Conferencing - 21st Century New Communication Opportunities

Case of life:
- Hello, Serge! Well, where are we going tonight?
- Hi! Come on Sadovaya at six?
- OK! I’ll warn Max then.
- Hello, Max! Today at Sadovaya at six.
“Oh, you know, but I can't at six.” Let's go to seven?
- Well, then right now I’ll call Serege back ...

A familiar situation, isn't it?

Every day in life, situations happen when it is necessary to agree on something with several people at once. Previously, when mobile phones were not yet so firmly integrated into our everyday life, contracts were carried out in person.

Mobile communication has greatly facilitated the lives of many people, and now, in order to solve any issue, sometimes you do not even need to get up from the couch ...

conference call

But what happened to the world when mobile operators introduced a new way of presenting information - conference calling! Now you don’t have to call anyone back - after all, you can immediately agree on everything together!

What is a conference call in a mobile phone? Conferencing is a feature supported by most mobile phones. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the phone, the settings may differ, but the principle of operation is general.

You call the subscriber in the usual way, without interrupting your conversation with him, select the “Second call” function (it may look different on your phone) and connect it to the general conversation. This way you can connect a large number of people. As a rule, possible restrictions are described in the instructions for the phone. Outgoing calls are paid by the person who is calling.

Skype conference call

Today, the Conference Call feature is provided by most mobile operators. Some phones can also support video conferencing, so you can not only hear, but also see the participants in the negotiations.

Separately, nevertheless, it is worth mentioning a free program called "Skype". Probably, there will not be a single Skype user who at least once was not happy that he lives in the 21st century. Recently, skype conferencing has become an absolutely affordable phenomenon for a nominal monthly fee .

Joining negotiation partners is not all the benefits of a conference call. Presentation of the project at a distance of several thousand kilometers, distance learning and even holding meetings - the conference communication system opened up unprecedented opportunities for people.

conferencing system

Getting started with Skype is pretty easy. You just need to register on the official website of the developer, download the program, enter the login, password, e-mail address in the proposed form, if you wish, fill in additional fields, upload a photo and ... you can call absolutely free! If you often communicate with many people, conduct common business, participate in the discussion of common issues, Skype conference calls are just what you need!

To begin with, it’s worth immediately replenishing your personal Skype account so that you don’t waste time replenishing your e-wallet or making calls to your mobile phone operator when you need to make an urgent call, and the conference call service is not connected yet.

The 21st century is a century of lightning speed of information transfer, high technology and unlimited communication. Do not use all this while living in the 21st century - well, just blasphemy! Is not it?


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