Bellingshausen Station: Description and Location

The Russian Bellingshausen station is one of the most famous outposts located on the Arctic continent. In fact, this is not Antarctica. After all, the base is located not on the mainland itself. Despite the harsh climate, tourists come here to appreciate the beauty of the amazing continent.

bellingshausen station

Where is the base located

Bellingshausen Station is located on an island called King George. This is part of the South Shetland Islands archipelago. It is worth noting that the base is located near the ice cap of the Earth. This is what many travel agencies are rushing to take advantage of, as well as ideological travelers. More than one cruise ship leaves to the shores of the island every year. Bellingshausen station, along with the Chilean Frey base, are happy to welcome tourists.

You can visit an amazing place during the warm season, which lasts from the beginning of November to the end of March. Of course, the climate here is not quite resort. The air temperature in this period is at least 6 ยฐ C below zero. The main attraction of the station is the only Orthodox Russian church in the entire cold continent.

Antarctic Bellingshausen Station

Step into the story

The Bellingshausen Polar Station was built in 1968. It was founded by members of one Soviet Arctic expedition. Moreover, its location was not chosen by chance. King George Island has a mild climate. In addition, there is a fairly rich flora and fauna that is interesting not only to scientists, but also to tourists. In addition, visitors to the island can easily reach the mainland. The closest is Argentina. This makes it easy and without any problems to equip the life of tourists and expedition participants throughout the year.

It is worth noting that the Bellingshausen station was built in just a month. From February 1968 to the present, people are constantly present at the base. She was never empty.

The first and only Orthodox church was built in 2004. Bellingshausen Station is 15 kilometers away. The structure was made of Siberian cedar. The architecture follows the pattern of ancient Russian temples. There is always a priest at the church who regularly holds services.

Russian bellingshausen station

Island climate

Bellingshausen Station is located on an island where the climate can hardly be called arctic. Many polar explorers call this base a "resort." And this can be explained by the fact that here the temperature never drops below -7 ยฐ C. On the continent, this indicator is much lower and amounts to -20 ยฐ . Antarctic Bellingshausen station is a kind of oasis among the icy desert. Summer here is not the same as on the continent. At this time of the year, the land is completely freed from the snow cap and various lichens and mosses grow.

It is worth noting that the few representatives of the plant world on the island have a peculiar dark color. This is due to the meager amount of sunlight.

Flora and fauna of the island

Bellingshausen Antarctic Station annually offers a warm welcome to many tourists. The main subject on the island, which may interest tourists, is the extraordinary and at the same time harsh nature. All kinds of mosses and lichens grow here. And along the banks of ponds you can see many varieties of algae.

The animal world of the station is also poor, but interesting in its own way. Cormorants, skuas, terns, petrels, gulls and albatrosses live in this area. Often there are colonies of pinnipeds. Particular attention of tourists is attracted by fur seals and lions, as well as several varieties of seals.

It is worth considering that the station is also home to the favorites of polar explorers - emperor, donkey, Antarctic penguins and Adelie penguins.

bellingshausen polar station

In conclusion

Almost anyone can see the beauty of the island and visit the Bellingshausen station. It provides a cultural program for travelers. Along the coast of the South Shetland archipelago and King George Island, numerous excursions on boats "Zodiac". In some cases, landings are provided, as well as overnight stays in tents. Everyone can explore the underwater world, scuba diving, or go to the very heart of Antarctica.


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