Nizhny Novgorod. Kremlin - a fortress in the city center (photo)

At the moment, it is generally accepted that in Russia there are 41 historical cities. Among them, a special place is occupied by Nizhny Novgorod. The Kremlin of this city ​​is one of the most beautiful and majestic among the preserved attractions and attracts the city of thousands of tourists, including from abroad.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

History of foundation and construction

From ancient times on the territory of Ancient Russia, fortifications were built that defended the city from the attack of the enemy. No wonder the Scandinavians called our country Gardarika. One of the fortifications built in the 14th century was the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, which was originally composed of earth and wood.

During the reign of Ivan the Third, in 1500, the first stone tower, known as Tverskaya, was laid in order to strengthen the defenses of the city. Due to the Horde raid, the construction was completed only in 1505, and when 8 years later the oak Kremlin burned down, the architect Pietro Francesco was invited to Nizhny Novgorod. It was this Italian who created powerful fortifications, which today amaze visitors to the city.

The new Kremlin was built from tuff of lime, mined downstream of the Volga, and red bolshemerovogo brick, which was produced on the spot.

Kremlin Nizhny Novgorod

Description of the fortress

The Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod) had a 2-kilometer wall and 13 towers. Of these, 5 rectangular were passable and 8 were round, deaf. In addition, in front of the Dmitrov Tower there was a small stone bridge with a swing tower.

The fortress was surrounded by an anhydrous moat 25-30 m wide and 2.5-4 m deep. Experts suggest that the moat in the area of ​​the Dmitrov Tower had separate sections that were filled with groundwater.

Armaments and Garrison

At the moment, nothing is known about the artillery of the fortress in the 16th century. However, there is evidence that in the middle of the 17th century there were only 20 guns in service with the garrison, since after Ivan the Terrible took Kazan in 1552, the military-defense value of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin significantly decreased. For the most part, they were small-caliber squeaks of a small outfit. There were also mattresses - small cannons firing a shot. In addition, other firearms were used - peepers-bowls.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod) photo

Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod): history

Throughout the 16th century, the fortress was repeatedly besieged, but the enemy never managed to raise their banners above it.

In the 17th century, the Kremlin became the place where the gathering took place, culminating in the organization of the Second Popular Militia, which saved Russia and ended the Time of Troubles.

In the 18th century, the fortress was used as the residence of the governor. Under Catherine II, the dilapidated Kremlin was restored. However, the work performed only worsened the condition of the structure. Even more destructive were the attempts to save the fortifications undertaken in 1834-1837. In particular, after the moat was filled up, the height of the Kremlin decreased by 4 m and the lower tiers were underground. As a result, they were flooded by groundwater and began to gradually collapse. In the 19th century, the Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod) became the place from which the militia went to the Patriotic War, who, faithful to the memory of their grandfathers, showed themselves to be brave warriors.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin photo

Museum foundation

Under Alexander the Third, a fashion for everything Russian and interest in Russian history arose. In 1894, it was decided to organize a historical museum in the Kremlin. To do this, they decided to redo the Dmitrievskaya Tower. Upon completion of work in 1896, the museum was opened to the public. To deliver visitors to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (Nizhny Novgorod), the photo of which is presented below, in 1896 a funicular was built from Rozhdestvenskaya Street. However, in 1926 it was closed, as the operation of the tram line along the Zelensky Congress began. She connected Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street with Rozhdestvenskaya.

Under Soviet rule (until 1945)

After the October Revolution, like the whole country, Nizhny Novgorod suffered great changes. The Kremlin lost its famous Transfiguration Cathedral, which had no place in the city, renamed in honor of Maxim Gorky.

On the site of the ancient temple erected by Mikhail Romanov and Archbishop Filaret in the 17th century, the new authorities built the House of Soviets, and the museum, which operated in the Dmitrievskaya Tower, was closed. A plan for the destruction of some towers was also developed in order to expand Soviet Square, but the Great Patriotic War prevented the plans.

From 1941 to 1943, the Nazis began to bombard Nizhny Novgorod from the air. The Kremlin, which at that time was over 4 centuries old, defended its hometown. Anti-aircraft guns were put on its towers, which protected the sky over Gorky.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin how to get

In the postwar period

At the end of the Second World War, near the walls of the ancient Kremlin, on Sovetskaya Square (Minin and Pozharsky), the Victory Parade was held, and since 1949 the fortress was restored. After 31 years, an exhibition of weapons from the time of the struggle against fascist invaders opened on the territory of the Kremlin.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the lack of funding led to the complete cessation of restoration work. They continued only in the 2000s. In the same period, to preserve the sights for future generations, in Nizhny Novgorod organized the Historical and Architectural Reserve, the basis of which is the Kremlin.

Of the events of recent years, the reconstruction of the Zachatsky Tower, which was carried out in 2012, should be noted. As a result of construction work, the ring of the Kremlin walls closed, and the architectural ensemble took on a completed look.

What tourists will see in Nizhny Novgorod today

Today the city is one of the most important tourist centers in the region. Numerous attractions annually attract thousands of tourists to Nizhny Novgorod. The Kremlin is the most important of them. Among the monuments preserved on its territory, 13 towers can be noted, the inspection of each of which will bring great pleasure to architecture lovers. In addition, there are the City Duma, the prosecutor's office, the arbitration court, the main registry office, the post office, the philharmonic society, the art museum, guardhouse and eternal flame. Also located there: avenue of love, several cafes and other interesting objects.

Nizhny Novgorod, the Kremlin: how to get

The fortress is located at the confluence of the Oka and Volga, on a high cape. Those who arrived in the city by rail from the Moscow station can get to the Kremlin using minibuses N 34, 81, 134, 54 or 172 to the stop “Ploshchad Minina i Pozharskogo”. Then you should go along the pedestrian street - Bolshaya Pokrovskaya.

Kremlin Nizhny Novgorod

Other attractions

What else can you see if you are lucky enough to get to Nizhny Novgorod? The Kremlin is surrounded by interesting historical and architectural monuments, which can also be seen. For example, on Minin and Pozharsky Square, located on the southeast side of the fortress walls, there is a copy of the famous Moscow monument erected in honor of the heroes. Nearby are also the museum of A. S. Pushkin, the fountain, built in 1847, the monuments to V. Chkalov and Kuzma Minin. The latter is known for being installed during the war in order to raise the morale of Nizhny Novgorod during the days of intense air raids on the city.

Now you know what attracts tourists to Nizhny Novgorod. The Kremlin (photo above) deserves to be examined and filled with pride in the deeds of our ancestors.


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