Radar detector Sho-me STR 530: reviews, specifications

The popularity of radar detectors is increasing year by year. Even disciplined drivers say that without them anywhere when traveling long distances. Indeed, it is possible to observe the high-speed mode all the way, and in a short section, when trying to overtake a slowly traveling wagon, fall under the influence of the radar. That is why the radar detector is one of the most popular holiday gifts for men.

radar detector sho me str 530 reviews

When choosing the right device, buyers try to choose the best option from the price-quality ratio. That is why many choose the Sho-me STR 530 radar detector. The Sho-mi company has been promoting the product for the second decade in the Russian and neighboring countries markets . Moreover, its products have been repeatedly recognized as the best in their segment.


This is a compact lightweight radar detector in a silver or black rectangular plastic case. The thickness of the device is 33 mm, its width is 71 mm, and its length is 112 mm. Such a model will not take up much space on the front panel and will not interfere with the driver's view. The weight of the device is only 128 grams. K and X are the most common ranges in Russia where the Sho-me STR 530 radar detector operates. Reviews indicate that it also catches a signal in the ultra-short ranges Ultra X, Ultra K, detects laser signals and detects the operation of the Strelka stationary complex in advance .

Device features

  1. Recognizes Instant-On short-range radars.
  2. Modern design made of high quality materials.
  3. Consumes a minimum of electricity.
  4. There is an adjustment of the sensitivity level.
  5. Warns of low battery.
  6. Bright display with mode indicators.
  7. Intelligent algorithm of protection against false positives.


Sho-me STR 530 is not a cheap radar detector. Prices for it in mid-2015 ranged from 3.5-4.5 thousand rubles.

radar detector prices

At the same time, it cannot be called too expensive, since it is affordable for most middle-class buyers. Of course, there are devices with similar functions and costs less than the Sho-me STR 530. The price of such radar detectors is usually reduced due to quality deterioration: they often “hang”, give false signals or skip the work of some radars. Those who find the cost of the device too high should not forget that fines for speeding start from 500 rubles and end with five thousand. Thus, a radar detector, the prices of which range from 3-4 thousand, can pay off in one trip. At the same time, you can use it for more than one year.


Two Velcro clips are included for attaching to the front panel, a bracket with suction cups, with which the device can be hung from the windshield, a power cord, the Sho-me STR 530 radar detector itself, instructions.


First of all, motorists are interested in how the Sho-me STR 530 radar detector shows itself in practice.

sho me str 530 instruction

Reviews about this model are the most favorable, most owners agree that in many ways it surpasses some detectors of a higher price category. The viewing angle of this device is 360 degrees, which means that it picks up radars located not only along the path of the car, but also behind it. Consequently, the driver will be protected from video recording devices aimed at the "back" of the vehicle and designed to register the rear license plates of violators. The owners note that the device notifies about the presence of such installations for 100-200 meters. This distance is enough to slow down and not run into a fine.

However, some drivers criticize the Sho-me STR 530 radar detector. The feedback from these owners indicates that this model often generates a false positive signal within the city, reacting to literally everything, despite the presence of protection against false positives. The radar beeps when the car passes by the doors of supermarkets, gas stations, responds to the security of supermarkets and houses. However, almost all such devices have the same problem.

radar sho me str 530

On the track, the Sho-me STR 530 radar detector shows itself in a completely different way. Reviews indicate that it warns about the presence of speed-fixing devices for the traffic police for 500-800 meters. What is important, unlike many models, determines the Strelka complex with great accuracy.


At the end of the radar detector there is a display with a series of characters that help you navigate in the captured signals and the operating modes of the device.

