Can I put a microwave on the refrigerator? The decision is up to the owner!

The question "Can I put a microwave on the refrigerator?" partially includes the answer, because interest in it could not have arisen in the kitchen with an area of ​​at least 15 m 2 . If the problem bothers you, then you are in the kitchen of a small apartment, which, as Rina Zeleny said, is "narrow in the hips." Although in such kitchens there were no such questions at all - well, not to hang it on the ceiling!

Can I put a microwave on the refrigerator

Traditional place

Since the advent of this miracle furnace in the Soviet Union (and this happened only 20-30 years ago), for the most part, electronic “ovens” have stood precisely in their destiny. The question of whether it is possible to put the microwave on the refrigerator, began after a certain time, when there was a choice. Then they remembered: the instructions say that you can’t put the stove on the refrigerator in any case. But if microwave ovens show off on refrigerators for decades, and generations have already grown up next to them, then it’s not so impossible. Can. But with the obligatory observance of certain rules.

The necessary conditions

First and foremost, these electric devices with a metal coating should not be in close contact with the walls, there should always be a gap between them, which is provided by the legs of the “oven”. In the affirmative, you can answer the question “Can I put a microwave on a refrigerator?” If a solid and even, preferably with heat-insulating, stand is laid between them. In addition, comprehensive air access should be provided to the stove to create permanent ventilation. This can be ensured by gaps of at least 10 cm. That is, you can put the microwave on the refrigerator when the oven is surrounded by free space on all sides, and the air flows to it are provided by gaps of at least 10 cm wide, and the distance from its top to the next surface is at least 20 cm.

Comfortable height

you can put a microwave on the refrigerator

This rule must be taken into account in the case of built-in kitchen furniture. Of course, the discussed option of installing a microwave oven on a refrigerator implies a certain height of the latter. It is not very convenient to get to and from her with a bowl of hot soup using the stairs.

A microwave is a must. To warm or warm food, it is used several times a day, so the equipment should be available to all family members and be at a comfortable height. But all these recommendations are only relevant for heating food and defrosting foods, and not for using the oven at full capacity for a long time. In this case, putting it on the refrigerator is strictly not recommended for the safety of the whole family. Have to look for another place. And, most likely, it will be special containers for mounting it on the wall. Powerful, multi-functional, modern microwaves are placed on hooks, not on the refrigerator. When installing the oven on the refrigerator, you need to remember that in case of breakdown of either of these two units, warranty repair is ordered. Do not break the instructions!

microwave photo

Supply and demand

Now the demand for microwave ovens is falling - everything has its time, but over the past 2-3 decades, the microwave has become the best friend and helper for working mothers. It is not so difficult to teach a first-grader four or five movements (provided that the parents are not tormented by the question “Can I put a microwave on the refrigerator?”) So that the kid takes out and warms himself a cooked dinner without leaving his chair.

The boom in sales of microwave ovens occurred in 2008, and then slowly began to subside: it may be because household appliances in the CIS last much longer than in other countries, especially Japan, where they buy things so that they soon come out of building, and one could get new fun. But these furnaces will still be in demand, because a modern microwave (a photo of one of them is given above) is indispensable because of its new features and is unusually good in appearance. She is able to decorate the interior of any kitchen.


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