Einstein's IQ. What kind of IQ does Einstein have? List of the smartest people on the planet

People like to value each other. It is easy to compare physical indicators and financial position, but it is not easy to evaluate mental abilities. However, this task has always been faced in society: when hiring a person (especially in state and research organizations), and when students are enrolled in educational institutions. Qualitative characteristics alone are not enough; accurate estimates are needed for an objective assessment. And how and how to measure the mind?

Einstein's iq

Successful Alfred Binet experiments on testing French schoolchildren

At the beginning of the last century, French psychologist A. Binet, on behalf of the government, developed tests for Parisian schoolchildren. The task was to assess the ability of children to learn. To evaluate the results of testing, Binet introduced a coefficient that showed how much the student’s mental development is above or below his physical age. If a ten-year-old child solved the problems of an eleven-year-old, then his coefficient was 110 units. In the calculation, the mental age (in this case 11 years) was divided by the physical age - 10 years - and multiplied by 100.

Assignments were designed so that most children performed all the tests of their age group, that is, the average coefficient for one-year students was 100. If a student did not cope with these tasks and mastered only more primitive tasks, then his ability coefficient was less than 100. In this case, he had to take a special approach at school.

what iq has einstein

Introducing IQ and Test Design for Adults

The results of the French psychologist were very impressive and were picked up by psychologists from other countries. His approach to the numerical assessment of intellectual abilities was taken as a basis and extended to all age groups. For adults, a different calculation method was invented, but the idea remained the same.

The first intelligence scale for adults was created in 1939 by D. Wexler. IQ (intelligence quotient, intelligence coefficient) shows how a particular person solves intellectual problems better or worse relative to the average level. For the average level, the number 100 is taken. It is believed that IQ gives an assessment of human intelligence. If it is 90–110, then the person has average abilities. If the IQ is in the range of 120–130, then the person’s abilities are above average. If the IQ is more than 140, then the person is a genius. Those people who in the tests show results less than 70 are considered to be mentally retarded.

The term IQ was coined by the German psychologist Wilhelm Stern back in 1912. And what is the IQ level of famous people? Do politicians, rulers of states, scientists? For example, what is Einstein’s IQ? We will discuss this later.

Einstein Albert iq

Eysenck tests - the most famous, but not the most accurate

Before finding out what EQ Einstein had, let's talk about the most popular test, with which you can determine its level. One of the first to take up the development of tests for assessing IQ for adults was the British psychologist of German origin, Hans Jürgen Eisenck (1916–1997). He conducted research, wrote articles and books, delivered lectures. Not all scientists agreed with his views, but Eysenck's tests at that time were the most thoughtful and easily applicable, therefore they were widely used in various studies.

Eysenck tests were intended for people with secondary and higher education from the age of 18 to 50 years. The maximum IQ coefficient for Eysenck tests is 180 points.

Each test consists of textual, digital and graphic tasks, the solution of which is sought using logic. The complexity of the tasks is growing. The test consists of 40 questions, the solution of which takes 30 minutes. Tasks are designed so that the verbal, mathematical and visual-spatial abilities of the test person are fully manifested. All tasks are optional.

Eysenck tests are widely used now, although there are many tests created by other scientists (D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer, R. B. Kettell.) And giving a more accurate assessment of the level of intelligence. But they are all more laborious. There is currently no single standard for IQ tests. And what is Einstein’s IQ according to Eisenck’s test? You will find out soon.

Einstein's iq level

The relationship between IQ and profession

Psychologists conducted mass testing of people in different social groups and got quite expected results. The average IQ among unskilled workers is 87. Rural and mid-level workers have an IQ of 92. For office workers, sellers, skilled workers, and IQ teams in the 101 area. Managers and administrators gain 104 points. For people with higher education, IQ is 114 points, for candidates of sciences it reaches 125.

You must understand that these are average values ​​of the level of intelligence in a group of subjects. They do not claim that among the farmers there is no person with an IQ of 110, and among the graduates of the institute there will be no people with a coefficient of 90.

