Resorts of Mirgorod. "Khorol", "Poltava", "Mirgorod", "Birch guy": photos and reviews of tourists

The city of Mirgorod is a regional administrative unit of the Poltava region. Today it is a quiet and cozy village, located on the banks of the Khorol River. The distance from Mirgorod to Poltava is 105 km, and to the capital of Ukraine - 250 km. The city spreads over an area of ​​19 square kilometers. About forty-one thousand people live in it.

The emergence of the resort

The history of the city is divided into two parts. The first of them includes the period when mineral water sources were not yet discovered in Mirgorod. The second period, when the city received the status of a resort, began in 1912. At that time, Mirgorod was a small settlement with about 8,000 inhabitants. There was an acute problem with drinking water in the city, because all the wells were dry due to droughts.

The local authorities saw a solution to a sore point in drilling an artesian well. The work was done. From a depth of 673 m a powerful fountain was hammered, the water of which was initially considered unsuitable for drinking. This opinion was formed due to the salty taste of the liquid and its specific hydrogen sulfide smell. It was even decided to fill the well, however, water was still supplied for the needs of the bathhouse and the fire yard. This was a turning point in the life of the city. Locals after bathing in the bath began to celebrate the amazing properties of this unusual water. In people, the healing process accelerated, joint pain disappeared, and health improved. Rumors of healing Mirgorod water began to spread far beyond the city. As a result, doctors became interested in this source.

Mirgorod resorts
One of them was Zubkovsky Ivan Andreevich - an outstanding public figure and military doctor. He retired, being in the rank of major general. Zubkovsky visited Mirgorod, and taking water samples, he sent them to several research laboratories. The results convincingly proved the healing benefits of the source.

Mirgorod water was assigned to the group of sodium chloride slightly mineralized. In its healing qualities, this source was close to those located in such famous European resorts as Aachen, Soden and Baden-Baden. That is why Mirgorod water was recognized as curative, and it was recommended not only for external use (in the form of bathtubs), but also for internal use.

Mirgorod during the years of Soviet rule

I.A. Zubkovsky is deservedly considered the founder of the resort. Indeed, it was thanks to his perseverance and initiative in Mirgorod in 1917 that the hydropathic clinic was opened, which was the beginning of the first treatment season. All subsequent years, the resort has developed and expanded. In the 20s and 30s of the last century, a dormitory was built, a summer cottage, and attention was paid to the improvement of the territory. To ensure uninterrupted supply of mineral water, two more wells were drilled.

War and post-war periods

During the years of battles with fascist Germany, Mirgorod suffered tremendous damage. However, already in 1943, immediately after the expulsion of the enemy from the city, the restoration of the resort began. In 1944, a military hospital began work here. Two years later, a sanatorium hospital with a capacity of 300 beds was opened in Mirgorod. Disabled people of war were sent to this medical and rehabilitation institution. Full restoration of the resort was completed by 1959. The further development of Mirgorod was resumed. New medical and dormitory buildings were erected in the city, biochemical and clinical laboratories were opened, and a mud and water treatment clinic began its work.

Modern city life

Thanks to the discovery of the source of mineral water, Mirgorod from a provincial and unremarkable town turned into a world-famous resort. The most modern medical and diagnostic base has been added to the natural sources of healing water and mud. The sanatoriums have the latest medical equipment. In addition, the popularity of the resort is supported by the use of modern techniques and the high professionalism of medical staff. It is worth mentioning that the resort employs about 1,500 experienced specialists, including one hundred people with the title of Honored Doctor of Ukraine, 17 with the highest qualification category, 60 with the first. The state of sanatoriums includes about two hundred nurses, ten of which are honored health workers.

health resort poltava myrgorod
Doctors who are employees of the Mirgorod health resort conduct large-scale research work. They collaborate with research centers located both in Ukraine and abroad. The result of this work is dozens of works. All of them are scientific and practical.

Wonderful park

The resorts of Mirgorod are visited annually by a large number of vacationers. This small and very cozy town gives vacationers peace, tranquility and a measured stay. Already this good rest in Mirgorod. And to the quiet life, the resort adds the wonderful air of the grove of birches and pine forests, organic food and healing mineral water. All these factors greatly enhance the healing effect.

rest in myrgorod
Holidays in Mirgorod are unhurried walks along the park’s alleys or therapeutic walking on specially equipped six footpaths. Their length is from 600 to 4000 meters. Anyone who passes through the suspension bridge, gets into the landscape park-reserve. Its area is 63.9 ha. The main function of the park is to preserve and restore the most valuable landscapes. On this territory, vacationers are given the opportunity to walk along convenient walking and hiking trails, as well as spend time in places where wooden benches and picnic tables are installed. Deciduous and coniferous trees grow in the park. Here you can take a walk along the famous birch grove.

Fans of fishing can be advised to go to the eastern part of the park, where a huge pond is located, whose area is 8.2 hectares. Carp and silver carp, crucian carp and grass carp, pike and catfish, bream and perch, as well as rudd are found in this pond. Fishermen's services include fishing rod and gear rental, sale of bait and top dressing. For convenience, there are specially equipped masonry near the water. A recreation complex was built on the shore near the pond. It consists of barbecue facilities and gazebos.

