DIY crown made creative idea for matinee

Which girl, having heard plenty of wonderful fairy tales on the night, did not dream at least once to feel like a real princess? Put on an exquisite puffy dress, shiny high-heeled shoes and decorate your wonderful head with a gold crown. It is unlikely that such a child will be found.

DIY crown

Therefore, the parents whom God awarded the beautiful daughter must fulfill such a simple but significant desire. This can be done both on her birthday and on New Year's so that she can show off at the festive matinee with her new outfit.


Dress and shoes, of course, can be bought at any store, but to make the costume truly magical, you need to complement it with a creative idea. For example, a crown made with your own hands, especially with your daughter, will not only strengthen family ties, but will also become an interesting activity for a couple of evenings. For the base, you can take paper, plastic or wire, but for decoration, everything can be used: artificial flowers, beads and beads, shiny paint, felt-tip pens and much more.

Paper option

So, the simplest option is a paper crown created with your own hands. For its manufacture, we measure the circumference of the child’s head, add another 1.5-2 cm and postpone the resulting value on the larger side of the Whatman paper. Then, if desired, draw the upper edge of the crown.

DIY crown made of wire
It can be even, and with the alternation of higher and smaller peaks. We cut this blank, glue or even sew together the free ends to each other and proceed to the decoration. Such a crown, created with your own hands, will work best if you use paper for scrapbooking and different sizes of rhinestones. For example, with shiny silver or gold paper with a pattern, we first wrap the entire product, cutting off the excess in the shape of the workpiece. Then we cut out from another, contrasting, wide strip, which we stick on the bottom edge. We fix white, pearly-like rhinestones along its sides in a wave-like fashion, and larger, red ones between the bends. Now, so that our crown, made with our own hands, does not look empty, in the middle of each of the peaks we glue two-layer hearts with a large rhinestone in the center. If desired, this form can be replaced with asterisks, clouds or rhombuses - for all the will of your imagination. Try on.

do-it-yourself paper crown

Wire option

A more durable, but complicated option is the crown, built with its own hands from wire. We will decorate it with beads and beads, preferably shiny and matching in color. To make it, we first measure the circumference of the child’s head and bend a circle from ordinary copper wire by this value. We first twist the long free ends together, and then make several revolutions with a gap of 0.7-1 cm around the axis, cut so that there is still 4-6 cm, and randomly bend the tip up. Then we take another segment of 15 cm and repeat the same steps with it, departing from the last “tail” of 1 cm. It is on them that we will hang the beads. And so we do it all over again, until all our crown, made with our own hands, is filled with these “tails”. It remains only to decorate it, optionally adding ribbons.


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