And what indicator did the scientist Einstein Albert have? IQ should be, according to the above information, at least 125. Well, now you will find out the answer to the main question.

how much iq does einstein have

IQ level of Einstein and other historical figures

The creator of the special theory of relativity, Albert Einstein, is perhaps the most famous scientist of our time. Most people who know about him consider him a genius. So how much IQ does Einstein have?

At the time of his death, research on IQ calculation was still gaining momentum, and Eisenck’s tests did not pass. But scientists really wanted to answer this question, and they came up with indirect methods for assessing intelligence. The Svenson-Crane method, for example, analyzes behavior and spoken language. Einstein's IQ test showed stunning results. According to all calculations, it turned out that the IQ of the great physicist is no less than 160, or even all 200. The spread is explained by different estimation methods and a different set of initial data. Each researcher defends his method and his results. There is no consensus on this issue.

IQ level of other historical figures

In the same indirect way, the intelligence of other historical figures was appreciated. The philosopher Benedict Spinoza IQ was 175 points, Blaise Pascal - 171, Isaac Newton - 190, Leonardo da Vinci - 180, Charles Darwin - 165. You can find data from other scholars and politicians of the past. The question is what to do next with this information ... Einstein himself was very skeptical about the ability to evaluate a person’s mental abilities in numbers.

Einstein iq test

People with the highest IQs

In the world there is a club Mensa International, which accept people with a high IQ. Everyone can take the test and, in the presence of a high IQ, be admitted to this club. To date, the club has more than 100 thousand members from all over the world. Among them are scientists, artists, politicians, students, drivers.

The highest rates are:

  • Terence Tao (mathematician, Australia, IQ 230).
  • Marilyn Vos Savant (journalist, USA, IQ 228).
  • Christopher Hirata (Astrophysicist, USA, IQ 225).
  • Kim Ung-Yong (mathematician, South Korea, IQ 210).

Most world famous people also have a high intelligence coefficient. For example, Microsoft founders Paul Allen and Bill Gates have IQs of 170 and 160, respectively. A. Schwarzenegger has IQ 135, ex-president Bill Clinton has IQ 137. Brad Pitt has IQ 119, Angelina Jolie has 118.

Interestingly, people with average intelligence are also popular. Here are the owners of low IQ, which are known and loved by everyone:

  • Bruce Willis is an American actor, IQ = 101.
  • Britney Spears is an American pop singer, IQ = 98.
  • Muhammad Ali - American boxer, IQ = 78.
  • Sylvester Stallone - American actor, screenwriter and director, IQ = 54.

what iq had einstein

What are the dependencies revealed by psychological studies of intelligence in different population groups

  • Intelligence is actively developing in childhood and adolescence and reaches its peak by about 26 years. Subsequently, it remains at the same level or falls. But with the right lifestyle and regular training, the intelligence coefficient increases.
  • To a greater extent, IQ is determined by genetic characteristics (approximately 80%), but living conditions, especially in childhood, also affect its value.
  • There is a connection between the IQ value of the country's inhabitants and its economic condition, the development of democratic institutions and religiosity.
  • Crimes are more often committed by people with an IQ of 70–90, and this indicator does not depend on race.
  • Poor nutrition in childhood reduces intelligence. Iodine deficiency and marijuana use also lower IQ. The decrease can reach 10-12 points.
  • Breastfeeding a child helps to increase his level of intelligence.
  • People with high IQ have a longer life expectancy, they are less likely to get sick.
  • As a rule, beautiful people have a higher IQ.

Is it worth it to take the test yourself

Despite more than a hundred-year history of the study of intelligence, scientists have not come to a consensus on what is intelligence and how to measure it correctly. With the general definition of intelligence, as the ability to reasonably act and successfully cope with all life circumstances, according to most psychologists, but further discrepancies begin. Therefore, all IQ estimates should be considered approximate, which characterize a person only partially. You now know what the IQ of Einstein and other famous personalities was. Everyone is worth the test. What if they take me to the Mensa International club?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25629/

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