By train to the Crimea. Trains from Ukraine to Crimea. Saint Petersburg - Crimea: train

After the peninsula became part of the Russian Federation, the question of how to get to the Crimea by train became more relevant than ever. In this article, you will learn about the fastest and safest ways to travel to a sunny seaside resort.

What documents are needed for a trip to the Crimea

After the referendum, which took place on the territory of the peninsula on March 18, 2014, the order of crossing the border has changed a bit. Now, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a passport to enter the territory of the Republic of Crimea. It is enough to present an internal identity document when buying a train ticket. At the same time, you do not need to register with the migration register and fit into the framework of 90 days of stay on the territory of the peninsula.

However, innovations from Ukraine, which came into force in February 2015, have complicated the situation for Russians. Now, in order for a citizen of the Russian Federation to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border, a passport is required. While Ukrainian citizens are allowed to enter the territory of Russia with an internal passport. This situation has created many misunderstandings and a huge flow of refugees in the Crimea.

by train to crimea

Train tickets, the price of which is still very affordable, can be purchased at any box office at the railway station or via the Internet.

Trains from Ukraine to Crimea

Despite the political situation in the country, you can get to the Crimea by train via Ukraine. Railroad tracks lead to the peninsula through the cities of Kherson and Dzhankoy.

But you will have to be patient at the points of customs control and registration with migration registration. According to user reviews, train stops at the border can take up to 6 hours.

However, before buying a ticket you need to check with the dispatcher the available train routes. Since the authorities of Ukraine periodically cancel certain railway directions to the Crimea. The last time the train was canceled was December 26, 2014 and led to the fact that many people could not get home at the right time.

crimea train tickets Price

Trains from Russia to Crimea

Citizens of Russia have only one way to get to Crimea without crossing Ukraine. To do this, you need to buy a train ticket to Krasnodar. A route with such a message is available both for Muscovites and residents of other cities of Russia.

In Krasnodar, there is the port "Caucasus", which provides a ferry to the city of Kerch in the Crimea. Then you can use two ways:

  1. Continue on the train to your destination. In this case, the train ticket must be bought in advance, combining the time spent on the ferry with the departure of the train.
  2. Transfer by bus or minibus to the desired city or settlement. This method is considered by many tourists to be the easiest and fastest, since in Crimea travel by buses is very developed, which can deliver to any corner of the sunny resort. Moreover, the ticket price does not exceed 300 rubles in all directions.

However, for residents of cities remote from the peninsula, traveling by train to the Crimea will cost much more than, for example, Russians from the Krasnodar Territory. This is primarily due to distance. For example, a route connecting St. Petersburg-Crimea, the train which takes about two days, not including the ferry, will cost 4 thousand rubles.

trains from Ukraine to Crimea

Port "Kavkaz" and ferry crossing

The starting point to the Crimea from Russia begins from the port "Caucasus", which is located in Krasnodar. The Kerch ferry crosses several dozen flights daily, transporting hundreds of people, cars and various cargo. The cost of an adult ferry ticket is 165 rubles, and a child ticket is 81 rubles.

A large influx of tourists to the Crimea caused a congestion in the port, in which people have to wait for days for their ferry. However, the authorities promise to build a bridge by 2018, which will connect the city of Kerch with the port of Kavkaz, which will allow arranging transport services and simplifying the transportation of people and cargo.

how to get to Crimea by train

Single ticket for Crimea

At the moment, the so-called single ticket to the Crimea is being developed, which will include a train-ferry-train or train-ferry-bus route. In Crimea, for example, such a ticket can be purchased with a Simferopol-Kerch-Krasnodar-Anapa message, which will already include a ferry service. This will allow tourists to significantly save on travel and attract new guests to the peninsula.

The average cost of such a ticket from Krasnodar to the final stop will be about 1000-1500 rubles, depending on the remoteness of the city from the crossing. If you purchase three tickets separately, the final amount will exceed 2 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need to adjust the arrival time so that there are no overlays with transport. A single transport ticket will solve all these problems and will make travel by train to Crimea as comfortable as possible.

Is it possible to get to the Crimea by car

train ferry bus to crimea

Many tourists prefer to travel by personal vehicle. Russians can afford to go to Crimea by car, but for this they will have to use the services of a ferry.

Transportation of a passenger car up to 4.2 meters in length will cost an average of 1200 rubles. Oversized transport is transported according to tariffs, but does not exceed 2500 rubles.

To get by train to Crimea or on your own by car is a purely individual matter. The main thing is to think over and plan your route in advance so that different surprises do not meet you along the way.

How to travel inside the Crimea

From the city of Kerch, where the ferry arrives, you can reach any corner of the Crimea via the highway connecting such large cities as Simferopol, Yalta and Sevastopol. To move around the peninsula, the driver can use a map or GPS-navigator.

As a rule, most tourists prefer to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, which includes such resort cities as Alupka, Gurzuf, Sudak and many others. However, you can relax well in western Yevpatoria or central Bakhchisarai.

Crimea is famous for its mountains, which attract lovers of active and extreme recreation. Every year, tourists from all over the world flock here in the hope of conquering the majestic and picturesque peninsula.

You can move between cities by buses, taxi cabs and electric trains. Any type of transport in a matter of hours will take you from one corner of the Crimea to another. Fans of elite relaxation can afford to rent a personal yacht or boat, which will be able to supervise between Sevastopol and Yalta, avoiding the bustling cities and bustle.

What is the best time to visit Crimea

Traditionally, the tourist season in Crimea opens in early May. It was at this time that there was a sharp jump in housing prices and other necessary amenities. The peak is in June-July. The tourist season ends in early October and with it a lull occurs on the peninsula for several months.

St. Petersburg crimea train

However, climatic conditions in Crimea allow you to visit it year-round. In addition to the sea, the peninsula is famous for its stunning nature, mountains, cave cities and valleys. A visit during an unpopular period for tourists will save on accommodation and visit historical sites without noisy excursions. The main thing is to pre-book accommodation and take care of entertainment for the entire period of rest.


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