Sberbank just offers fairly affordable conditions. In addition, this bank has a decent amount of working capital, which increases the applicant's chance to get approval.

Well, of course, no one has canceled the stereotypes - Sberbank for the Russian citizen is a guarantee of stability and a loyal attitude towards the implementation of state projects for the development of small business.

How to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur to open a business in Sberbank, what programs exist?

Sberbank loan programs for entrepreneurs

Today, a well-known bank offers a wide variety of programs, taking into account the preferences of the client and the business area.

Express loans

This loan can be issued only if the property is provided as collateral, it can be both residential and commercial. Loan purpose directly depends on the type of express loan, which is divided into two types:

  • Mortgage. Financing is provided only for the purchase of residential or non-residential real estate.
  • A security loan is issued for various purposes.

A loan for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank can be issued on the following conditions:

  • Loan duration up to 10 years.
  • Credit interest rate from 16.5%.
  • The maximum amount of 7 million rubles.
  • A loan is secured by real estate.
  • Surety physical. persons required.
  • Premature repayment of the loan is allowed.

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Requirements for borrowers:

  • Age restrictions - 23-60 years.
  • The skill of entrepreneurship is at least 12 years.
  • Business turnover up to 60 million rubles.
  • An indispensable availability of a current account.

Loans for any purpose

Sberbank of Russia provides loans to individual entrepreneurs in the form of trust loans for the following projects:

  • "The trust".
  • "Business Confidence."
  • "Business project".

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs are issued on the following conditions:

  • The minimum loan amount is 30 thousand.
  • The maximum is 3 million.
  • Lending period - up to 4 years.
  • Interest rate - 18.5%.
  • Collateral - not necessary, but registering it as a guarantee, you can reduce the interest on the loan.
  • The guarantee of individuals is one of the main conditions.
  • The assessment is carried out in strict order by the bank.

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur:

  • To obtain a loan from Sberbank by an individual entrepreneur, the total turnover of his enterprise should not exceed 60 million.
  • The duration of the organization is at least 2 years.
  • Age restrictions - from 23 to 60 years.
  • Registration in the Russian Federation.

The criteria listed above for obtaining a non-target loan for the formation of a small business are valid only for the Standard and Business Trust programs. In the “Business Project” there are some features:

  • Lending circumstances are negotiated directly with the financial institution on an individual basis during the decision-making period on granting a loan for a business project.
  • In addition to a standard loan, a businessman can claim to open a credit line or to allocate an investment portfolio in the amount of up to 200 million.
  • The lending period is set in person.
  • Reduced loan rate from 14.5%.
  • The project should include the borrower's personal funds in the amount of at least 10%.
  • Mortgage property insurance.
  • The annual turnover of the enterprise is up to 400 million rubles.
  • Age restrictions - from 23 to 70 years.
  • The skill of entrepreneurship for at least a year.

Sberbank loans un cash

Working capital loans

Sberbank provides individual entrepreneurs with the right to obtain a loan to replenish the funds used, which is necessary for the rapid growth of the business, when personal funds become insufficient. In this case, of course, one cannot do without borrowed money!

The following programs are envisaged for replenishing working capital : “Turnover-Business” and “Overdraft-Business”.

"Turnover-Business" is provided on the following conditions:

  • Depending on the borrower, the size of a loan for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank can reach up to 3 million.
  • The annual financial turnover of the company is up to 400 million rubles.
  • Business experience - from 3 months.
  • The contract is valid for up to 4 years.
  • The rate is from 14.5%.
  • This program requires a guarantee or a pledge of property.
  • The possibility of premature repayment of the debt is provided.

Lending to individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank Overdraft-Business is available only to businessmen with active accounts in this institution. The money that is stored on them is a guarantee of repayment of the loan.

The conditions for this program are defined as follows:

  • The maximum loan amount is 17 million rubles.
  • The limit period is 1 year.
  • Loan rate - from 13%.
  • The amount of commission fees for opening an overdraft is 1.2% of the requested amount.
  • Credit collateral - a guarantee by a physical person. faces.
  • Insurance is optional.
  • The work of the company - at least 1 year.

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Lending for the purchase of capital goods

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs can be obtained in the form of a special loan for the purchase of production assets, such as equipment, land, vehicles, real estate and more. The requirements for this program practically do not stand out against the background of such loans. To finance the purchase of means of production, it is required to collect the established set of documentation, make an initial contribution of 20% and immediately lay down the purchased equipment.

The following projects are related to this type of lending:

  • "Business Asset", from the amount of 150 thousand, at a rate of 14.50%, for a period of up to 7 years;
  • "Business Auto", a loan is issued from 150 thousand, at a rate of 14.50 and is valid up to 8 years;
  • "Business Real Estate" is valid up to 10 years, from the amount of 150 thousand, with a rate of 14.0%;
  • “Business-Invest”, the minimum amount is 150 thousand, for a period of up to 10 years, the interest rate - from 14.40%.

