Where the relics of the Holy Matron are located, healing and grace

Many pilgrims come to the Pokrovsky Convent in Moscow, where the relics of St. Matrona are located, covering thousands of kilometers to pray for health, receive blessings or answer difficult questions. They say that Mother herself, the so-called Matron during her lifetime, bequeathed to everyone to come to her grave, promising to help the suffering after death. According to pilgrims who bowed to the relics of the Moscow saint, either the place where the relics of St. Matron are located, or the power of prayer and sincere repentance work wonders. Many were cured of fatal diseases here, gained faith and hope, miraculously after visiting this place, some believers resolved serious everyday problems.

Where are the relics of St. Matron
The Holy Matron of Moscow is one of the "youngest" saints in Orthodoxy. Its date and place of birth are precisely known - 1881, the village of Sebino, Tula province. She was born in a large peasant family completely blind. Her mother, being her pregnant, had a prophetic dream in which her future daughter appeared to her as a white bird with her eyes closed. On the body of the newborn there was a cruciform bulge. From the earliest years, the girl was drawn to the church. Despite blindness, already from the age of seven she independently went to the temple, where she not only prayed in the service, but also talked with parishioners.

The future saint at seventeen, already having a reputation as a seer, who did not take a dime for her good deeds, forever lost the opportunity to walk independently - her legs were taken away . However, this did not anger Matron and did not reduce the flow of the afflicted who came to her, wherever she lived.

Church of Matrona of Moscow
Today, the place where the relics of St. Matrona are located is no secret. And in life it was not so easy to find her. After the revolution, the healer was forced to leave her father's house so as not to compromise her siblings who were actively building communism on a single collective farm. But even in Moscow, where she moved in 1925, she did not have a permanent haven, moving around the apartments and houses of good friends. At the same time, Matron was sometimes forced to break away from her usual place to avoid arrest, because her activities contradicted the basic tenets of the Communist Party and the Bolsheviks, who denied the existence of God and persecuted his followers.

Where are the relics of Matron
Today, where the relics of St. Matrona are located, one can hear many stories about the miracles that she performed both in life and after death. One of the interesting stories concerns her life in Moscow and her next unsuccessful arrest. So, the security officer who came to arrest the healer, she advised me to quickly run home and save my wife, who had an accident at that time. The man listened to the seer and saved the life of his wife, after which he flatly refused to pursue the Matron.

The saint died in 1952. Later, a chapel grew up on the site of her grave - the Matrona Moskovskaya church, which at any time of the year is simply buried in flowers. Where the relics of Matrona are located (in the Intercession Church of the Intercession Monastery) there are also a lot of flowers. They say that during her life, Mother loved them very much.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25472/

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