The famous metro station "Chistye Prudy"

Metro station "Chistye Prudy" ... Agree, it has been heard more than once even by those who have never had the chance to visit the capital of the Russian Federation. Why is it so remarkable? Let's try to figure it out together.

metro clean ponds

Metro station Chistye Prudy. general description

Residents of the Central District of Moscow are familiar with the station located on the Sokolnicheskaya line. The three-vault metro room is located at a depth of thirty-six meters.

It should be noted that it was built on an individual order using monolithic reinforced concrete. The floor of the station is lined with gray and red granite slabs, although until 1972 there was ordinary asphalt here. Two rows of marble columns support the ceiling, into the supports of which lamps are mounted. The walls of gray marble and black granite did not always look like that. Until 1990, they were faced with white tiles.

At the end of the Chistye Prudy station, a passage to the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line was built, just in the very place where S.M. Kirov’s bust was located before. The pedestal had to be transferred to the transition from the Turgenevskaya platform to Sretensky Boulevard.

Chistye Prudy metro station

Historical data and chronology of the construction of the metro station Chistye Prudy

Even if you are not a resident of the capital, then you must know such facts anyway. Chistye Prudy is a metro station that started operating in May 1935. There was no central hall then, it was necessary to cross between the platforms along one of the outlets located at the entrances. It is known that during World War II air defense departments and the General Staff were located here. And in 1947, luminescent lighting was installed on Chistye Prudy, which was not on other subway platforms.

The station was rebuilt into a three-vaulted station in 1971. A year later, a transition to Turgenevskaya appeared in the center of the hall. And in 2008, a passage was opened that allows you to get to Sretensky Boulevard from Chistye Prudy.

The station borrowed its name from the Chisty Pond and the boulevard of the same name located near it. Surprisingly, slaughterhouse and butcher shops were dumped in this pond before, and it was called β€œFoul”. After the pond was cleaned, a new name firmly stuck to it. The Chistye Prudy station was first called Kirovskaya, and the street, which is today known to everyone as Myasnitskaya, was also named.

Moscow Chistye Prudy metro

What are the main features of the Chistye Prudy metro station?

Note that the station is open for passengers from 5:27 to 1:00. Through a unique lobby in the form of a cube, you can go directly to Myasnitskaya Square or the street, as well as to Chistoprudny Boulevard. The lobby in Smolenskaya and Komsomolskaya had a similar structure, but they were later rebuilt.

How beautiful Moscow is: Chistye Prudy, metro, lots of attractions ... All this often attracts creative people to the capital. And almost every one of them simply cannot help but see the described metro station. Why so? The thing is that near it there are numerous theatrical and concert institutions of the city of Moscow. For example, here are the Impromptu Theater, the well-known Contemporary, the VIP Concert Association and other outstanding institutions.

Also not far from the metro station Chistye Prudy is the only Museum of the History of Moscow Police nearest to the station, about a dozen night clubs, as well as a large number of shops, cafes and restaurants.

For lovers of sporting goods and fitness centers in the area there is a wide selection of services of this kind. Among educational institutions, the Institute of English and the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture should be noted.


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