History of the sewing machine. Interesting facts about sewing machines

The topic of our article is the history of the creation of a sewing machine. We will talk about when the first machine appeared and by whom it was created. Consider the history of the most famous machine manufacturer - Singer. And we will try to find out when the first sewing machines appeared in Russia.

How it all started

The history of the creation of the first sewing machine began at the very moment when our distant ancestress first picked up a bone needle. Note that this instrument then looked more like an awl than a needle. Later, a hook was invented for threading threads through holes punched into the fabric. And after that, a needle with an eye. Moreover, the hole for the thread was made at the very base of the needle, as on modern machines.

However, a semblance of a sewing machine arose only in the 14th century in Holland. At this time, sagging workshops were for the first time equipped with wheeled machines that grind long canvas. Unfortunately, the name of the inventor of this design did not reach us. However, it is known that such structures were very large and occupied a huge place. The Dutch machine was completely unlike modern sewing.

the history of the sewing machine

First project

Not without the participation of Leonardo da Vinci, the story of the creation of a sewing machine. Grade 5 ("Technology" - this topic is considered within the framework of this subject), studying history, according to the new school curriculum, covers the creation of household appliances. In this regard, children will be interested to know that the first project of a sewing machine was proposed by Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century. However, the idea of ​​the great scientist was never realized.

It was only in 1755 that Karl Weisenthal was able to obtain a patent for the invention of a sewing machine that imitated handmade stitches. And in 1790, Tom Saint created a machine designed to sew boots. Then he created his model of a sewing machine B. Timonier. However, all of these mechanisms were not common.

And only at the beginning of 1845 Ellias How created a machine that was truly suitable for sewing, although it had many shortcomings.

The appearance of the first garment factory

history of creating a sewing machine grade 5

The story of the creation of a sewing machine continues. Grade 5, having briefly reviewed the above information, will probably be interested in the fact that the first sewing machine, more or less similar to the modern one, appeared in the 18th century.

All the inventions mentioned above only recreated hand sewing and could only sew in one thread. At the same time, the fabric had to be in an upright position, and the seam itself quite easily loosened. However, this did not stop Barthelemy Timonyev from 1830 becoming the founder of the first automated sewing factory, which was equipped with these very imperfect first mechanisms.

The history of the Singer sewing machine

It all started in a small workshop specializing in the repair of sewing machines. Isaac Singer, a self-taught engineer, worked here. Once, when he had to repair another imperfect unit, he told his master that he himself could have come up with something better than the devices that were constantly deteriorating. The owner did not believe him. Then Singer borrowed $ 40 from a friend and built a new sewing machine. It took him exactly 11 days to work.

This device allowed to make not only straight seams, but any. At the same time, the fabric was pressed to the countertop with a special “foot”, and the mechanism itself was driven by a convenient foot pedal, which freed the hands of the dressmaker and made it possible to hold and direct the fabric. However, Singer did not stop there, continuing to improve his invention.

history of creating a sewing machine grade 5 briefly

Singer Marketing

We can say that it is with Singer that the real story of creating a sewing machine begins. Briefly speaking about the merits of this man, it is necessary to mention that he owes his success not only to engineering skills, but also to his marketing decisions. For example, Singer quickly realized that the main buyers of his goods were women. There were no magazines then, but all the fair sex systematically attended the church. Then Singer began distributing advertising brochures of his cars along with religious ones.

The history of the sewing machine, in addition to all of the above, includes another noteworthy fact. It was Singer who became the first manufacturer of sewing machines who decided to sell spare parts for repairs separately from units. In addition, this event can be called the first example in the history of the "after-sales" service.

19-20 century

History of sewing machine Grade 5 Technology

At this time, the story of the creation of the sewing machine can be said to be at its peak. The fact is that it was at the end of the 19th and throughout the 20th century that sewing machines became incredibly popular. They are bought and sold in huge quantities.

There are more and more new companies for the production of these units, for example: Verits, Pfaff, Kaizer and several others. Nevertheless, the Singer company remains the world leader in the number of machine sales.


The history of the creation of a sewing machine also includes the appearance on the Russian market. Grade 5, whose students are just starting to get acquainted with history, should know about when the first cars began to appear in our country.

For the first time in 1866, a sewing machine factory was opened in Russia. Its founder was Robert Getz, and it was located in St. Petersburg. Later this production was expanded by Leon Casteleon, having established the production of various types of machines.

In these years, sewing machines have become incredibly popular - they are considered the best gifts and dowries.

the story of creating a sewing machine to tell children

Singer in Russia

The Russian history of the creation of a sewing machine was not complete without the Singer company. Grade 5 must be interested in such information.

So, in 1902, a factory for the production of Singer machines was founded in Podolsk. By the way, it works to this day. At first, the enterprise consisted of several small workshops where cars were assembled. However, later the factory expanded so that it had 65 representative offices in various regions of the country. At the same time, the Imperial Court, and then the Soviet government, collaborated with the Singer company.

Interesting Facts

The history of the creation of a sewing machine is very fascinating in itself. To tell the children, however, it would be better to have interesting facts related to it. It will be difficult for them to listen to a long story, but they will remember well several bright historical events.

It’s worth starting with a few fascinating facts about the Singer company and its products. So, the first cars of this company were very expensive - 125 dollars. At that time, it was the budget of an ordinary American family for about 3 months. It should be borne in mind that single women or widows usually earned sewing, whose income was much lower. Then Singer made, one might say, a fateful decision: to sell cars by installments. This step increased sales to 1,000 copies per year. And by 1875, his company’s turnover grew 200 times. Such a jump helped reduce the cost of the machine from $ 200 to 10.

the history of the singer’s sewing machine

The history of the sewing machine is rich in yet another interesting fact related to the Singer company. It is not directly related to the sewing machines themselves, however, it deserves mention. In 1908, the corporation rebuilt the building, which became the first skyscraper in New York - it had 47 floors. The miracle was located at 149 Broadway.

In the days of Mao Zedong, there was a saying in China that characterized the well-being of the family: "One speaker, three spinners." This meant that the family has a watch, a sewing machine, a radio and a bicycle.

From the 1990s to the 2000s, it was rumored that some parts of antique sewing machines were made of various precious metals, such as palladium and platinum. This explains the appearance of many rarity buyers. In 2001, a crime occurred because of this myth - teenagers killed a pensioner and removed an old sewing machine from her apartment. Of course, information about precious metals has nothing to do with the truth.

As noted above, the history of the creation of a sewing machine is also being studied at school today. Grade 5 (GEF - a new curriculum that includes this topic), for example, studies this issue in technology lessons.

And among the interesting facts that you can tell children about the history of the machine, there is a very recent incident. In 2012, a deputy from the Rostov region Leonid Shafirov invented a method that could increase the employment of mothers of large families and single mothers in one of the most backward mining regions - he gave out about a hundred sewing machines to women for free. The action was held in two cities. To get a typewriter, it was necessary to send an application to the deputy and written confirmation of relatives and neighbors that a mother with many children can sew.

the history of the first sewing machine

The history of the sewing machine and iron

Along with the history of the sewing machine, you can talk about such an indispensable subject today as the iron. This household appliance has a very ancient history. According to archaeologists, the likeness of the iron was used already in the 4th century BC. e. in ancient Greece. Initially, it was a heated stone, which smoothed clothes. And only in the 18th century did a cast-iron iron appear, which was similar in shape to the modern one. As for the electric iron, it appeared in 1903, and was created by Earl Richardson.

Thus, the history of household appliances can be no less interesting than the history of civilization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G2569/

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