Bridges of Nizhny Novgorod connect the shores

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It was founded in the XIII century. at the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers. Crossings from one coast to another played an important role in the development of the settlement.

bridges of nizhny novgorod

Bridges of Nizhny Novgorod

For 800 years, Nizhny, as this city is also called, has acquired many bridges connecting the banks of the Oka and Volga, on which the million-plus trade city is spread.

In Nizhny Novgorod, 6 bridges were built across the Oka, which divides the city approximately equally. These are Metromost, Kanavinsky, Myzinsky, Molitovsky, Sartakovsky and Striginsky.

Another 3 bridges are thrown across the Volga.

The bridges of Nizhny Novgorod are:

  • automobile;
  • by rail;
  • combined.

The oldest bridge of the city

Kanavinsky bridge is the oldest building across the Oka in the city.

For many years, the townspeople, trying to get to the lower part of the city from the upper one, crossed the river by ferry or boat, in winter walked on ice or rode on a sleigh. At the end of the XIX century. every summer a bridge bridge was built across the Oka, in winter it was dismantled.

Kanavinsky bridge became the first permanent bridge in the city. It was built in three years (from 1930 to 1933). The townspeople were so delighted with this convenient way of communication that they began to use it at the time of construction. People walked around the building, on which there were no fences, no lighting, no pavement. Subsequently, automobile traffic was launched here, trams began to run.

The bridge did not receive its name immediately. At first he was called Oksky, then he was named after Pakhomov, then dubbed Volzhsky and only after the opening of the second bridge in the city did he become Kanavinsky.

The structure consists of six arched spans, the width of the structure is 24 m, the length is 795.5 m.

Kanavinsky bridge

In 2010, Kanavinsky was closed for reconstruction, but it turned out that the transport infrastructure is not able to cope with the load without this bridge, so at the end of 2010 it was reopened, and the reconstruction was postponed for a while.

The bridge is part of the Moscow-Kazan highway

Karpovsky, and then Myzinsky bridge over the Oka was built for almost ten years, from 1972 to 1981.

A few numbers: width - 27 m, length - 1006 m. The construction of the structure was created according to a unique author's technology: reinforced concrete blocks of 60 tons were fastened with reinforcement and epoxy glue. To build a bridge nearby built several factories that produce building materials.

The Myzinsky bridge in Nizhny Novgorod until 2008 was always an important part of the M-7 highway, but with the opening of the detour, traffic decreased. Until 2008, a tram ran along it, but due to constant accidents, the tram tracks were removed during a scheduled repair.

In 2017, the bridge was closed for repairs, it is planned that it will last until the end of 2018. During this time, the road surface and lighting will be updated, traffic lights will be installed.

Myzinsky bridge Nizhny Novgorod

Metro bridge

There are bridges of Nizhny Novgorod not only automobile, but also with rail tracks for metro trains.

The metro bridge was built across the Oka and is located between Kanavinsky and Molitovsky. The upper tier of the structure is designed for cars and has 4 lanes. At the bottom there is a metro crossing from the Moskovskaya station to the Gorkovskaya station.

A few figures: the length of the automobile part of the structure is 1344 m, the metro is slightly less (1234 m). The width of the structure is 18 m, the spans are made of steel.

The need to create a crossing was thought at the stage of the construction of the Gorkovskaya metro station in 1987. But the construction began only in 1992, continued to build intermittently for 20 years. The auto part was opened in 2009, the metro - in 2012.


Built through the Oka to connect the Zarechny district and Nagorny. The Molitovsky bridge was erected in 1965, its length compared to other bridges of Nizhny Novgorod is small, only 951 m with a width of 21 m.

The bridge was repeatedly repaired; at present, only a tram line runs along it. Until the Myzinsky bridge was opened, the M-7 highway passed along Molitovsky.

Bypass bridges

Bypass bridges of Nizhny Novgorod are thrown over the Oka River and connect the central part and the suburban.

Sartakovsky bridge is known to many, because it is depicted on a postage stamp. This single-track railway bridge was erected from 1956 to 1961. The uniqueness of the design was the creation of 4 prefabricated reinforced concrete arches 150 m long for the passage of trains. During the construction of the bridge, the need for the free passage of ships along the river was taken into account, so a high span was left for them near the right bank.

On the Striginsky bridge, you can not only cross the Oka along the M-7 federal road connecting Moscow and Kazan, but also take a walk - special paths have been made for pedestrians. This bridge is higher upstream than other crossings.

bridge over the Volga in Nizhny Novgorod

Its construction began in 1984, ended in 1993. Over 950 m, 4 lanes for automobile traffic were laid. The design of the Striginsky bridge is made of reinforced concrete beams.

Bridges across the Volga

3 naval structures were built through the shipping Volga in Nizhny Novgorod:

  • railway;
  • combined;
  • automobile.

The R-159 road to Kirov, which is an integral part of the Trans-Siberian Railway, passes through the railway and railway automobile Bor bridge.

The railway bridge was commissioned in 1935, combined - in 1965, but the transport problem was aggravated from year to year.

To make cars cross the Volga faster, in the summer a pontoon crossing was induced, which greatly impeded the movement of ships along the river. In 2016, another road bridge was built, called the Second Borskoye, transport tension in this area decreased.

But the bridges of Nizhny Novgorod - this is not only a way to get to the other side of the river, it is also a wonderful decoration of the urban landscape. Citizens love their bridges and are proud of them.


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