Stable power supply: advantages and disadvantages

With the invention of the zener diode, an excellent opportunity appeared to stabilize an alternating voltage. This is necessary for the normal operation of many household devices. A modern stabilized power supply has good output characteristics and is used in almost all electronic circuits. It can be found in tape recorders, televisions, chargers, computers, etc.

Much depends on the quality nutrition of the circuit. This is primarily the stability of the entire device. In addition to household appliances, a stabilized power source is widely used in production. With its help, power is supplied to the electronics circuits, which are involved in the control of technological processes. There are special requirements to the quality of DC voltage sources, because the normal functioning of the entire production line depends on their work.

stabilized power supply
Typically, AC voltage stabilizers incorporate a parametric stabilizer, which is an ordinary voltage divider, in one arm of which a zener diode is turned on. This circuit is so simple and reliable in operation that its use in electronics has become a good form in the design of various devices.

The nonlinear characteristic of the zener diode makes it possible to form a control voltage, which is supplied to the amplifier stage based on a transistor. Electrolytic capacitors are usually placed at the output of the device. Their task is to rectify the stabilized voltage. Such a circuit has very good characteristics, output pulsations do not exceed one percent. The advantages can also be attributed to the low level of emitted interference. But such a stabilized power source has its drawbacks. This is a low efficiency and large dimensions, since it uses a power step-down transformer.

stabilized power supply
Attempts to correct these shortcomings led to the creation of devices in which the pulse principle of conversion is carried out. The work of such sources is based on the rectification of an alternating voltage and converting it to a pulse frequency of up to 1000 Hz and above. Its transformation can be carried out using small-sized transformers. This led to a decrease in size and an increase in the efficiency of the device.

Further, the voltage is stabilized and smoothed by capacitors. Such a stabilized power source has high efficiency and small dimensions. But it has a high level of output noise. Their use is advisable in household devices, where such a parameter as dimensions is of great importance.

ac voltage stabilizers
Pulse sources have worked well and are used in televisions, computers, laptops, etc.

To organize a home laboratory, it is useful to purchase or make a self-stabilized power supply. It will help in setting up the circuits and initial supply of the necessary voltage. Such blocks are widely used in laboratories in production, with their help you can repair old or create new electronic devices.


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