Average salary in Switzerland in euros

Switzerland is a state in which citizens receive really high wages. And each of us is well aware of this. After all, Switzerland is famous for its high standard of living. Well, it is worth considering this topic in more detail and telling about what is the average salary in Switzerland.

average salary in switzerland

About Payments

To begin with, I would like to note some nuances. Firstly, the salary in this state is paid once a month, and not twice, as we have (first an advance, and then balances). There is also the 13th salary - a bonus awarded to employees at the end of the year. By the way, it is issued even to those who have worked in the organization for less than a year. But the size of the bonus, as you know, depends on the success of the employee and the time during which he works in the company.

Still in this country there is no such thing as a minimum wage. The average salary in Switzerland per month is easily calculated, but there is no minimum. Not so long ago, this issue was raised at a national referendum. It was planned to establish a minimum wage of four thousand francs per month. This is approximately 267,000 rubles at the current rate. But it was decided to reject the proposal, because of this, many firms and enterprises would have to change the prices of their services and goods.

But in this country there is the concept of “dirty” and “clean” salaries, just as we have “in the envelope” and “white salary”. Typically, a net salary is lower than dirty, about 25%. And for people working on permission, the income tax deduction is deducted from the salary.

average monthly salary in switzerland

The most profitable specialties

The average salary in Switzerland is usually compared by industry. So, a person working in a banking structure receives about 52,000 francs per month. This is almost 3,500,000 rubles.

Further in the ranking is the insurance industry. Her employees earn an average of 43,000 francs per month. This is about 2,900,000 rubles. And the average salary in Switzerland of a person working in the agricultural sector is 23,500 francs. Automotive specialists get a little less - 22,500.

The last two places are occupied by the construction sector and the hospitality (tourism) sector - 16,000 and 11,800 francs, respectively.


As you can see, the amounts paid to employees are very decent. In tens and in some cases even hundreds of times they exceed the figures in Russia. But it is worth telling in detail about what the average salary in Switzerland is by region. Take, for example, Zurich. There the average is 12,000 francs. This is about 800,000 rubles a month.

In the area of Lake Geneva, where cities such as Lausanne, Vevey, Thonon-les-Bains, Evian-les-Bains, Geneva and Montreux are located, the average salary is 10,564 francs. In the north-east of the country this indicator is 10 550. In the central part - 9365 francs. And finally, in the East - 8450. This is the smallest indicator. But in rubles the amount is 564,000 rubles.

what is the average salary in switzerland

Interesting Facts

It is important to know that in men the average earnings in Switzerland are 25-30% higher than in women. And over the past ten years, the size of payments has increased significantly - by as much as 13.2%. In general, after all tax payments are removed from a person, about 6300 francs remain for him. This is an average, if we take the above indicators of 8-12 thousand. In rubles, this amount is 420 thousand.

Everyone knows that life in Switzerland is expensive. But these 6300 francs are still enough:

  • A liter of milk in a country, for example, costs 1.8 francs.
  • A loaf of bread - 3 francs.
  • Rice - 2-4, depending on the variety.
  • A dozen eggs - from 3 to 6 francs.
  • Apples - about 3.5 per kilogram.
  • For a bottle of wine you have to pay 20, for half a liter of beer - 1.5-3 fr.
  • Cigarettes are expensive here - a pack costs about 8 francs.
  • And about 20% of the income, if it is yours, will go to housing - rent and other utilities.
  • You can rent apartments for one and a half, two, three thousand - there is a choice, but if you want to settle in a big city or even a capital, you will have to prepare for high prices. Although outside the cities you can live well.

In general, even the average salary in Switzerland, with taxes and high prices, allows you not to deny yourself anything or even save money.

average salary in swiss in euros

Salary Book

In 2010, Switzerland issued such a publication. And certain data indicated in it, to this day remain relevant. For example, a taxi driver earns about three thousand “clean” francs per month, despite the fact that he works no more than 50 hours a week. It turns out that the driver's average salary in Switzerland in euros is approximately 2767 €.