  1. The P / L indicator, highlighted in yellow, indicates that the radar detector is on. A flashing symbol means that it has picked up a laser signal.
  2. The X / Ku indicator, highlighted in red, means that the device is operating nearby in the X / Ku bands.
  3. Icon St lights up green - the device has caught the operation of the Strelka complex
  4. The K indicator lights up yellow - there is a device nearby operating in the K range.
  5. The letters Ka glow in red - the radar detector has caught a device operating in the Ka range.
  6. The “battery” icon is lit in red - the battery is low.
  7. The C1 icon is lit in red - City 1 is on.
  8. The C2 icon is yellow - City 2 is on.
    sho me str 530 arrow

The modes "City 1" and "City 2" are intended for use in megacities, in which there is a large number of third-party signals on the same ranges.

In these modes, the sensitivity of the device decreases, the reception of the radar signal is limited, without affecting the detection of lasers and stationary cameras. “City 1” and “City 2” differ in sensitivity. When the instrument is turned on, the default mode is “Route”, while the detector recognizes the operation of radars in the ranges X, K, Ku. Reception of signals in the Ka range is connected separately. The “Track” is intended for driving on motorways and expressways where the probability of detection of false signals by the Sho-me STR 530 anti-radar is minimized. “Arrow” is also included in the list of detected signals in this mode.

The sequence of turning on / off the device, changing modes can be found in the instructions. This document describes how you can adjust the sensitivity of the device, change the sound intensity of the Sho-me STR 530. The manual also gives recommendations for troubleshooting and installing the device.

Road testing

The Sho-me STR 530 anti-radar has been repeatedly tested by both ordinary car enthusiasts and experienced experts. Most of the inspections took place in Moscow and in the Moscow region, but in other regions he passed inspections.

sho me str 530 test

As a result, it was discovered that he reacted to Strelka radars 20 meters before the post. To the most common in Russia radars of the K signal within the region - for 400-500 meters. Before the Moscow Ring Road, he began to notify about traffic police posts for 200 meters, but on the Kiev highway, Strelka did not react at all to the stationary complexes. According to the research results, from 80 to 100% of the detected speed clamps the Sho-me STR 530 recognizes the device. The test also showed that the accuracy of the recognized signals largely depends on the location of the radar detector. When placed on the windshield, the efficiency of the device is maximum. When attaching to the front panel, there may be problems with signal detection due to the tilt angle of the radar detector or the movement of the wipers. Also, during the test, the drivers noted that the Sho-me STR 530 gives a false positive result when the column moves


To improve signal quality, the antenna of the device should be directed towards the road. The radar detector should not interfere with the driver's view. Sensors and antenna must not be obstructed by metal parts (such as racks) and wipers.

You can install the device in 2 ways: using suction cups on the windshield or using Velcro on the instrument panel.

First way:

  1. Insert the suction cups into the bracket.
  2. Bend it at the right angle.
  3. Attach suction cups to the glass.
  4. Insert the power cord into the device.
  5. Connect the device to the bracket.
  6. Insert the power cord into the cigarette lighter socket and turn on the radar detector.

The second way:

  1. Choose a suitable place on the dashboard and clean it of dust and dirt.
  2. Remove the protective film from one of the Velcro and stick it on the selected area.
  3. Remove the film from another Velcro and attach it to the device, bypassing the serial number of the device.
  4. Connect them together, insert the power cord and launch the radar detector.

Additional functions

Unlike the previous model, "Sho-mi 520", this radar detector is equipped with a low-charge warning function. What is it for? As you know, not only radar detectors work from the cigarette lighter, but also recorders, heated seats and other devices. Therefore, due to the employment of the nest and in the absence of a tee,

sho me str 530 reviews
there is a need for autonomous operation of this device. A sudden shutdown of the device at a high camera density can result in a fine. Therefore, it is so important to be aware of low charge in advance. When the battery voltage drops, the battery icon lights up on the display and a triple beep sounds, which will be repeated every 5 minutes.


When the radar detector does not turn on, it is worth spinning the wheel to turn on the device, check the correct connection of the wire. If these measures do not help, check the cigarette lighter fuse and replace it if necessary. There are also possible causes of malfunctions: there are problems with the wiring of the car itself, garbage has accumulated in the cigarette lighter socket (in this case, just wipe it and clean the cord).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25439/

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