Ancient Egyptian symbol of scarab: description, meaning of the mascot

Scarab - a symbol known to all. Especially for those who are interested in ancient Egyptian history. It was in this state that it was born, and they attach great importance to it there today. This article will tell you what the significance of this talisman is, in what matters it can help.

Egyptian traditions

Symbol of Egypt Scarab

Scarab - a symbol that came to us from Egypt. In this country, today it is one of the most revered and important amulets.

It is worth recognizing that Ancient Egypt gave the world many secrets and mysteries, many of which excite the minds of researchers. One of them concerns the meaning of the symbol.

The scarab beetle is a talisman that can be seen in large numbers in Egyptian markets and in souvenir shops. When purchasing such a souvenir, it is important to be sure that it has an exclusively positive value. Especially if you or the person to whom it is intended are superstitious, take amulets and talismans seriously.

Nowadays, a scarab is a symbol that is applied to a variety of objects. It can be figurines, caskets, jewelry. At the same time, it does not matter what amount in this case you have to give to the seller, what material the amulets themselves are made of.

If you plunge into history, then the symbol of scarab can be seen on many objects that were used in ancient Egypt. These are papyri, frescoes, statues. The priests were convinced that the image of the insect not only decorates the house, but also protects from the troubles of all its inhabitants, is able to protect from death and disease, negative energy.

Insect habits

Ancient egyptian symbols

If you carefully observe a living insect, you can understand why the scarab beetle became a symbol of Egypt. Mostly this beetle is engaged in rolling perfectly smooth balls of manure. Then he rolls them to where he needs to. In this behavior of the insect, the Egyptians noticed a similarity with the movement of the Sun. For them, what the scarab does has become a symbol of the birth of this luminary every morning.

That is why in ancient Egypt the scarab beetle was associated with the sun god Ra, who was considered one of the most important in the pantheon. The sun itself occupied an important place in the beliefs of this ancient people. Therefore, amulets with the image of a beetle were valued very highly.

God of the morning dawn

Interestingly, at the same time, the scarab began to symbolize not the god Ra, but the god Khepri, who was considered the patron saint of the morning dawn. For the Egyptians, this is a symbol of a new beginning, rebirth, future bright changes. According to their beliefs, the dawn was a rebirth of everything that repeats every day.

As a result, the Egyptian symbol of scarab amulets began to mean new opportunities. It was believed that he gives strength to a person in difficult times, promotes learning and self-development. In Egyptian mythology, the possibilities of the god Khepri were almost limitless. The priests were sure that it was he who controlled the universe itself and its energy. So great importance was attached to the symbol of scarab.

The Egyptians believed that nothing was impossible for the owner of such an amulet. Like the vast majority of ancient symbols, it also meant life energy and life itself.

Participation in rituals

Scarab beetle

Interestingly, the scarab was used by the Egyptians not only when creating amulets. He was directly involved in the rituals of ancient Egyptian magic. Details of some of them are known today.

For example, if a woman wanted to conceive a child, she should have dissolved in water a powder made from dried scarabs. It was believed that there is a drink this remedy, the symbol of a new life will certainly help get rid of infertility and become pregnant.

From harmful witchcraft, the Egyptians used the remedy on snake oil, oil, as well as the wings and heads of scarabs. It also needed to be consumed inside.

Ancient amulets

Scarab symbol meaning

It is known that tattoos were very popular in Egypt. Particularly common body decoration with drawings was among the nobility. It was believed that in the afterlife these images will become a pass to a better place.

The scarabs inflicted on the body are ancient Egyptian symbols that guaranteed the mercy of the gods, who were responsible just for the life of a person after his death. Ancient people believed that in this way they would make their afterlife more fulfilling. But if you abandon the tattoo, the spirit will not calm down.

The symbol of Ancient Egypt scarab was found on the very first charms, which in this country were made of stones. It could be precious nuggets or marble, granite, limestone, basalt. Often, finished products are covered with green or turquoise glaze. These were the most popular colors in Egypt. Also scarabs were covered with gold and silver. Like many such amulets, special signs and spells were applied to them. The Egyptians believed that they discover the power contained in the subject, repeatedly strengthening it. In some cases, beetles were even portrayed with human features surrounded by gods.

