Direct taxes in the Russian Federation

Direct taxes are taxes that are accrued to specific legal entities or individuals, while they are paid directly to those who are accrued and cannot be transferred to other persons. Direct taxes in the Russian Federation are the following taxes: corporate income tax, income tax, land tax, securities transaction tax, inheritance tax, property tax, etc. Direct taxes are an earlier historical form of tax payments.

The following direct taxes are levied on individuals (citizens) - property tax; income tax; tax on property received as a result of donation or inheritance; transport tax.

Priority is given to income tax, since it is the main tax accrued on personal incomes of citizens. In conjunction with other economic instruments, this tax is aimed at ensuring a fair redistribution of income received at enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as funds received from other sources or from individual labor activity. The object of taxation is the total income received by the citizen during the calendar year, not only in cash, but also in kind. When calculating income tax, the legislation determines the amount of the applicable non-taxable minimum, i.e. a certain portion of the income received is not taxed. Payment of income tax is not allowed at the expense of organizations, enterprises and institutions. Citizens submit a report to the tax authorities on the income they received, i.e. a declaration is filled out, which indicates all the information for the year about the income received, indicating each source of payments, as well as with the amounts of tax calculated and already paid from these incomes.

Held Direct taxes in the Russian Federation and from legal entities (organizations, enterprises, institutions and individual entrepreneurs). These include the following direct taxes, types - corporate tax (income tax), land tax and property tax.

Business income tax is charged on the income of private individual entrepreneurs and partnerships. In this case, direct taxes, types of tax charged on personal income, have an impact on joint stock companies, because all companies must withhold the indicated percentage of the amount of earnings of the workers employed in them and transfer it to the state.

Among direct taxes, the next most important one is the profit tax, characterized by a stable decrease in its share in total government revenues. In many countries, corporations use a special tax system in the form of a corporate tax. It represents a fixed cash deductions to the budget made from retained earnings. At the same time, the rest of it is taxed on retained earnings and dividends. The main disadvantages of income tax include the fact that inflation is included in the tax base, in which the difference between the initial and current value is actually considered the income of the organization and, accordingly, is taxed.

The taxable profits of organizations include

1. non-operating income;

2. income derived from the sale of goods (services, works) and property rights.

The tax base is determined for each type of income separately, since different tax rates are set for them.

The main disadvantages of the Russian tax system include tax instability, periodic changes in the amount, tax rates, and benefits. All this no doubt plays a negative role. The instability of the Russian tax system is a major taxation problem.


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