"Ukrainian Exchange". "Ukrainian Universal Exchange". "Ukrainian exchange of precious metals"

In Ukraine there are several types of exchanges. Among them, one can mention stock exchanges, a universal exchange, a precious metals exchange and commodity exchanges.

Ukrainian exchange

Ukrainian Exchange: the history of creation

The Ukrainian Exchange stock exchange was established in 2008. This organization was created as a joint brainchild of the RTS stock exchange and the main players in the Ukrainian securities market. The authorized capital of the new structure amounted to 12 million hryvnia. At the same time, 51% of the shares were transferred to twenty-one Ukrainian companies, and part of the RTS was equal to the remaining 49%.

Areas of activity of the Ukrainian Exchange

At the end of 2008, the Ukrainian Exchange issued a permit granting it the right to carry out activities to conduct trading operations with securities. A formal start to auctions on the securities market was given in the spring of 2009. By the way, it will be worth mentioning that by this moment Ukrainian Exchange was the only organization of this kind that used auction technology on the bid market. In addition, a system with direct access to exchange trading (DMA) was launched here. It should also be noted that it was then that the Ukrainian Exchange implemented the mechanism for calculating the index online. Trades at the site are held in standard mode - from 10:30 in the morning until 17:30 in the evening.

In May 2010, the first operation on the derivatives market of this exchange was carried out. A futures contract on the UX Index was launched into circulation. After a short period of time, this instrument became the most liquid in the domestic stock market. The following year, in April 2011, the list of derivatives market instruments was replenished with futures options on the UX Index.

In July 2013, the organization began calculating the index of domestic agricultural companies (UXagro). The basket structure of this coefficient includes issuers who carry out agricultural activities on the territory of Ukraine, but at the same time their securities are quoted on world exchanges.

In the same month, the Ukrainian Exchange, together with the National Commission for the Securities Market and stock market specialists, realized the Capital Raising Market. This trading platform made it possible for small and medium-sized businesses to place their securities. To date, 43% of the shares of PJSC Ukrainian Exchange are controlled by the Moscow Exchange, 51% by professional market participants, and 6% is owned by individuals.

Ukrainian Universal Exchange

Ukrainian Universal Exchange was founded in 1997. The main task in creating the UUB was the subsequent active participation in the transition of the Ukrainian economy to a market basis. Ukrainian Universal Exchange is a member of the Union of Exchanges of Ukraine and the National Association of Exchanges of Ukraine. It should be noted that UUB specialists regularly take part in various national and world seminars and conferences. In addition, employees of the organization participate in the development of various areas of valuation activities.

Ukrainian universal exchange

Areas of activity of UUB

The main areas of UUB's work are the organization and implementation of tenders and auctions on the stock exchange, the independent appraisal of property and property rights, the sale of property owned by the state and municipalities. In addition, the organization provides legal support for contracts and carries out a technical survey of structures and buildings.

It should be noted that the employees of UUB carry out an assessment in the following areas: assessment of property and property rights, assessment of business, land plots and judicial construction and technical expertise. The latter includes analysis of immovable objects used in the course of construction activities of materials and structures, as well as accompanying documents to them. In addition, UUB is establishing the right to use land, as well as calculating the estimated cost of structures.

Ukrainian Exchange of Precious Metals

Ukrainian Precious Metals Exchange is the first consulting organization in Ukraine, which provides assistance in the circulation of banking metals in the country. Since 2000, this structure has been providing regular advice to Ukrainian citizens regarding the acquisition and sale of precious metals.

Ukrainian precious metals exchange

In addition, bank metals can be purchased at UBDM cheaper than at most Ukrainian banks. This company is a stock exchange with a relatively short history. Therefore, the Ukrainian Precious Metals Exchange is in the process of gaining its place in the domestic precious metals market. At the same time, it must be emphasized that alternative exchanges in Ukraine simply do not exist at the moment. It is this state of affairs that is caused by the fact that from year to year the Ukrainian Exchange of Precious Metals is becoming larger and more influential.

Ukrainian exchange trading

In conclusion, it should be noted that, due to various factors, the banking metals market in Ukraine is not sufficiently developed. Nevertheless, gold, silver, platinum and palladium are popular investment targets in Ukraine. For this reason, there is a need to develop and modernize the functioning technologies of the Ukrainian Precious Metals Exchange.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25503/

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