Short bridle in men

A fairly common problem in men is a short bridle on the penis. The frenum (skin fold) is located below the glans penis and lies between the foreskin and the external opening of the urethra.

penis bridle
A normal bridle in men is elastic and painless with an erection. If during an erection there are unpleasant sensations, soreness, bending of the head downward, caused by a strong tension of the frenum, then you should contact a urologist.

As a rule, this problem can be identified already in adolescence, but because of shyness and distrust of adults, boys withhold it. It is good if the schools conduct an annual medical examination of adolescents by a surgeon who, having discovered a deviation from the norm of the frenulum on the penis, will give a referral for treatment (surgical intervention). Otherwise, the boy, becoming an adult, may encounter more significant problems in sex, and he may develop an inferiority complex and psychological problems.

A short bridle in a man can cause:

  • violation of sexual intercourse due to pain;
  • bridle in men
    early ejaculation;
  • impotence;
  • fear of sexual relations with a partner, which will lead to further psychological discomfort;
  • rupture of the bridle itself during intercourse or masturbation, which is accompanied by acute pain and severe bleeding, which is difficult to stop. If you do not go to the doctor after such an injury, then with subsequent sexual intercourse, breaks may recur. Ugly painful scars form.

What to do if the bridle in men is short?

Firstly, consult a doctor without waiting for a negative development of events. Many medical centers specialize in plastic surgery associated with lengthening a short frenulum. Frenulotomy is an operation to cross-cut a frenulum to a depth of 5 mm. The edges of the wound are sutured with 2-3 sutures. The bridle in men is lengthened due to the longitudinality of the seam lines. If the bridle contains scars from previous tears, then they are excised and sutured.

The operation is performed with mandatory local anesthesia and lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, after which the patient can go home. Basically, the dressing is not applied, the seams are scarred quickly, without causing any inconvenience in the future. The patient will be able to live sexually not earlier than in a month. It is advisable to use a lubricant or condom during the first sexual intercourse after surgery.

Penile Bridle Plastic Innovation

man’s bridle

A short bridle in men can be lengthened with the help of special radio wave scalpels. The use of such a radio scalpel allows the operation to be performed more accurately, without damaging adjacent tissues and without causing severe bleeding. The risk of postoperative complications is significantly reduced. A good therapeutic and cosmetic effect is provided. But professionals do not always agree with the greater advisability of using this method. In their opinion, a short bridle in men is best lengthened by a traditional surgical operation - frenulotomy.

Most importantly, men who have the problem of a short bridle should not delay her decision. After the operation, unpleasant pain during erection and sexual intercourse disappear.


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