Swimming enthusiasts can visit the resort beach. This is a zone equipped with changing rooms, sunbeds, toilets and showers. Vacationers can hide from the scorching sun under fungi made from reeds. On the beach there are always rescuers and a nurse on duty.

It is also offered to swim in a boat or catamaran, play on a basketball or volleyball court, and also spend your time actively on the tennis court.

Public events

The resort House of Culture invites guests to visit the dance hall, cinema and concert hall, designed for 1020 seats. A conference room equipped with the latest media complex also welcomes guests. Both local artists and stars of the Russian and Ukrainian pop take part in various events. It should be borne in mind that the main contingent of visitors to the recreation center is vacationers of middle and older age. Young people prefer night clubs.

Literature lovers will find something for themselves. A resort library is working for them, the fund of which exceeds 30,000 publications.

Those who wish to get to know Poltava region and its sights as closely as possible will have a wonderful time. Mirgorod resorts offer their vacationers various excursions.

Association of health facilities

For those who decided to improve and maintain their health, Mirgorodkurort opens its doors wide. This is a joint-stock company, which includes medical institutions. Mirgorodkurort is an association of 4 resorts, including Birch Guy, Poltava, Mirgorod and Khorol. All of them are located in the park area and occupy a total area of ​​45 hectares.

Mirgorod resorts are located on the territory, a significant part of which is occupied by forests, represented by birch groves, pine forests, as well as areas where various types of trees grow.

Mirgorod city
But not only the above includes Mirgorod (resort) sanatoriums. There are two departmental health institutions in its composition. This is "MRC Mirgorod", owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as them. Gogol, administered by the Southern Railway. There is a state sanatorium called “Glory” and a private one - “Rainbow”.

Directions of treatment

Mirgorod resorts have a common specialization. It consists in the treatment of metabolic disorders in the body, as well as the elimination of pathologies of the digestive system. The opportunity to improve their health every year is used by more than thirty thousand vacationers from around the world.

poltava myrgorod
The city of Mirgorod offers everyone who wants to use the services of sanatoriums using such natural factors as mineral water and peat mud. There are three wells in the resort, punched to a depth of 673 to 710 m. Healing water is used both for general healing of the body, and for eliminating pathologies of the digestive and other systems. As an external agent, it is used to treat the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous and genitourinary system, nasopharynx and oral cavity. Healing water helps eliminate gynecological diseases and infertility. Unique peat mud allows you to cope with many ailments.

Sanatorium "Mirgorod"

This medical institution is located on the banks of Khorol. The riverbed goes around the sanatorium, forming a kind of horseshoe around its buildings. This is one of the first health facilities in Mirgorod today is widely known not only in Ukraine, but also in countries belonging to the CIS. Reviews about him are only positive.

health resort Khorol
The sanatorium offers vacationers treatment of both those pathologies that relate to the main profile of the resort, as well as various related ailments. To achieve the maximum effect in this, doctors can use modern medical and diagnostic equipment and natural factors.

Sanatorium "Birch Guy"

This medical institution is located in the park area of ​​the resort town. Sanatorium "Birch Guy" (Mirgorod) stands out from all of its specific focus. It treats people suffering from diabetes. All vacationers are provided with luxury rooms, as well as single or double rooms with all amenities. On the basis of the sanatorium there is a diagnostic center equipped with a bacteriological and biochemical laboratory. Tourists note that the combination of price and quality of services is excellent here.

Sanatorium with the name "Khorol"

This health institution was erected in the very center of Mirgorod. Not far from its buildings is a pump room with mineral water. Sanatorium "Khorol" has a specialized department for mother and child, designed to eliminate pathologies of the digestive system. At the same time, this medical institution accepts up to 358 vacationers. The category of his rooms is “Suite”, “Standard”, as well as “Superior Suite”. Travelers speak well of this place.

Health-improving institution "Poltava"

This complex invites its guests not only to relax, but also to improve their health in comfortable conditions. Sanatorium "Poltava" (Mirgorod) relieves diseases of the digestive system and musculoskeletal system. At the same time, such modern techniques are used as:

- amplipulse therapy;
- diadynamic therapy;
- magnetic laser therapy;
- ultrasound.

Sanatorium "Poltava" (Mirgorod) offers its guests herbal inhalations that relieve diseases of the lungs, bronchi and trachea. Aromatherapy is also in the complex of medical procedures, which makes it possible to cure neurasthenia, neurosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, etc.

Mirgorod resort sanatoriums
If you are going to Mirgorod, the Poltava resort will be an excellent choice (as noted in the reviews). On its territory there are: a concert hall and playgrounds for games, a parking lot and a beach, a sauna and a phytobar.


So, you decided to visit Mirgorod. How to get to the resort town? To do this, you can use both the train and the bus. Station "Mirgorod" is located on the branch of the Southern Railway, operating between Kiev and Kharkov. About twenty passenger trains pass through it every day, which transport passengers directly from Uzhgorod and Vinnitsa, Odessa and Zaporozhye, Lviv and Kharkov, Donetsk and Kiev without transfers.

In the very center of Mirgorod there is a bus station building. Buses from both intercity and regional and suburban routes arrive here. They bring vacationers along the routes of Kharkov, Kiev, Sumy and Dnepropetrovsk directions. There are flights "Poltava-Mirgorod". Buses run from Kremenchug, Lokhvitsy, Gaidach and many settlements of the Mirgorod region.


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