Where is the grave of Griboedov?

Alexander Griboedov is a Russian playwright, poet and diplomat. He died tragically in Persia in 1829. How did the last days of his life go? What caused the death of the writer? Finally, where is the grave of Griboedov?

Griboedov’s grave

life and creation

Griboedov was the son of a retired major. The biography of the famous Russian playwright still holds many mysteries and secrets. Even the exact date of the birth of the Russian classic is unknown.

Strangely enough, Griboedov’s father was a man of little education. The future writer was brought up by her mother, a well-known pianist and noble lady. Thanks to this woman, Alexander received a good home education.

He already knew foreign languages ​​at the age of six. In his youth, he not only spoke English, French, German and Italian fluently, but also read the works of ancient Greek authors. After the end of the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboedov entered the diplomatic service, which he successfully combined with literary work.

Choosing a military career was a rather strange decision for a brilliantly educated young man. After 1812, Griboedov’s life changed a lot. However, he failed to take part in hostilities.

In 1817, Griboedov joined the College of Foreign Affairs. At the same time he was fond of theater and literature, which brought him closer to many famous people at that time. It was then that Griboedov met with Pushkin. He entered the Masonic service, communicated with Chaadaev, Pestel, Benckendorff. True, this period of the writer's life was somewhat overshadowed by gossip and intrigue of secular society. In addition, his financial situation was shaken .

Griboedov’s grave in Tbilisi


In 1817, an event occurred, thanks to which it is now known where Griboedov’s grave is located. It was a duel between the writer-diplomat and cornet Yakubovich. Griboedov, as you know, survived, but was injured, which left a mark on his arm. This scar helped in 1829 to identify the body of a Russian diplomat. By the way, the duel took place in the very city where Griboedov’s grave is located.


In 1818, Griboedov was sent to Persia. He went to the duty station in August. On the way to Tehran, he made stops in Moscow, Novgorod, Tula, Voronezh. All this time he kept travel notes. Alexander Griboedov spent only five years in Tehran. In 1823 he returned to his homeland, where he completed "Woe from Wit." Soon after, he left for the Caucasus, where he intensively studied Arabic, Georgian, Turkish and Persian.

Griboedov lived for some time in the Crimea. There he visited the estate of his longtime friend Zavadsky, traveled extensively in the mountains, and again kept detailed travel notes. On suspicion of belonging to the Decembrists, the writer and diplomat was arrested in 1826. He was brought to St. Petersburg, but the investigation did not find evidence. Griboedov denied any involvement in the conspiracy. He was released five months after his arrest.

Last years

In September 1826, Griboedov finally returned to service. He continued diplomatic activity in Tiflis. Here Griboedov managed to conclude an agreement favorable to Russia and deliver his text to the capital. After he was appointed resident minister in Iran. A year before his death, Griboedov married Nina Chavchavadze - a representative of the Georgian noble family.

Griboedov’s grave photo

Massacre at the Russian Embassy

The aforementioned agreement, which Griboedov managed to conclude, was called Turkmanchay. The Russian diplomat arrived in Persia in order to achieve the implementation of the main points of this agreement. Namely, indemnity payments. The entire population had to pay for the defeat in the war, which aroused discontent in Persian society.

On February 11, 1829, a crowd of local residents attacked the Russian embassy. This day later, historians described in different ways. The only eyewitness to the tragedy was Ivan Maltsev, the secretary of the embassy who managed to hide during the massacre. However, he was in another room, not where Alexander Griboedov was killed. Therefore, he could tell about what had happened only on the basis of what he had heard. All defenders perished. There are no direct witnesses left.

The body of Alexander Griboedov was taken to Tiflis. Here he was buried. In the summer of 1829, Pushkin visited the grave of Griboedov.

Hiding the diplomatic scandal to the Persian Shah was not easy. In order to establish relations with Russia, he presented Nicholas I the first with generous gifts, among them was a 88.7-carat diamond, which is now kept in the collection of the Kremlin Museum. But no rich gifts, of course, could compensate for the deaths of several dozen people, among whom was one of the greatest classics of Russian literature.

On the grave of Griboedov there is an inscription that ends like this: "why did my love survive you." These words belong to the widow of the writer.

Griboedov’s grave in Tbilisi photo

Griboedov's grave in Tbilisi

The city in which the Russian writer is buried, as you know, was previously called Tiflis. The grave of Griboedov, whose photo can be seen in this article, is located on Mount Mtatsminda. Many famous artists, writers, and scientists rest here. The Pantheon was created on the territory belonging to the Church of St. David. The necropolis on Mount Mtatsminda was officially opened in 1929, that is, a hundred years after Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov was killed.

the inscription on the grave of Griboedov

This cemetery is one of the attractions of the Georgian capital. It is located in pretty picturesque places, which can be seen by looking at the photo below.

Griboedov’s grave

Griboedov’s grave in Tbilisi became the first famous burial place on Mount Mtatsminda. Many tombstones are made by famous Georgian sculptors. In the last century, a cableway was installed to the pantheon , on which a disaster occurred in 1990. Twenty people died.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25446/

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