Accounting Recovery Procedure


The cessation of activities carried out by the accountant of a small or large company in connection with his dismissal, the absence of an accountant in the company’s staff or a change in the staff list leads to the termination of accounting.

Not always the management of the organization makes a decision on the termination of labor of the whole team, waiting for the appearance of a new accountant. A prolonged wait may lead to verification, conflict situations and penalties. The restoration of accounting can save the company. Highly qualified specialists who do not require permanent employment know how to start this procedure.

Another common reason for the occurrence of such a situation is doing business, compiling documentation, communicating with the regulatory authorities of an incompetent accountant. All you need to know about what restoration of accounting.

The cost of the service will depend on how much the reporting documentation is started, what is the degree of complexity of the situation and other nuances, but the accountant will take on the responsibility with extensive experience and experience in solving such problems.

Accounting Recovery Procedure

accounting restoration
The procedure for restoring accounting is established by specialists after a detailed study of the situation at the enterprise. This is a task that requires a comprehensive solution and takes at least several weeks. The procedure for providing assistance to specialists:

  1. Study of the situation, familiarity with the available documentation.
  2. Developing a strategy, drawing up a plan, determining the sequence of actions.
  3. Signing a contract with a company providing accounting restoration services, which indicates the cost of accounting restoration.
  4. Organization of requests, search for lost accounting documents, correction of errors, preparation of new documentation under the supervision of auditors.
  5. Reconciliation of mutual settlements with counterparties, reporting, registries, declarations.

The final stage will be a report to the customer and settlement for the services rendered. Among the possible difficulties arising in the process of work is the correction of data recorded in an electronic database, the search and creation of lost, missing documents, the necessary participation of auditors.

Control is an essential part of the program. The customer must be informed of all emerging risks or violations of established accounting rules.


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