Slave society: main features, characteristics

Is the slave system - is it progress or regression? How has this period in history affected society and its worldview? You can find the answer to all these questions if you analyze the period from the appearance to the end of the slaveholding society.

The development of social inequality among primitive people

Even in ancient times, when humanity was just beginning to gradually establish a way of life, the superiority of certain tribes and individuals began to appear. This was due to the development of labor and tools for him.

Someone managed to make tools better, and this person began to noticeably differ from others. To obtain the desired tool, other primitive people were ready to work for the sake of someone else's interest.

Thus, social inequality gradually developed and castes formed among the population. Then the tribes began to fight with each other. At first the prisoners were killed. But with the development of agriculture, the division of labor into lighter and harder began. People began to realize that hard physical work was less attractive, and she was forced to perform prisoners of war.

Thus, the first mention of forced labor in foreign territories was observed as early as 3 millennium BC.

The heyday of slave society

In small principalities with the active development of agriculture, the rapid spread of attracting slaves to work in the fields began. This approach became economically advantageous and gradually came to fruition.

slave society

Such a system of humiliation of human dignity has existed in many countries for quite a long time. According to historians, the slave system has flourished from the beginning of 3 thousand BC. and ended in the XVIII century BC. e.

Gradually, the slave trade has turned in many countries into a significant way to fill the treasury. For the sake of increasing the number of prisoners, whole military campaigns were organized against other tribes and states.

Where did the slaves come from?

Initially, during a military attack, a new manpower appeared in the owner. Only prisoners became slaves. Then this amount was not enough and new ways of capturing people appeared:

  • pirate attacks on ships;
  • shipwreck victims;
  • money debtors;
  • criminals;
  • refugees from devastated lands;
  • girls and children stolen by force.

Also, children who were born from concubines and slaves automatically fell into this category of the population. Over time, entire expeditions to Africa were organized, from which hundreds and thousands of black prisoners were brought from there as a result of military raids.

slave system

Therefore, for many people, slavery is associated with blacks. But it is not so. Black people only initially expanded the ranks of slaves more, then other races were actively forced to work.

Characteristic slave society

In this era, there were two classes: slaves and their owners. The new society coexisted for some time with other species, but gradually replaced them. A striking representative of such a system is Ancient Rome. Here, slavery had its most cruel manifestations and lasted the longest.

slave society characteristic

The hosts were not homogeneous. They had different land areas and the amount of real estate as well. The quantity of necessary slaves depended on these indicators. The more land there was, the stronger the need for labor. Also, the number of slaves indicated the welfare of the owner.

With the development of such a system, the formation of the state took place as an apparatus of coercion and the drafting of humiliating laws. According to their standards, slave owners had the right to sell, punish and even kill their subordinates.

The main features of such a society

At different times, there were differences in the foundations of the slave system. There were also different types of slavery. The first is patriarchal, it was based on subsistence farming, slaves were brought in only to perform work on plantations and in everyday life.

The second type is antique; it arose with the development of commodity-market relations. In this period, human trafficking appeared at the legislative level. Also, permission was officially registered for the full possession of slaves and the ability to perform any actions with them.

The main features of a slaveholding society are highlighted:

  • the slave is considered the full property of the owner and his labor results as well;
  • a slave cannot personally own a tool of production;
  • the slave forcibly works for the master;
  • he has no legal and legal voice in society and is not protected by law;
  • only the landlord gives permission for marriage or marriage;
  • the scope of activity is chosen only by the owner of the slaves.

From the above points it is clear that the life of this segment of the population in no sphere belonged to them. Slaves were powerless people and did not even have freedom of movement.

The advantages of this type of system for the state and society

Despite the cruelty and powerlessness in relation to slaves, this system led to the development of some areas in the states. Firstly, the population, which was freed from physical labor, could engage in science and creativity.

Thanks to this, many discoveries were made and amazing artistic works were created. Also, due to the lack of interest of slaves in obtaining a good result of labor, new technical devices and machines for production were created.

culture of slave society

In addition, thanks to this lifestyle, people have learned to assert their rights and value freedom. They realized that the law should protect all segments of the population and no one has the right to encroach on human life.

It was through the labor of slaves that almost all the great architectural and historical ancient sights were built: pyramids, castles, temples. Thus, for many centuries a culture of slave society was formed. Therefore, the history of the memory of their hard life and work.

Special class

Depending on their skills and education, in a slave-owning society they began to sort disenfranchised people to perform work in a certain sphere of life. Strong physically and hardy slaves were put to hard work, and those who could read, write and more or less educated were taken to their homes as servants.

features of a slave society

Such slaves were treated quite loyally and often considered them members of the family. As a result, they were allowed to start families, bear children and subsequently signed free. This means that a person could live his own life and build his own life, but he did not increase legal rights from this.

The emergence of feudal society and its differences from slaveholding

Over time, productivity and yield ceased to bring visible profits, so the owner began to think about what to change in their lifestyle. First of all, they realized that it was necessary to interest slaves in obtaining a good result of labor.

To do this, they were given some freedom and allowed to settle with families on separate plots of land and take care of them on their own. Owner owed half or 75% of all grown and manufactured in production. Thus, serfs were interested in getting a good harvest.

main differences between slaveholding and feudal societies

Such a system has become the main difference between slaveholding and feudal society. Some countries crossed the period of slavery and immediately came to serfdom. Others, such as the Roman Empire, for a very long time resisted such changes and maximally prolonged the slave system.

With the advent of feudalism, trade and market relations began to actively develop. After all, serfs could independently realize their part of the harvest.


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