Effects processor: how is it used and why

In the process of performing any composition, the musician seeks to achieve the best sound. For this, one tool and a good game are not always enough. Guitar effect processors that enhance the sound come to the rescue. Let us consider this topic in more detail.

What is an effects processor

With a simple guitar playing, you will notice that the sound does not have enough power. At home, this is not so important, but any performance requires maximum volume. Amplifiers were originally created for these purposes. The guitar was connected to such equipment, and the performer could independently adjust the volume that the instrument would acquire.

effects processor

However, the matter was not limited to one amplifier. Soon, the so-called "lotions" appeared. They also connected to a guitar and amp to create a specific sound effect when playing. The mentioned effects processor combines the functions of several separate lotions at once. In a word, perfect equipment.

Who uses an effects processor

Initially, they were associated only with guitarists, but this equipment is also found for singers. The vocal effects processor is similar in function to the guitar. Its purpose is to add strength to the executable composition, new effects that cannot be achieved in "natural" ways.


Currently existing units are divided into classic and digital effects processors. The first, also called "tube", is the oldest and most beloved version of many experienced guitarists. The reason for this lies in the resulting sound. Unlike the modern electronic version, the tube processor, according to the performers, creates a โ€œwarmerโ€ sound.

guitar effects processors

However, the classic version is not so convenient, unlike the digital one. While the latter is easy to configure, has a huge number of built-in functions and modulations, is lightweight and easy to carry, the tube version will always be heavier. He also needs an external power source.

What equipment to choose

If the contractor is faced with the question of which processor will be better, then an exact answer cannot be given. First of all, you need to practice on both options. According to experienced guitarists, you should have both processors in your arsenal. This is due to what kind of sound is needed when performing a directed composition. In some cases, the digital processor will be an ideal option, in other cases - a classic. Decide what to choose, only focusing on your own taste and finances.

What effects can be obtained

Among the most popular and well-known effects include distortion and overdrive. They create the so-called "overload", which adds a melody of aggression. Often this effect is used in "heavy" musical genres.

vocal effects processor

There are a large number of other effects that may occur in the purchased unit. For instance:

  • Chorus - simulates a choral sound for an instrument. It turns juicy and surround sound.
  • Flanger - similar to the sound of an airplane taking off. It was popular in the 60s when it was required to give the sound "psychedelicity".
  • Phaser is the effect obtained by filtering the sound stream, creating a series of highs and lows in the transmitted spectrum.
  • Octaver - a sound effect in which a similar signal is added to the transmitted signal, but an octave higher or lower. There is a more modern version, called a harmonizer, which adjusts the sound at the level of two octaves.
  • Vibrato - periodically changing the tone, pitch and tone of the transmitted signal.
  • Equalizer - a function that adds the ability to equalize the amplitude-frequency response.

All of these characteristics are used primarily by electric guitarists. However, there are processors for bass and some other instruments. They are less common, but no less important.

digital effects processor

An effects processor is necessary for a guitarist to create an original composition. Due to the abundance of built-in functions and two types of blocks, the choice is limited only by the imagination of the artist creating his own melody. At the same time, there are effect processors designed for vocalists and bass players. All of these tools provide ample opportunities for creativity. Go for it!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25695/

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