Fontainebleau Palace (France). Fontainebleau Palace: history, description

France surprisingly combines seriousness and romance. An avid lover of antiquity, a traveler who appreciates the beauty and grandeur of French architecture, and an ordinary tourist will definitely like it.

The famous palaces of France (Fontainebleau, Louvre, Versailles) conceal a special charm. Tourists ignore many royal residences, focusing only on Paris. Meanwhile, just 60 kilometers from the French capital are the magnificent Fontainebleau Palace and Park.

fontainebleau palace


The famous residence of the French kings is located in the heart of the historical region of le-de-France, in the department of the Seine and Marne, about 60 kilometers from the capital. Nearby is the city of Fontainebleau, owing its appearance to the palace. You can get to the royal residence from Paris by car or by train.

Fontainebleau Palace in France: history, description, attractions

For the first time, the future residence of the French kings in the XII century is mentioned. At that time it was a suburban hunting lodge. The forests of Fontainebleau, rich in game, have for centuries been the hunting grounds of the rulers of the country. Then the house grew to the size of the estate, and soon a small castle was erected in its place.

The construction of the palace in its present form began under Francis I of Valois, who decided to build a suburban residence, intended exclusively for recreation, on the site of the desolate fortress. The king was primarily attracted by the opportunity to hunt in the dense forests of Fontainebleau and its environs.

fontainebleau palace france

The name of Francis I is most closely related to the Renaissance in France. On trips to Italy, he met with the works of Italian masters and was fascinated by them. Being seriously carried away by the Renaissance, he invited many famous artists, architects and scientists to France. Among them was Leonardo da Vinci. Thanks to Francis I, an ordinary hunting lodge turned into a magnificent palace and park ensemble.

The main entrance to the Fontainebleau Palace is made in an unusual shape - a horseshoe. On this extravagant staircase, the royal residence can be easily distinguished from other palaces of the French rulers.

fontainebleau palace and park

The interior of Fontainebleau is striking in magnificence. Luxurious galleries are decorated with frescoes on the walls and paintings by famous artists on the ceilings. The gallery of Diana looks especially fabulous, the ceiling of which is decorated with scenes from mythology dedicated to the goddess of hunting. Now there is a library.

fontainebleau palace in france

Fontainebleau Palace's salons are decorated with wonderful tapestries.

Trinity Chapel is another magnificent building that is part of the royal residence ensemble. Marten Fremine was engaged in the design of the arch. On either side of the altar there are statues of saints - the patrons of the French kings. A chapel was built in the 16th century.

palaces france fontainebleau

Construction history

Fontainebleau Palace (France, le-de-France region) was created under the guidance of skilled Italian architects, among whom was the famous Benvenuto Cellini. It was built in the mannerism style that dominated Italian art at that time. It is characterized by dramatic images, expression and extravagance of decor, bright colors and elongated proportions of figures.

Leaving only one tower from the previous building, the Italian masters erected a magnificent building that became the symbol of the Renaissance in France. It should be noted that the Fontainebleau palace, unlike other halls of European rulers, was deprived of any protective structures. This was partly due to the fact that the French king, being an excellent diplomat, had practically no enemies.

Under Francis, most of the outbuildings, the gates of the palace, a chapel, and a dance hall were built.

After the death of Francis I, the Fontainebleau palace was not abandoned. Its construction was continued under the guidance of the son of the deceased ruler, Henry II. A covered gallery was attached to the palace, the arch of which rests on the pillars that make up the beautiful system of arcade embrasures. Subsequently, changes in the appearance of the palace were made by Henry IV and Louis XIV. During their reign, terraces, pavilions in the park and a new wing of the building were built.

Fontainebleau Palace in le-de-France during the French Revolution

The turmoil that the country experienced during the years of revolution and terror also affected the suburban residence of the French kings in Fontainebleau. Almost the entire situation was taken out, and a military school was located in the residence. In 1803, Fontainebleau first visited Napoleon Bonaparte with an inspection. After that, he decided to make the palace his residence. The invited architects spent almost the entire period of the emperor’s stay in power reconstructing the palace. New stables were built, the gallery of Diana was redone, the work of the fountains was restored, the English park was broken . In the courtyard of the White Horse, the farewell of the great commander with his veteran guards took place after abdication. The last time Napoleon visited the Fontainebleau Palace after escaping from the island of Elba.

fontainebleau palace in ile de france

Now visitors to the palace can see the premises associated with the great ruler of France. These are the imperial bedrooms, the Throne Room, the Small Bedroom (in which Napoleon preferred to spend most of the time) and the salon in which he signed his renunciation of power.


The Fontainebleau Palace in France today is a magnificent architectural monument of past centuries. Anyone can visit it at a convenient time for themselves and admire the luxurious halls, galleries and salons, take a walk in the wonderful park and English garden and see the Karpov pond. Not for nothing translated from the French language the name of the palace sounds like a “wonderful source”.

fontainebleau palace in france history description

In addition to the park and the English garden, visitors to the castle can take a walk through the woods near Fontainebleau. To do this, it is equipped with hiking and cycling paths.


Fontainebleau Palace is a luxurious and comfortable residence of French kings, nestled in shady forests near Paris. The magnificent interior of the palace ensemble, beautiful parks and a wonderful pond make Fontainebleau a pleasant place for a leisurely excursion.


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