Principles of training: features and specifics

Definition of the term “principles of learning”

The learning process is a complex organized system that consists of the learning activities of both the teacher and the student. But in order for education to be organized, it is necessary that it be based on patterns that exist objectively or are supposed to exist. These patterns, formulated in the form of regulations that should be followed, are the principles of learning.

Modern didactic principles determine the requirements for all components of the educational process: the logic, goals and objectives of training, the formation of its content, the selection of forms and methods, the analysis of results and the motivation to achieve them. Thus, the fundamental provisions that determine the system of requirements for the methodology, organization and content of training are the principles of training. These are ideas, regulatory requirements that need to be guided during the organization and conduct of the training and education process.

It should be noted that the principles of training are in the nature of general guidelines, norms and rules designed to regulate the educational process. They arise on the basis of a deep analysis of learning, based on the patterns of learning that are established by didactics.

Basic principles of teaching in a modern school

In a modern comprehensive school, you can determine the following basic principles of training:

- The principle of developmental education, which at the same time is educational. It provides for the comprehensive development of the student, his individual inclinations;

- The principle of science, which is in close interconnection with modern scientific knowledge;

- the principle by which systematicity and consistency in mastering theoretical knowledge is maintained with their subsequent application in practice;

- The principle of informed knowledge, independence and creative activity of students under the guidance of a teacher;

- The principle of an integrated approach to the educational process and the development of children, which provides for the unity of the productive and reproductive, emotional and rational, abstract and concrete, the use of visibility;

- The principle that education is accessible;

- The principle of providing solid knowledge and developing student cognition;

- The principle of the close connection of learning with real life;

- The principle of an effective combination of different methods and forms of training.

The same provisions fully act as principles of teaching the Russian language.

Specific principles of teaching the Russian language

In addition to generally recognized principles, when studying the Russian language, you can use such as:

- cognitive, involving the analysis, synthesis and generalization of the studied material;

- creative, implying a creative approach to solving educational problems, willingness to accept new ideas;

- reflective, allowing the student, after analyzing the work done, to understand what he was able to learn and what else he should work on to achieve the result.

You can also use the following principles of training design:

- Ascent from general to particular: first, an idea of ​​the linguistic basis of the material being studied is formed, and then a transition to a specific topic occurs;

- The principle of distinguishing linguistic meanings - parts of speech, parts of a word, grammatical categories;

- The principle of careful attention to various signs of the language - letters, sounds, morphemes, spelling and, of course, words;

- The principle that provides for a gradual increase in the pace of learning the Russian language.

At the present stage, the school programmed, explanatory, illustrative, problematic principles of teaching the Russian language are almost never found in their pure form. They closely interact with each other.

The principles of training listed above are not equivalent. All of them are subject to the main principle, which provides for the development and upbringing of the personality, which occur simultaneously. Its main goal is education, instilling in students universal values.

Thus, the basic principles of training are a kind of system, a holistic unity. The process of realizing one is in close connection with the others. For example, accessibility - scientific, activity - systematicity - strength. Together, they are a reflection of the main features of training.


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