How did animals help people during the war? Dogs - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Animals tamed by man have always been in his service. And not only in times of peace. How animals helped people during the war is known from the history of different peoples of the planet. This is not only about modernity. The first mention of the participation of animals in the fighting of various armies dates back to ancient times.

What determines the choice of animals

Historians have repeatedly found documents telling about how animals helped people during the war. In addition, it is known that for military purposes they used a wide variety of types of their representatives. What guided the warring armies, choosing their allies from among the animals?

how animals helped people during the war
First of all, this was due to the level of development of civilization in general and military art and the level of armament of the army in particular. The choice depended on the nature of the terrain where the battles took place. The goals that needed to be achieved during the competition also suggested which animals were best used.
Horses, elephants, dogs, different types of birds and even snakes could fulfill both auxiliary and combat functions.

Horses and war

The most peaceful and noble animal on Earth is a horse. However, it was her man who used the war more often than other representatives of the fauna. The chariots of the warriors of ancient states were harnessed by horses. The devastating raids of nomads, lasting more than one century, were also carried out on horses.
Regiments of hussars and lancers during the Patriotic War of 1812, North American Indians, cavalrymen of both world wars - all were closely connected with horses. The list of military events where these animals played a large role could be continued further.

dogs in war
Horses were used at the moment of attacks as draft force during respite, in reconnaissance. These animals worked with signalmen, laying communications. The victorious army led by military commanders solemnly entered the conquered cities on horseback.

The mentioned historical events once again remind how animals helped people during the war. And this means that all the hardships associated with harsh times, had to endure not only people, but also their four-legged helpers.

Animals - war veterans

In tropical countries, as a rule, elephants participated in battles alongside people. They fearlessly moved forward, terrifying the enemy. Their huge power was used to move heavy structures, machines. But against this formidable force, a simple weapon was soon found - it was fire. He made the elephants flee in panic. During such an escape, not only the enemy, but also its own army suffered.

dogs heroes of the great patriotic war
In the countries of Asia for military purposes were used not horses, but mules and camels. These animals are more resilient, better adapted to the conditions of semi-deserts and deserts.
Studying the issue of how animals helped people during the war, one cannot but mention the birds. First of all, these are carrier pigeons. Many armies in the world used birds to transmit reports. However, during World War II, peregrine falcons, which are predators, were released against pigeons. For the first time, such tactics were used by the British.

Dogs in war

Dogs deserve a special discussion regarding the participation of animals in the war. They can rightly be called military personnel. Dogs began their difficult career in ancient times. They served as guard animals.
After a certain time, a person began to use them in the search, and then in courier work. In the 20th century, dogs reached the rank of sappers, demolitionists, orderlies, scouts, and border guards.

Animals-participants of the Great Patriotic War

The memory of the events of seventy years is still alive in the hearts of people. The modern generation understands what strength and courage the soldiers of different countries had to show in the fight against a serious enemy, such as fascist Germany.
At the same time, do not underestimate the role of animals during the Great Patriotic War. And again we will talk about horses, dogs, pigeons. There are known facts that trained dolphins were used in the service of military sailors. They performed the role of bombers, scouts, discovering saboteurs, submariners.

story about animals during the war
According to official documents, in the ranks of the Soviet army there were about 1.9 million horses. They were used in all military branches. A team of several animals could move the gun, changing firing positions. Field kitchens moved with the help of horses, they also delivered convoys with food. Horse transport was used in military hospitals, so many wounded soldiers believed that they owe their lives to horses.

The fact that people are grateful to animals is evidenced by the fact that soldiers were taken out of the battlefield and nursed the injured horses until they fully recovered. However, one must not forget that animals died in the war, like humans. According to some reports, during the last war, about a million horses died.

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Knowing the severity of the service that the dogs had to perform during the period from 1941 to 1945, without hesitation they can be put on a par with the people who won the Victory in this war.

feats of animals during the war
The stories told by eyewitnesses amaze with unusual facts that speak of the dog's unlimited devotion to man. According to official sources, about 700 thousand wounded soldiers were taken out from under the line of fire by orderlies.

It is well known that four-legged assistants delivered shells and ammunition to the most dangerous places, where it was unthinkable for a person or equipment to get there. Sometimes at the time of the battle, a message received from the command on time could save tens and hundreds of human lives. About 120 thousand such reports were delivered by dogs.

After fierce fighting, many wounded soldiers remained in their places of command. Dogs helped doctors find live fighters who needed help, thus saving their lives.

With the help of fighter dogs, about 300 enemy tanks were destroyed during the war years. The sad thing is that the life of all these animals ended the same way - they had to stop the enemy machine, but at the same time die under its tracks.
After the onset of a turning point during the war, the liberation procession of our army across the territory of the USSR and European countries began. It was necessary to secure people returning to civilian life. And here again the dogs rendered invaluable service. They participated in the clearance of more than 300 settlements. Dogs in the war discovered over four million mines. They saved 18,394 buildings from destruction, many of which were of historical value. The assertion that dogs are heroes of the Great Patriotic War has good reason, which is confirmed by official data.

Armed Conflict Zones

As you know, the modern world is not distinguished by a calm environment. Tension arises with a certain constancy in one part of it, then in another. And again in the most dangerous places next to the person is a dog.

the role of animals during the great patriotic war
Dog training services teach them to search for hiding criminals, conduct prosecution. Dogs are searched for vehicles, patrolling the streets, guarding objects of special importance.

Human tribute

The feats of animals during the war are not forgotten by people. There is numerous evidence of this. For example, a monument to dogs of World War II is available in many cities and countries that did not pass by these tragic events. The initiators of the creation of monuments are ordinary people, public organizations, and sometimes leaders of states.

monument to dogs of the great patriotic war
In Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill in 2013, a bronze monument to a front-line dog was erected. In 2003, a memorial complex was opened in Ukraine in honor of border guard heroes and service dogs. In Novosibirsk, a monument was erected in honor of all the service dogs that participated in the hostilities and who were injured or killed there.
It is not uncommon for dogs to receive rewards for completing particularly dangerous missions.

It is safe to say that each person keeps in his soul an extraordinary story, an amazing story about animals during the war. And this, too, is a tribute to the four-legged friends.


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