There was also the practice of combining them with other symbols. They must have been similar in meaning. For example, a heart that also meant life.

Funeral scarabs played a special role in Egyptian culture. They were considered faithful helpers of man in the afterlife. Their image was necessarily placed in a burial place; amulets in the form of earthenware ornaments hung on the neck of a dead man.

Luxor Temple

Now that you know what the symbol of scarab means, you can easily figure out why it is depicted in the Karnak Temple in Luxor. This is one of the most famous insect statues, in addition to a very large size. Every year thousands of people come to bow to her. Among them are many Egyptians and tourists who want to touch their ancient culture. It is believed that by touching this statue, you can feel the warmth. And if you stay near it for quite a long time, then a surge of new forces is noted.

The scarab is still a very popular symbol in Egypt. Legends say that if you walk around his statue in Luxor seven times, constantly thinking about your desire, it will certainly come true. At the same time, you can make a wish even the most unrealizable, from the list of your most ambitious and long-term goals. The Egyptians are sure that the sacred beetle will not be exchanged for trifles, so that it needs to be addressed only with really important matters.

Modern interpretation of symbolism

Scarab Symbol Values

Today it is believed that the image of this insect can help not only in the afterlife, but also in earthly life. Such amulets protect against negative energy, evil spirits, from many misfortunes, even from energy vampires. In addition, amulets with a scarab help in business, are able to harmonize the relationship of a couple in love, contribute to the creation of a family and the search for love.

If you bring such a souvenir from Egypt, its holder will always be confident in his own abilities, will be able to correctly use his energy. This symbol is able to bring luck in any business. Promotes a person’s desire to work, to change his life for the better, helps to achieve success and prosperity, destroys laziness.

One only needs to understand that the person himself must make every possible effort to do this. You should not rely only on the action of the amulet, doing nothing yourself. It is important to work a lot, then the scarab will teach wisdom, the ability to make the right decisions, give the ability to visually see what is happening to you in reality.

Women who wear this symbol can rely on beauty and youth, inner charm and magnetism. He gives men constancy and perseverance. At the same time, the influence of the amulet is not dependent on gender, helping both women and men.

It is believed that it is useful to turn to the amulet if you do not have enough luck in search of the ideal partner, good luck in business, motivation to change yourself.

It is noteworthy that the amulet also affects sexual activity. It helps to get rid of infertility and impotence, increases libido.

Amulet as a gift

Symbol of egypt

It is believed that the amulet works best if you did not buy it yourself, but accepted it as a gift from someone. If it is not possible to receive such a gift in the near future, do not despair. The scarab you bought will also work for the good.

If you yourself give the amulet to someone from friends or relatives, be sure to explain its nature, how to handle it. Not a single amulet, much less so powerful, will tolerate a neglect of itself.

Some may tell you creepy legends about scarabs that eat people. Because of this, a negative aspect is added to symbolism. It is not worth believing in this, since such legends have no real basis for themselves. It is important for himself to form an exceptionally positive image of a hardworking beetle that brings exclusively luck.

Mascot shape

It is important that the amulet can be made not only in the form of jewelry. There are combs, caskets, knife handles with the image of this insect. In this case, the action of the amulet will be slightly different.

If you have a decoration with a scarab, then it can be used as a personal talisman. But the bug depicted on the mirror or comb will directly affect mainly your appearance. If the scarab is depicted on your tool, it will ensure success in the work.

This is a very common amulet for a car. It is believed that it protects from troubles on the road, any negative, even from getting stuck in traffic jams. Since in normal life the insect is always in motion, it is believed that such a talisman will bring good luck to travelers and those who constantly travel on business trips.

Students symbol

What does the scarab beetle symbolize

Schoolchildren and students often use scarab. It is important to believe that the amulet can help to gain wisdom and bring good luck. At the same time, you need to carefully manage your free time and knowledge. Then the scarab will react favorably and will certainly help throughout the school year and exams.

Often the image of a beetle is left in the office in order to receive an increase in salary and to move up the career ladder.

Home amulet

Used scarab in our time and as a home mascot. In this case, he will fill the apartment with positive energy, protecting him from negative influences.

Remember that, like any magic item, from time to time it needs to be cleared of negativity. An amulet with a scarab is best left for this in the sun, as it is closely connected with this celestial body.


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