The capital of the Vatican is an interesting place in the heart of Rome

In the central part of Rome, on the beautiful right bank of the Tiber, one of the longest rivers in Italy, the smallest state in the world with the famous name Vatican is spread. It arose after the Lateran agreements between the Italian state and the Roman Catholic Church. This happened in 1929.

capital of the vatican
Now this small state is proudly located on the hill of Monte Vaticano. It has a very small area - only 0.44 square meters. km But, nevertheless, its popularity is no less than that of a large state. The capital of the Vatican has the same name. Currently, it is the residence of the Pope, who is the head of the Catholic Church.
Vatican capital

The Vatican is independent of Italy, has full power and sovereignty on its territory. The capital of the Vatican is not crowded. Its population is only about a thousand people. Less than half of them have the citizenship of this country. These are clerics, gendarmes, Swiss guardsmen and some ordinary citizens. All serve local institutions. Italian and Latin are official in this state.

capital of the vatican

The capital of the Vatican has its own history, whose roots go back to ancient times. Its name, like the name of the country itself, came from a hill towering on the coast of the Tiber. On this hill in the era of antiquity the priests of the Roman Empire predicted the future. Here the Roman emperor Caligula built an amphitheater, in which the most interesting fights of gladiators were played. And during the reign of Nero, cruel executions of people who supported the Christian faith were carried out here. It was here, in the very center of the Roman Empire, that the first six popes died with a painful death, among whom was the apostle Peter - the first Roman bishop.

Vatican capital, amphitheater

The capital of the Vatican has many interesting places. It is recommended to visit numerous museums. Nevertheless, it is advisable to start the tour with a tour of St. Peter's Square. In its very center is an obelisk, which was brought by Caligula from Heliopolis. The area in front of the cathedral is surrounded by the Bernini colonnade. On Sundays and religious holidays, it is filled with believers who come here for the blessing of the Pope.

But this is far from the whole Vatican. The capital has another main attraction - St. Peter's Basilica. It was erected on the spot where the tomb of the Holy Apostle was previously. The first church was built in 349 by Emperor Constantine. By the 15th century, it collapsed. It was decided to build a second church on this site. The first stone was laid by Pope Julius II. The construction itself lasted more than a century. Now the basilica is filled with the artworks of the best masters, striking in its beauty.

capital of the Vatican, area

But the sights with which the capital of the Vatican is filled with do not end there. Behind the cathedral is a magnificent palace ensemble, whose buildings were erected in the 15-16 centuries. It includes the chapel of Nicholas II, the Sistine Chapel, Borgia apartments. This also includes the Stanzas and Loggias, painted by the great Raphael and his students, the courtyards of San Damazzo and the Belvedere. In the palaces are the most famous museums in the world dedicated to ancient culture. It is recommended to visit the Vatican Gardens, where the best works of Italian painting are collected.


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