Petar Brzitsa and the genocide of the Serbian people

Serb genocide is another sad consequence of World War II. Thousands of innocent people died because "the wrong blood" flowed in their veins. However, what scares them most of all is that they were killed like wild animals, without tears and regret. There were even those who gladly brought a knife to the prisoners' throats.

It is about such a person that we will discuss below. About that monster that called itself the savior of the Croatian people, about a monster named Petar Brzitsa.

petar brzitsa


Any story, even the most terrible, has a beginning. In our case, all threads lead to the time when Germany lost the First World War. It was during this period that Yugoslavia was formed - the united kingdom of Slovenes, Serbs and Croats. An important detail is that the latter entered this confederation voluntarily.

Over the years, Serbian politicians have exceeded among all others. This led to the fact that all the problems in the country began to be associated with their inept rule. In addition, the Croats constantly seemed to infringe on their rights. On this basis, racial hostility arose, which eventually turned into overwhelming hatred.

Ustashi, or "rebellious" Croats

The fragile peace in Yugoslavia was held in the balance. Everywhere there were organizations that insisted that one nation was superior to something else. Among them were those who were ready to sacrifice general peace for their own benefit.

In this case, we are talking about the criminal Croatian gang of Ustasha. It was in her that the future executioner of the Serbian people Petar Brzitsa was. True, initially this structure did not plan massacres. Their main goal was the independence of Croatia, and everything else did not bother them.

Founded this organization in 1931 Ante Pavelich. Historians describe him as a despotic religious tyrant who does not recognize the opinions of others. It was this man who created the monster group, which subsequently will arrange the genocide of the Serbs. Although before the start of World War II, the Ustashs were not a serious threat to the inhabitants of Yugoslavia. Their only triumph is the assassination of the Yugoslav king Alexander in October 1934.

Serb genocide

Under the auspices of Hitler

The Second World War in Croatia began when some nationalist organizations came out in support of the Nazis. In 1940, Ante Pavelich concludes a secret agreement with Hitler and Mussolini. According to him, the Ustash completely help the Nazis, and in return recognize the existence of an Independent Croatian State.

This alliance spawned a terrifying political system built on tyranny and blind leader worship. According to her, people were divided into two types: Aryans and nonhumans. Moreover, the Ustashi themselves considered themselves purebred Aryans. Soon, Ante Pavelic issues a code of laws that at the constitutional level deprives Serbs, Jews and Gypsies of all rights and protections. Then begins the bloody persecution of these peoples.

petar brzitsa petar the ripper

Petar Brzitsa - a beast in human form

Like all ustashi, Brzitsa was a purebred Croat, at least, according to official records. He was born in 1917, so he can rightfully be considered the same age as Yugoslavia. True, Petar himself hated this country. It is difficult to say what was the reason for this, but, most likely, the seed of discord appeared in his heart in his youthful years.

After all, while studying at Franciscan College, Petar Brzitsa supported nationalist ideas. He even entered the Great Order of the Crusaders in order to defend the rights of his people. But their empty ranting, not supported by actions, quickly disappointed the young man.

Therefore, he soon finds a new home - an organization that can change the fate of an entire country. From that day, the Croat becomes a faithful dog Ante Pavelic, ready to tear anyone up by the first order. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the advent of World War II, the guy was sent to a special place - to the Jasenovac concentration camp.

Bloody record

The position of a concentration camp officer was ideal for Petar Brzits. Having no moral principles, he easily sent to death men, women and children. In fact, this place was a bloody massacre, which has no analogues in history. Their cynicism went so far as to argue about who would kill more prisoners of war.

The unbeaten record holder was Petar Brzitsa. Once upon a special decree of Pavelich, he killed 1360 people during the night. Then the jubilant crowd of executioners shouted β€œPetar Brzitsa - Petar the Ripper. No Croat is faster than you. ” In addition, for the victory in the bloody contest, he received a gift from the leader of the nation - a gold nominal watch. It was this object, in their opinion, that was tantamount to the lives of thousands of people.

war in croatia

Fall mode

Unfortunately, in spite of all the sins of Brzits, fate was favorable to him. For example, once a Croatian soldier was left alone with the captives, and they threw him to the ground. For ten minutes they beat him half to death, but the Yasenovatsky Ripper still survived and soon brutally avenged his offenders.

Even greater luck awaited Petar after the fall of the Independent Croatian State. While all of his associates dangled on the gallows, he secretly sailed on a ship in the United States. Here, he was taken under control by the local police, but because of political differences, the American authorities refused to give them captive.

As a result, in the late 70s, the traces of Brzits were finally lost. And according to unofficial sources, Petar the Ripper lived to a very old age and died his own death in 2007.


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