Hitler's biological children - is it true or myth?

Hitler's children: do they really exist? The pattern is that the personal life of people who occupy a prominent place in world politics has always interested both contemporaries and descendants. And if we are talking about the mysterious personality of Adolf Hitler, then there is no end to rumors and versions about his relationship with other women, as well as about his children. In this article, we will try to find the answer to the question of the existence of the Fuhrer’s children, based on various sources.

Did Hitler Have Children: The Official Version

World War II is long over. All those involved in its beginning and denouement have already died, having been convicted at the Nuremberg trials. Most of the ruling elite of the Third Reich did not leave any heirs: they either died along with their families, or were childless.

Hitler's children

Hitler’s officially registered children do not exist. It is well known that the Fuhrer’s wife was Eva Braun. The couple committed suicide, leaving no heirs. “Did Hitler have children?” - This question still haunts the representatives of the world press so far.

The thing is that back in 1935 in Germany, according to Himmler's plan, several special maternity hospitals were built and commissioned. The purpose of these maternity centers was to ensure the breeding of a new race - "blond beast". For this, the parents of the future elite of Germany were very carefully chosen. These were racially selected German women and SS soldiers. Children born of a consonant to this plan were officially adopted by Hitler.

Erich Runge version

Erich Runge is a former SS Obersturmfuhrer. It was thanks to him that a sensation came to light that the children of Adolf Hitler now live practically in the whole world. There are dozens of them, and these people do not even know who their father really is.

According to archival reports, in 1940 at one of the classified meetings it was decided that the power in Germany could be inherited only by a person who would be a direct descendant of the Fuhrer.

There is a version that Hitler's envy of Stalin, who had sons, served as the development of another secret operation, which was called “Thor”.

The essence of the secret operation

Hitler's children were supposed to see the light as a result of fertilization with sperm of the Fuhrer specially selected women.

Researchers on the life of Adolf Hitler state the fact that he was indifferent to sex, moreover, he even felt disgust for him. Therefore, it was decided to implement the plan with the birth of the heir in this way.

Women were selected with particular care to participate in this project. These were young girls, 100% Aryans with a good pedigree. The operation was strictly classified, the girls who passed the selection did not even know who would become the father of their future children. It was explained to the operation participants that they were entrusted with the high mission of becoming mothers of children from SS soldiers, true Aryans.

Adolf Hitler's children
After birth, Hitler's children were transported to a complex specially prepared for these purposes, which was located in the Alps.

Version of alessandro jovenese

Few people believed the story of Erich Runge. Moreover, he soon died of a heart attack. For a certain time, the topic of Hitler's offspring was closed.

After some time, the former SS medical service officer (1943-1945), Alessandro Jovenese, who was a resident of Brazil, continued to testify on this topic.

did Hitler have children
It turns out that he was one of the participants in the secret operation “Thor”. Hitler's children indeed at the end of the war were in the Alps. In early May 1945, employees of the complex received an order to evacuate 22 children. Of course, everything happened in strict secrecy, so the documents were destroyed. Children were distributed in different families. New parents were informed that they were orphans from maternity hospitals in nearby territories.

Werner Maser version

Werner Mather is the Führer's most famous biography researcher. He claims that Hitler has a child born of a relationship with Charlotte Edoxy Alida Lobzhua.

Hitler had relations with the young Frenchwoman during the First World War. Young Adolf volunteered to fight and, of course, did not deny himself the pleasure of talking with beautiful residents of the northern part of France.

In 1981, an autobiography of Jean-Marie Lore was published , which claimed that he was Hitler's son. The lack of materials for the genetic examination did not fully prove the kinship between these people. The author of another sensation died four years later, without having proved his connection with the Fuhrer.

Hitler and Gels Raubal

According to official figures, Adolf Hitler did not have a family. However, two of his mistresses are known: Geli Raubal and Eva Brown (we will talk about Eve a little later).

children of hitler and eve brown
Gels was the Fuhrer’s niece. It was a scandalous, incestuous relationship. It is not known for certain whether she shot herself or was killed, but her life ended in 1931.

Now the most interesting: a certain US citizen, Werner Schmedt, appeared, who showed evidence that Hitler was his father. These were photographs. On them, Werner himself and his mother hug with the Fuhrer. It turns out that the children of Hitler have photos as evidence.

The birth certificate of this citizen contains encrypted data about the parents: the mother is indicated by a single letter "P", the father is "G". The child was born in 1929. After the death of the mother, the boy was given up to nanny. He lived both in Germany and in Austria.

Werner claimed that Hitler often visited him, and even sometimes spent the night with him. The boy was guarded, often changed his place of residence for security purposes.

On the first anniversary, 10 years, the son received a horse from his father as a gift.

According to Hitler’s son, they saw each other for the last time in 1940. Then the father told the boy that at the end of the war he would receive a whole world as a present.

These promises were not destined to be fulfilled. Werner, after the war, hid, hiding his origin.

After long wanderings around the world, Werner stayed in the USA, lives here now. Hitler's son agrees to conduct a DNA test to prove his kinship with the leader of the Third Reich. But while it is impossible to make such an analysis, in addition to the son’s materials, father’s cells are needed.

Hitler and Eva Brown

What about family life of this couple? There are two versions about their relationship. The first one says: the relationship between these people was platonic because Hitler was disgusted with sex.

Hitler's children photo
The second claims that the children of Hitler and Eva Braun exist. Yet they had officially registered marital relations. And although the marriage was registered in 1945, according to historians, in 1938 a couple was born a girl. The girl's name is Ursula.

Noteworthy is the fact that it can be seen in many photos from Eva Brown's personal albums. Eve claimed to be the daughter of her best friend, Hertha Schneider. However, these stories are not supported by any facts. Hertha is known to have had one child, and this is not Ursula.

It is also alarming that the Hitler couple always avoided any mention of this girl. British historians, taking as a basis these data, argue that the words "Hitler", "wife", "children" are inextricably linked. It was a full-fledged family.

what did Hitler do with the children
There are versions that Ursula was not the only child of the couple. The name of the second daughter is not mentioned anywhere at all, and allegedly in 1943 Hitler's wife gave birth to a dead child.

Other Fuhrer children

Unfortunately, documented facts of Hitler's fatherhood did not survive in history. All versions are based on eyewitness accounts and versions of historians.

One of these versions suggests that Hitler could be the father of the daughter of Tilly Fleischer, a famous Olympic champion. Gisella, the girl’s name, wrote a book in which she made it clear to the world who her father was. However, her mother did not confirm this version.

hitler wife children
There is also Magda Goebbels, who argues that her son should be recognized as the father of her son, and not his legal spouse. But this, again, is an unconfirmed version.

What did Hitler do with the children, and how many did he have? History does not give an exact answer to this question. It remains only to analyze the obtained versions, look for new evidence and build guesses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G2550/

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