Tender Loans

Impressive finances are required to submit a request for participation, as well as to implement a winning tender. In Sberbank of Russia, individual entrepreneurs can also issue loans to participate in public tenders and beyond.

Functioning programs:

  • "Contract-Business".
  • "Warranty-Business".

Opportunities and conditions of the Contract-Business project:

  • Obtaining financing for the implementation of domestic contracts and for export.
  • Receiving up to 80% of the contract amount in the form of a loan or non-revolving credit line.
  • The loan repayment schedule is adjusted to the scheme of profit arrival for the won tender.
  • Under this program, Sberbank loans are provided to individual entrepreneurs for up to 36 months.
  • Credit rate - 14%.
  • Amount - from half a million to 200 million.
  • Credit collateral - pledge of property / contractual right / bail physical. persons.
  • Commission fees for servicing a loan - from 1.5 to 70 percent of the total.
  • Available only to residents of the Russian Federation.
  • Business experience - from 3 months.

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs

Business Guarantee Program

This program from Sberbank is much more complicated - this is not a standard loan, but a symbiosis of insurance against the occurrence of an insured event. In simple words, the entrepreneur is not sure that if he wins the tender he will have enough of his own funds to fulfill the contract and there will not be a cash gap. Turning to the bank for a loan, he is insured by borrowed funds.

In the absence of an insured event, the entrepreneur will only need to pay a commission, and if you have to use borrowed money, you will need to return it and pay interest.

Terms of the "Business Guarantee" program:

  • Under this program, for Sberbank tender loans to individual entrepreneurs, terms are given up to 3 years.
  • The minimum amount is 50 thousand rubles.
  • Commission fees for the issuance of funds - from 2.5%.
  • Interest rate - from 11.5.
  • Collateral - a guarantee or property pledge.
  • Insurance is optional.


You already know that Sberbank provides IP loans in cash, but you can also issue a loan for the purchase of means of production, such as vehicles. This program is called Leasing.

Leasing programs:

  • Cars. A loan is issued up to 24 million rubles, a period of 1 year, a contribution of 10%.
  • Commercial and freight transport - from 1 year, up to 24 million rubles, contribution of 15%.
  • Special equipment - from 2 years, up to 24 million rubles, 25% contribution.

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs

Small Business Incentive Program

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs can be issued on the basis of the state program “On stimulating small business,” in conjunction with JSC “SME Corporation”. In this case, the application falls to the corporation, and Sberbank fulfills its will.

Program Terms:

  • Preferential interest rate - 10%.
  • The maximum loan amount is 1 billion rubles.
  • Lending period - up to 3 years.
  • A loan is a guarantee of SME Corporation JSC.
  • Other conditions for each borrower individually.

List of documents

In order for Sberbank employees to begin the application review process, it is required to submit a full package of documents. Only originals should be submitted to the bank branch; photocopies will be made by the staff on site. When applying for a loan from Sberbank to individual entrepreneurs, the following documents will be required:

  • Application form completed in accordance with all rules and regulations of Sberbank.
  • Applicant's passport.
  • A document from the military commissariat confirming that they have no complaints against the borrower (this certificate is necessary in order to exclude any possibility of being called up for military service for the duration of the loan agreement).
  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur and TIN.
  • A photocopy of the license to carry out activities.
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises involved in the business.
  • Tax statement.
  • Financial statements for the last year.
  • Tax reporting confirming the payment of taxes.
  • Guarantor's personal documents (passport, TIN, certificate in the form of 2-NDFL).

In some cases, documents proving the guarantee of franchising may be required.

Sberbank loans to individual entrepreneurs

Consideration of a funding application

A special credit committee has been created in Sberbank, which is engaged in the consideration of loan applications of individual entrepreneurs. In this case, the credit business is formed by the inspector and only after that it is transferred to the committee for analysis.

In order to increase the chances of a positive decision on the issuance of a Sberbank loan to individual entrepreneurs, the conditions must comply with the following conditions:

  • The perfect credit history.
  • Stable financial situation.
  • Permanent and official employment of a guarantor.
  • Availability of own real estate and other property.
  • A reliable guarantor.
  • Competitive business plan.

Possible reasons for failure

Unfortunately, situations when Sberbank decides to refuse lending often happen. There may be several reasons for this:

  • An unconvincing business project.
  • Insufficient liquidity of a functioning business.

It should be borne in mind that the solvency verification of individual entrepreneurs is especially meticulous, since it is quite difficult to assess the transparency of accounting records.

Having studied the bank’s programs, you can understand that there are enough opportunities for business development, you just need to choose the right program and observe all the necessary conditions.


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