Types of weaving bracelets made of rubber bands on a slingshot, on a loom, on fingers (photo)

If you decide to find out what types of weaving of gum bracelets exist, then you want to find the option that suits you. Read, see. Create fashion accessories with your own hands.

types of weaving gum bracelets

How not to make a mistake with the choice

If you are just starting to master a new kind of needlework for yourself, so as not to get confused in the assortment of jewelry for your wrist, it is worth bringing all the options to systematization. She, of course, will be conditional, but understandable. Types of weaving bracelets from gum can be divided into groups according to the following parameters:

1. The complexity of manufacturing:

  • for beginners;
  • simple;
  • complex
  • copyright exclusive items;

2. The tool used to create:

  • made on a slingshot;
  • on the machine;
  • on fingers;

3. Width:

  • narrow (in one row);
  • wide;

4. In shape:

  • voluminous;
  • flat

5. According to the material used:

  • one-color rubber bands;
  • elastic bands of several shades or multicolor elastic bands;
  • elastic bands with additional decor (beads, rings, figures).

As you can see, bracelets differ in many ways. Using the list above, you can decide what kind of decoration you want to make, and then choose a specific method of weaving. To get the first experience, you should make a bracelet using one shade of elastic bands, so that you do not have to follow and be distracted by the choice of elastic bands of the desired shade. If you certainly want to take two shades or more at once, put the rubber bands in front of you in "heaps" in the correct sequence. So you are definitely not confused about which should be next.

types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot

Start with narrow single-row things that are easy to make on two posts of a machine or slingshot. Use finger weaving as a last resort, or rather make a semblance of a slingshot from improvised materials (rods, pencils, etc.). On fingers, it’s easy to carry out only the most basic bracelets. It will be inconvenient to work with the rest. You will be exhausted and decide that this type of needlework is not for you, although this is an erroneous opinion (with good tools and high-quality rubber bands that do not break). On the columns of the machine and the horns of the slingshot, one of the sides is made in the form of a recess. Thanks to this design, it will be much easier to pick up and remove rubber bands than in the case of fingers or even a makeshift tool.

Weaving technology

As is clear from the previous section, it is possible to make bracelets with the help of special devices or without them - on the fingers. Accordingly, you can use simple types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot (purchased or homemade), on a fork with two cloves, on a machine with two columns.

Wide products can only be done on the machine. The number of columns is easy to change by removing and moving the rods through the cells. An important tool is the hook. It facilitates the work, although you can do without it, but some types of products will be very difficult to do with your fingers. Hooks are sold special, but enough ordinary knitting (better than plastic).

different types of weaving gum bracelets


Below is a list that shows the main types of weaving bracelets made of rubber bands. Photos will help you make the right choice. However, first get acquainted with what you need to work. Some elements have already been named. Imagine everything you need in the form of the following list:

  • gum rainbow loom bands in one or more colors;
  • beads or other decorative elements;
  • a wire or a needle with a thread for stringing beads on gum folded in half;
  • a tool for weaving (slingshot, machine tool, etc.);
  • hook;
  • clip fastener.

If you are going to seriously engage in this type of needlework, you can buy a kit that contains everything you need, and in assortment. The cost of such sets is rather big, so if you just want to try to weave yourself one or two jewelry for the sake of interest, get only gum of the right colors, and make a slingshot yourself.

List of options

Different types of weaving of gum bracelets have their own names, which are usually determined by the weaving method and what the structure of the jewelry looks like.

1. "Chain" - the easiest option. It will look spectacular if you use beads.

types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on the fingers

2. The next in complexity is Fish Tail. It looks spectacular from rubber bands of the same color and when alternating different colors in a certain sequence. It is also possible that the right side is in one color and the left side is in another.

types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands photo

3. The "fish tail" (double, triple, quadruple) is a wide bracelet from several rows, similar to the previous one.

4. "French braid" looks interesting when made of rubber bands of two colors.

5. The “Mermaid Spit” is made of two colors, one of which is used for the central part, and the second produces a kind of “braid” on the sides.

6. "Caterpillar" - a bulk tourniquet that is made on the machine.

7. "Rain" is easier to perform on the machine. Gum colors choose from white, blue to dark blue.

8. "Sidewalk" can be made both on the machine, and without it. Looks better when using rubber bands of contrasting color.

9. "Dragon Scales" is a wide bracelet that looks like a net.

10. "Chain Mail" is also a wide bracelet, similar to the previous view, but the way of weaving is different.

11. "Ladder" is made of elastic bands of three colors. It looks spectacular, decorated with beads.

12. The "Spiders" bracelet is similar to spiders coming one after another.

13. Bracelet "Hearts" is in different versions. It is not as simple as the previous ones, but it looks very impressive.

types of weaving gum bracelets

14. Bows.

15. Fir-trees.

16. Flowers.

17. Name bracelets.

Designer bracelets made of rubber bands

As the previous section shows, the types of weaving of gum bracelets are very diverse. You can repeat any scheme, only the production of complex options will take more time. Having mastered even one technique, you can easily create unusual jewelry through the use of rubber bands of different colors, alternating shades in all kinds of combinations.

When you gain enough experience, you will understand how complex jewelry elements are created on a machine with a large number of columns, then you can create entire sets of accessories. A good idea is to supplement the bracelet with a ring, earrings, pendant made in the same style, for example, with flowers.

types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on the machine

Use fingers

It is not worthwhile to determine the specific types of weaving of gum bracelets on the fingers. As mentioned above, fingers are used in the absence of a machine. If you are going to weave, putting on elastic bands on your left hand and working with your right (for right-handed people), you should limit yourself to "Chain" with and without beads, "Fish Tail". If your girlfriend is ready to offer her hand as a machine, that is, both of you will be free to work, you can weave any options where no more than four columns are required.

Types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on a slingshot

If you bought or made this tool from improvised means, your possibilities expand. Using this mini-machine, first try to make the following options:

  • a chain;
  • fish tail;
  • French braid;
  • mermaid braid;
  • sidewalk.

Types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands on the machine

If you use only two columns, you can weave all those bracelets that are suitable for a slingshot. To use the capabilities of the machine to the maximum, master the other complex options, starting with "Dragon Scales" and "Chain Mail" to the embodiment of complex copyright ideas.

types of weaving gum bracelets

Fork weaving

This tool differs from the machine with two (if you break out the middle teeth from a plastic fork) or four columns with only the thickness of the pins. The loop structure will be tighter. The traditional type of weaving on a fork, when all four cloves are involved, is the Rainbow - a wide bracelet where different shades of colors alternate.

As you can see, the types of weaving bracelets made of rubber bands are very different. Choose your favorite, starting to work with simple ones. In the process of mastering more complex options, you will be able to come up with not only your own color combinations in the patterns, but also create your own weaving techniques based on mastered.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G255/

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