Samodelkin's lessons: a bracelet from headphones

What master craftsmen do not come up with to create something special, original from all available materials. For example, did you have a bunch of telephone headsets that no longer work? Are they also of different colors? That's great! Do not rush to throw them away! Something with a soldering iron can certainly be repaired. And what to do with the rest - our master class will tell you.

Bracelet "spring"

headphone bracelet
First, we’ll make a bracelet out of headphones in the form of a snake. What you need: a flexible thin wire and one of the wires. Estimate the approximate length of the future little thing. Cut the desired piece of wire. You can leave one of the speakers for decoration. Now gently push the wire into the braid of the former headphone. Try to implant so that it gets between the wires inside - then it will be easier for you to push through, and the braid will not make a hole and will not deteriorate. When everything is ready, wrap the bracelet from the headphones around the wrist in the form of a snake-spiral. Secure the free end to the “button” of the speaker. And flaunt a stylish little thing! Such a product will not look too simple if the braid is not standard black, but golden or silver. Naturally, such a design will turn out to be more interesting. Although the idea in itself to make a bracelet from headphones is already unusual!

Bracelet "pigtail"

how to make a bracelet from headphones
The next example of original jewelry you are invited to perform in the style of braiding. Here you can already fantasize freely. For example, apply not single, but double and even triple weaving. And combine wiring with a multi-colored braid, so that the bracelet from the headphones turns out to be more charged. Take three wires of approximately the same length. Fix their ends with something so that they hang freely along the entire length. At least stick to the edge of the table with tape. Now we explain how to make a bracelet from headphones. First, fold all three braids and make a common knot. And then weave an ordinary “pigtail”, but it’s better not dense, but freer.
do-it-yourself headphone bracelet
Try on your wrist so that then the product is not too wide and does not slide off the brush. Are you done? Make one more, it is possible in the same color scheme or another - to your taste. Tie the knots so that the “pigtails” do not come apart. Finish making a bracelet from headphones with your own hands this way: with a thread or another wiring, connect both “braids” to make the jewelry wider. Fix with clasps-speakers or clothespin-crocodile. It looks interesting, right?

Macrame Bracelet

do-it-yourself headphone bracelet
If you have weaving skills, for example, macrame, then in our business they will also come in handy. Such a wrist bracelet, connected on the basis of flat knots, is already more reminiscent of a factory thing. Especially with little experience and a beautiful, bright braid. Two wires are taken, bent in half, tied on a fixed stick. It turns out 4 "cords": from left to right - 1, 2, 3, 4. Now it takes number 4 and through number 2 and 3 it is put on number 1. In turn, the first wire is placed on the fourth, turning under 2 and 3, in a loop. The resulting knot must be tightened. The next step begins with wire number 1 and the actions are mirrored. We repeat the process to the end - until you get the bracelet of the desired length. Finishing work, fix the free ends (cut off excess). Connect both edges with a clasp - that's all, admire and show off the new thing!


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