Organization of work with documents

The organization of work with personnel documents has a special impact on the quality of the management apparatus, as well as the formation and culture of employees. The more professionally the work is carried out, the more successful the activity of the enterprise as a whole.

The internal document flow of any enterprise includes various measures for the preparation, maintenance, filling, copying, transfer of business information. As practice shows, about seventy percent of all time employees spend precisely on these events. It should be said that the organization of work with documents is becoming increasingly important. Today, this activity is considered one of the main factors of competitiveness of a modern enterprise.

Organization of work with documents involves a special approach to the received and processed business data, coordination of the processes of formation and change in the dissemination of information. Proper organization of work with documents reduces search time, increases accuracy, timeliness of data, eliminating redundancy.

Based on many years of practice, three main types of work with documentation were developed: mixed, decentralized and centralized.

The latter form provides for the concentration of the various available structuring operations in the conduct of a single unit in the enterprise. Such a unit may be a general or personnel department, office, and so on. Documentation can be carried out by one person who is a secretary. In any case, the responsibilities of a unit or one employee will include the implementation of a full cycle of measures for processing documentation from the moment it is received to the transfer to the archival department. These activities involve the reception, processing of business information, registration, storage, control over execution, sending, reference and information operations, systematization before being transferred to the archive.

A centralized organization of work with documents is considered the most rational, and in this regard, more preferable. This is especially true in small enterprises. When using this method of systematization of documentation, the costs of information processing activities are significantly reduced. In addition, the organization of work of employees is significantly improved. With this form of document management, office equipment works most efficiently, and unity is achieved in the methodological and managerial activities associated with the processing of documents.

The opposite centralized system is a decentralized scheme. In this case, for each unit has its own documentation service. In these units, all operations are carried out autonomously. A decentralized system is more characteristic of those institutions and organizations that differ in a territorially fragmented apparatus. In addition, this system of work is also suitable for those enterprises in which the documentation differs in some specifics (for example, there is a need to ensure the protection of information).

The most common form, meanwhile, is a mixed system. In this case, a certain part of all operations (usually the reception and processing of documents sent and received, storage, replication) is carried out in the central unit. At the same time, the structural departments of the enterprise carry out activities related to printing (creation), systematization, storage and preparation for archiving.

The choice of this or that scheme of work with documentation is carried out in accordance with the structure of the enterprise itself.


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