One of the most pressing questions of fans of Hatice Sultan is the cause of death, a biography

The data of the article “Khatija Sultan: Cause of Death, Biography” will differ significantly from the data reproduced in the series “The Magnificent Century,” which broke all records of popularity. The inconsistency of the series with historical facts led to numerous protests by residents of Turkey. The series is made according to all the laws of the genre and is good because it aroused interest in this country and its history.

Each character of the film arouses lively interest, especially the immediate relatives of Suleiman the Magnificent.

The Way of Hatice Sultan

Hatice Sultan cause of death biography
The cause of death, the biography of this woman became very burning topics. Unfortunately, the historical data on this woman are not numerous and are very different. Even the marriage of Hatice and Ibrahim is disputed by historians, although according to many indications the wedding was walked 15 days.

It is known for certain that Hatice was the younger sister of Suleiman I, who, in addition to her, had 3 more sisters and 3 brothers. All three brothers died during the smallpox pandemic that swept Turkey in the 20s of the 16th century, claiming half the country's population.

Hatice was born in Manisa, the capital of the province of the same name in 1496. Father - Sultan Selim I (1465 - 1520). Mother - Aisha Hafsa Sultan (1479 - 1534), the first woman to receive the title of Valide Sultan, one of the most revered in Turkey. Historians argue about the royal origin of her blood. However, at the time of Hatice's birth, her mother had already given birth to an heir and was in a special privileged position, which automatically extended to her daughter. The girl grew up like a princess of blood. There is evidence that Hatice was beautiful, gentle and well educated. And despite this, the first time she got married quite late, at 23. Her first husband was an elderly Iskander Pasha. The marriage was concluded, of course, not out of love. After the imminent death of her husband from consumption, Hatice in 1518 returned to her mother.

hatice sultan biography cause of death
Despite the fact that the time in which she lived was called the "Magnificent Age", in essence it was very cruel. As a given, the assassination of relatives who could claim the right to the throne was taken. According to some reports, Suleiman was involved in the killing of 40 relatives, which did not prevent him from being known as the “kindest and wisest” for centuries. Perhaps the killings were justified by maintaining the integrity of the state.

And is it really incomprehensible to the anxiety of numerous fans of the serial Hatice who want to find out about the real facts of her life contained in articles on the topic “Hatice Sultan: the cause of death, biography”.

Indeed, it is difficult to assume that she died a non-violent death after the execution of Ibrahim Pasha.

Great love story

Khatizhde lived for 6 years under her native shelter, during which she could observe the rapid growth of the career of the Great Vizier Ibrahim, who was unusually talented in many ways. She fell in love with him and in 1524 married this extraordinary man, despite the protest of her mother.

hatice sultan cause of death
Having been happily married for 12 years, Hatice gave birth to Ibrahim three children, the first of whom, the boy Mehmed, died soon after birth. After a while, twins were born, according to some reports they were two girls, according to others - a boy and a girl.

Due to the remoteness of times and due to the fact that in the Sultanate, as in other monarchical countries, there were court secrets, we can reliably know only the date of death, but not its cause. Therefore, it is rather difficult to specifically and fully answer the frequently asked question about Khatija Sultan (cause of death, biography).

It’s much easier to talk about Ibrahim Pasha, who rose to the rank of inconceivable ranks. He was given the nickname "pet", "European" and even "magnificent", characterizing his beauty, education, talents and Suleiman's attitude towards him. But all this did not help him avoid the brutal murder in 1536. There are still traces of his bloody hands on the walls of Topkana Palace. He was buried as a man of the lowest class: on the side of the road, without a gravestone, confiscated all his property.

Who, after watching the series with his murder, can suggest that in the article “Khatija Sultan: Biography” the cause of death will not be interpreted as violent? But there is no conclusive, and indeed no information whatsoever that this sister of Suleiman was killed.

Many then and now do not like Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and will readily believe in another fact proving her bloodthirstiness. In our time, the accusation of the beloved wife of the Sultan of killing her beloved sister of the Sultan is called "black PR".

In those days, the female age was very short, at 50 she was considered an old woman. Few women, especially those of royal blood, lived to the age of 42, the age of Hatice Sultan, whose cause of death was the cruel execution of her beloved husband. She survived him for two years and died in 1538.


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