Ivan Zenkevich: the path from a blogger to a TV presenter

Ivan Zenkevich - Russian TV presenter, author of the show "Zenkevich Automobile Journal", a popular blogger. In the article we learn how this talented man managed to achieve success. We will get acquainted with the facts of Ivanโ€™s creative career, find out how it began and how his career developed.


Ivan Zenkevich was born on November 19, 1974 in the city of Moscow. The boy grew up in a simple family. He was an active child, from childhood he was fond of technology. He was attracted to everything: from a bicycle to a bulky vehicle. But Ivan was particularly interested in cars.

Professional activity

Ivan grew up, but his interests and hobbies did not change. Children's hobby has become a profession. It surprisingly combines technical abilities and knowledge in this area with artistry and sociability. Thanks to these qualities, Ivan, knowing all the subtleties of technology, skillfully conveys information about cars to any person completely far from these issues. Zenkevich managed to use his abilities in the right direction.

Blogger Ivan Zenkevich

As you know, our century is a century of advanced technologies. Today it is absolutely not necessary to go to auditions, to participate in contests. It is enough to use the Internet to gain popularity with a wide audience of viewers, which Ivan did. He posted his project on the most popular virtual sites.

Further, the man began to actively develop his business. Every day he posted a short video on automotive topics. Viewers appreciated the blogger's accessible writing style. Videos of Ivan Zenkevich about cars have gained immense popularity, their rating has skyrocketed.

Subscribers especially liked the videos on the topic of "test drive." Thanks to these videos, everyone could easily compare different car brands and choose the one they like best.

TV career

The huge public interest in Ivan Zenkevich could not remain without media attention. The rapidly growing popularity of the blogger noticed the leadership of the television channel RTR. In the professional biography of Ivan Zenkevich, changes have occurred. The man received an offer of cooperation. Without thinking twice, of course, he accepted it. In this way, Ivan was able to expand his audience by attracting a conservative part of vehicle lovers.

Today, Ivan Zenkevich works on the RTR-1 channel. He successfully leads the โ€œTest Driveโ€ broadcast section, which is broadcast in the morning hours of television broadcasting. In his program, the presenter works not only with modern cars, but also with rare examples of the military and post-war era that have survived to our days.

Such releases of the program of Ivan Zenkevich give viewers a unique opportunity in a short time, literally in a few minutes, to get acquainted with the history of the creation of these samples, their individual features, and most importantly - to see clearly how this technique works. In addition to acquaintance with cars and motorcycles, the heading of the column offers his viewers to study tanks, guns, armored personnel carriers of the Great Patriotic War.

Test drive tank

In addition, an auto expert periodically travels to cities in the regions to present his next unique model of a vehicle of his own modification.

The enthusiasm of Ivan Zenkevich for retro cars remains relevant for the TV presenter today. He is pleased to be engaged in their reconstruction. The authorโ€™s channel of Ivan Zenkevich is looking for old cars, rare examples of the Soviet auto industry, abandoned cars. Then their review is done, all their features and characteristics are highlighted. As a result of this, viewers get acquainted with the history of the automobile industry of the USSR - part of the general history of a huge country.

At work

Personal life

Ivan Zenkevich is married. A son is brought up in the family who shares his father's hobbies and is also interested in technology.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25360/

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