How to polish glass on the phone at home

Many of us are happy owners of cutting-edge smartphones with a touch screen. However, not all owners of these gadgets are able to carefully handle their property. Therefore, over time, small scratches begin to appear on the screen. In this article you will learn how to polish glass on your phone.

What will be required to perform the manipulations?

You can try to remove scratches from the smartphone’s display using regular toothpaste. For these purposes, it is forbidden to use abrasive powder, since the microparticles contained in it can damage the screen.

how to polish glass on the phone

Before polishing the glass on the phone, you need to stock up on soft wipes and a special liquid designed to clean the touch displays of micropowder and plaque. It is sold in many stores. In the absence of this fluid, you can do without it.


Before polishing the glass on the phone from scratches, you need to gently wipe the display. This can be done in a circular motion using a soft rag or a special napkin.

After that, you need to take a clean cloth and, having applied a little toothpaste to it, put it on the touch screen. After a couple of minutes, wipe the entire surface of the screen and polish it with a clean cloth. At the end of the procedure, you can wipe the display with cleaning fluid. As a rule, after this all microscopic scratches disappear, and deeper ones become less noticeable.

how to polish glass phone at home

Professional Tools

Those who want to figure out how to polish glass on the phone will be interested in another way. It allows you to completely remove scratches without visiting a specialized workshop. To do this, you need GOI paste or Displex. These professional compounds are sold in many communication stores.

A small amount of one of the above products is applied to the display and gently rubbed in a circular motion with a soft cloth. After the complete elimination of defects, the remaining composition must be removed.

polish scratches on the phone glass

Cars polishes

There is another, no less effective way to polish scratches on the glass of the phone. To do this, you will need a special composition designed for car care. Such tools can effectively remove defects without damaging the surface itself.

For processing, you will need a soft cloth and the polish itself. First, a small amount of the product should be applied to the screen. After that, the display is wiped with careful circular movements.

Removing shallow scratches with a baby powder

This technique allows you to effectively eliminate small scuffs and minor defects. How to polish the glass of the phone at home? First you need to prepare a polishing paste based on a product that is designed to care for children's skin. Talc present in the powder will act as a gentle abrasive.

A small amount of dry powder must be diluted with several drops of water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This composition is applied to the screen and rubbed with a soft cloth. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove excess funds with a damp cloth.

how to polish glass on the phone camera

Baking soda

Almost every housewife has this multifunctional product in stock. It can not only be added to baking, but also used for other purposes. The abrasive particles that make up soda perfectly smooth out irregularities on the treated surfaces.

How to polish glass on the phone with this ingredient? It is necessary to prepare a special composition. To do this, mix one part of baking soda with two parts of water. As a result, you should get a homogeneous gruel. This mass should be applied to a piece of soft cloth and wiped with a touch screen. You can use a damp cloth to remove product residue.

how to polish glass on the phone from scratches

In the process, it is important to ensure that the rags used to remove excess soda are only slightly moistened with water. Excess fluid can cause other, more serious problems.

Bringing the display back to life with vegetable oil

Having figured out how to polish glass on the phone’s camera and on its case, another possible way to remove scratches can be discussed. Quite simple to get rid of them with ordinary vegetable oil. It contributes to the disappearance of small and not too deep scratches and scuffs. This technique is also good because each house has at least a small supply of this product. Corn, sesame, olive or sunflower oil is excellent for such purposes.

On a damaged screen, you need to apply one drop of a natural fatty food product and rub it well. Such manipulations quickly help to restore the smartphone to its original form.

how to polish glass on the phone

How to prevent possible scratches?

Those who care about the safety of their smartphone can be advised to purchase special protection for the display. Today, many manufacturers make it from tempered glass or plastic. We advise you not to save and buy the first option. It is more expensive, but at the same time more reliable.

It is also important to remember that small scratches appear due to the presence of foreign particles on the display. Therefore, do not be lazy to systematically wipe its surface with microfiber or silk. All touch-screen phones need such care.

In most cases, smartphones are scratched exactly at the moment when their owner is in motion. It is not recommended to place an ultramodern expensive gadget with keys or coins. It’s better to hide it in a separate lockable pocket. Also, do not neglect quality covers and protective films.


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