What are the main ideas of Martin Luther and what is his role in the Reformation process?

What are the main ideas of Martin Luther and what is his role in the Reformation process? What did he speak out against and what consequences did his actions have?

ideas of martin luther

What was Luther's attitude to the state as a whole and to the church? We will try to answer these and other questions below.

The beginning of the Reformation and its goals

In the 16th century, Western and Central Europe was swept by a movement that, in its socio-economic nature, was anti-feudal and, in its ideological form, anti-religious.

what are the main ideas of martin luther

The activists of this movement, called the Reformation, pursued the following goals: changing the relationship between the church and the state, restructuring the official church doctrine, and completely transforming the organization of the Catholic Church. The main center of the reformation in Europe was Germany. What are the main ideas of Martin Luther on this subject and how is it related to the Reformation movement? We will answer this question below.

95 theses of Luther as an impetus to the Reformation

In fact, the beginning of the reformation was the famous 95 theses of the professor of the University of Wittenber, the doctor of theology Martin Luther, who he nailed to the door of the church. This was a form of protest against the sale of indulgences - absolution. The churchmen claimed that the saints performed so many deeds and deeds that they can be sold to people as absolution. For these 95 theses, Luther was excommunicated and betrayed by disgrace. If not for the German princes, Luther would be put to death. However, the teachings of Martin Luther gained more and more followers.

Ideas of Martin Luther

Luther argued, based on the Holy Scriptures, that church hierarchy, monasticism in all its manifestations, and the vast majority of rituals were not really based on the "true word of God."

doctrine of martin luther

Referring to the apostle Paul, Luther said that in order to get into the kingdom of heaven, faith alone is enough for a person. The Catholic Church, in turn, prescribed for the salvation of the soul making contributions and performing numerous ceremonies. This is one of the answers to the question of what are the main ideas of Martin Luther. It is not surprising that the church persecuted him, because according to the teachings of Luther, a believer should be justified only before God and is himself a priest. Thus, a person ceases to need the mediation of priests and is obliged to slavishly submit only to God, and not to the church. The doctrine of Martin Luther says that all classes are the same and the priest is no different from the layman. According to Luther, only that which is found in the Bible is sacred. Everything else is the work of human hands, which means it is not the truth and should be subjected to the strictest criticism.

Luther and the State

What are the main ideas of Martin Luther regarding the state? One of the key provisions of the doctrine is the distinction between secular and religious power. At the same time, Luther in his teaching speaks of submission to the monarchs, of humility and patience. He also calls not to revolt against the authorities. Such an approach becomes understandable if we take into account the fact that a good ruler was considered one for whom power is a burden, not a privilege. According to Luther, the ruler is a servant, not the lord of his people.

Secular power is designed to regulate the relations of people. The clergy also belong to a simple people who submit to secular authority.

Natural and Divine Law

What are the main ideas of Martin Luther on the relationship between spiritual and secular power? If you put them in a nutshell - Luther believed that order should be achieved as a result of the support of secular power not on divine right, but on natural, despite the fact that it is a derivative of God's will. According to Luther, such concepts as free will, the human soul and his inner world cannot be subordinated to the jurisdiction of the state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25432/

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