A consultant in a photo booth receives € 3,043 after three years of work. A person specializing in computer graphics earns about 6,500 francs - this is 5,995 euros. A social worker with higher education is paid more than 6050 francs. The guards receive about 5,000 francs. A person working in a warehouse can count on 3412 euros per month. This is 3,700 francs and, accordingly, 246,000 rubles.

Even members of the AuPair program are paid more than people with higher education and many years of experience in Russia. They get 1,400 francs - that's 94,000 rubles. It is worth recalling that the AuPair program involves the adoption by the family of a girl who does housework and brings up their child.

The seller in the bookstore receives 4100 francs per month, and the sensible computer specialist - 6000 francs. But the highest salary for the “Salary Book” (from the surviving data) of the veterinarian-chief doctor is 10,200 francs. This is 680,000 rubles, or 9,400 euros.

maximum and average salary in switzerland

2015 data

The maximum and average salaries in Switzerland are very different. According to the results of 2015, it was concluded that the maximum salary is received by people holding the positions of financial directors of banks with experience over six years. Their salary is 21,077 francs. Or 19,441 euros. This amount in our currency looks especially attractive - 1,406,577 rubles.

At the very beginning, it was said that the banking sector receives the most, and their salary exceeds 50,000 francs. This is true, but after the payment of municipal, income, cantonal and other taxes, just the above amount remains. Moreover, not so long ago, a crisis came to Europe, so that the level of salaries became less.

Interestingly, top managers of banks receive 6,000 francs more than the director of the airport in Zurich and the rectors of universities. And in 2015 they received 14.7 thousand each. This is what the new edition of Salary Book says.

The lowest salary is received by a driver working on a cargo ship. His salary is 1379 francs. This is 92 thousand rubles, or 1272 euros.

Is it realistic to get a job?

So, above we talked about how much the average salary in Switzerland is today. Many people then have a question: is it realistic to go there and work? Yes, but it is very difficult. No one will let a citizen of another country go to Switzerland if he does not have an alleged job and a person who will employ him. Therefore, first you need to decide. And it's best to look for a place through an agency. Today, many vacancies are offered. In addition, agency staff will commit themselves to the collection of documents and their execution. Of course, you have to pay for it, but it's better than trying to organize everything yourself. Without proper work experience it will be difficult.

But another person will need to meet the requirements. He is obliged to interest the employer and convince him that he has the necessary skills, abilities and work experience. And then - get an invitation and apply for a work visa. By the way, you can still apply for a residence permit. For a year or for a season. There is also an unlimited residence permit. But you can get it only after having been and worked on the territory of Switzerland for more than ten years.

average earnings in switzerland

Rating of the most profitable professions for 2015

In addition to the above, it is worth listing as many specialties as possible and telling about the salary that people can count on when settling in these places. Many are probably interested in the average salary of a doctor in Switzerland. It is approximately 6860 “net” euros. About € 12,400 is received by civil aviation pilots. Accountants are paid 11,730 euros.

University professors - about 12,000 francs. To veterinarians - 11 150 fr. If you believe the data, then even the consul general receives less - 11 thousand francs.

Almost the same salary for a district judge and an architect is 10,400 francs. 10,300 are received by air traffic controllers, employees of insurance companies, and archive directors. Conservatory professors are paid 9,500 fracs.

Still highly paid specialists are IT programmers, military pilots, auditors, geologists, translators, priests, chemists and lawyers. They receive from seven to nine thousand francs.

how much is the average salary in switzerland

Middle class professions

Teachers, pharmacists, journalists, librarians, prison guards, pharmacists, speech therapists, social workers, and ordinary programmers are ranked lower. Their earnings range from 6 to 7 thousand francs.

Microphones of karaoke clubs, circus performers, DJs, bartenders, grooms, dog hairdressers, cleaners, postmen are the lowest paid specialists. Six to four thousand are paid to tattooists, aircraft and car mechanics, dentists, gardeners, orderlies, roofers, tram drivers, teleoperators and lighting technicians.

Here in such ranges the salary in Switzerland varies. Of course, there is a completely different standard of living, salaries and attitude towards people. But if you want to try to get a job in this country, you need to prepare for difficulties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25559/

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