Faun is the patron saint of shepherds and farmers

The representative of the Roman divine pantheon, the merry fellow and the good-natured Faun, patronized pastoralists and farmers. His prototype in Greek mythology was the god Pan. Faun is another Greek god who was worshiped and brought gifts. In his department were fields, pastures, forests and groves. According to myths, the grandfather of Faunus was the revered god of farmers Saturn, and his father was Picus, the god of fields and forests.

faun is

One who patronized the shepherds

In the history of Ancient Rome there was a period when, from year to year, on February 15, the citizens of Rome celebrated the sacred Lupercalia, dated to Remus and Romulus, the founders of the capital of the future empire. Those same brothers who were nursed and fed by the she-wolf. The babies took refuge in a grotto until they were accidentally discovered by a shepherd in the sanctuary where Faun (this deity respected by shepherds and farmers) lived, located on the slope of Palatine Hill.

Luperk is the middle name of Faun, which the shepherds gave him. They believed that the deity protects the flocks of sheep from the wolves. By the way, Lupark was associated with the wolf among the ancient Romans, therefore the festival was originally timed to coincide with the cult of this animal.

faun is

The celebration of Lupercalia on February 15. Rituals

Faun is a god of fertility, therefore he was worshiped and revered, even there was a special holiday in his honor. The ritual was as follows:

  1. The main point of the festival was sacrifice. For this, a dog and a goat were chosen (in other sources, a goat and a goat). At the altar (altar) were put two young guys. Each of the loopers should alternately approach them in order to touch the forehead with a knife, the blade of which was in the blood of the sacrificed animal. Then the priestess moistened the goat’s hair in milk and quickly wiped the blood from the young man’s forehead, which at that moment should depict a joyful mood. Faun in Roman mythology was not an evil deity. He loved to play a joke, although his pranks were sometimes cruel. That is why he was flabbergasted with gifts and sacrifice.
  2. After the sacrifice, strips for priests-lupers were cut from animal skins: wide to wear as loincloths, and narrow to straps (febroi). A noisy crowd of naked luperoks, with only their hips covered with goat skins, rushed from Lupercal to the Palatine Hill with exclamations. They ran around the sacred hill and lashed the belts of everyone who met on their way. This is a rite of atonement and purification of all that has accumulated during the previous year. Therefore, no one tried to dodge the Luperki belt. Women who believed that flagellation with the sacred goat belt guaranteed fertility and a happy married life were especially willing to set themselves up.

faun god of fertility

Faunal Celebration

The fact that the Romans sincerely loved and reverently respected their god Faunus is evidenced by the presence in the calendar of another holiday dedicated to him - the favnals, which were celebrated on December 5.

On this day, milk, wine and a goat were sacrificed to the deity. After the sacrifice, a cheerful feast was organized, with the obligatory symbolic presence on it of the hero of the occasion - the good and cheerful god Faunus.

Faun in ancient Roman mythology

Celebrated the holiday in full swing. Cattle received full will. Left to their own devices, animals walked unhindered in the forests and fields. Arable animals also had another opportunity to relax. Even slaves were given freedom. Left unattended, bonded people had fun wherever they could that day - at crossroads, in meadows. Faun is the beloved God of simple working people.

Faun's character and his relationship with people

The goodwill characteristic of the deity did not at all interfere with the manifestation of some pranks regarding the one who disturbed his peace in the forest. The Faun in ancient Roman mythology could, for example, either amuse or frighten the one who plunged into the forest. As soon as someone fell asleep, the Faun whispered various horror stories in his ear . The gift of prophecy was transferred to Faun from Father Picus. Therefore, through the rustle of foliage, the Faun could predict the future for that person from whose side a favorable attitude was felt. To do this, you had to go to the sacred grove and, laying the skin of the sacrificial sheep, doze off on it. In a dream must visit a prophecy.

Faun in Roman mythology

A faun is a special creature that was revered by ordinary workers. Shepherds and farmers were most afraid to anger him. Therefore, regularly brought him a variety of gifts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25534/

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