Why did they close the Saratov-Engels bridge? New bridge Saratov-Engels

In the Saratov region, the problem of the need to reconstruct the bridge across the great Russian Volga River has been discussed for a long time. At the same time, she is very worried not only by local residents who are forced to put themselves at risk daily while traveling through old structures, but also by scientists, because from a scientific point of view, they justified the need to repair the Saratov-Engels bridge. And finally, regional officials drew attention to the problem.

Bridge Saratov - Engels

In March 2014, employees of the regional committee for road facilities announced that the Saratov-Engels bridge would be closed for reconstruction.

Repair Dates

The start of repair work is scheduled for mid-spring 2014. The completion of the reconstruction of this project is scheduled for November 1 of the same year. It is at the beginning of the last month of autumn that the Saratov-Engels bridge will be re-commissioned. However, it is necessary to make a reservation that this date is approximate.

Discomfort for vehicle owners

Naturally, for the period of repair work on the structure, traffic will be limited, and therefore, vehicle owners will experience inconvenience for eight months traveling bypassing the settlement of Pristannoye.

The Saratov-Engels bridge will be open only for public transport. However, those who plan to arrive late to their place of study or work in Engels or Saratov by bus can not flatter themselves, since the number of public transport flights will also be reduced.

Repair of the Saratov-Engels bridge

At the same time, regional officials said that without this forced measure, the Saratov-Engels bridge could not be repaired soon.

Reconstruction of the object can no longer be postponed

In the middle of spring 2014, a meeting of an expert group was held in the local legislative body, the members of which noted the disappointing results of the final design quality control. At the same time, the data of interim examinations, which began in 2006, were announced. Even then, it became clear to specialists that the repair of the Saratov-Engels bridge should be carried out as soon as possible, but the regional budget deficit exacerbated the solution to the problem.

The first time its exacerbation occurred in 2004, when the supports collapsed along which the trolleybus cable lines ran. And, in fairness, none of the then officials was in a hurry to propose the construction of a new Saratov-Engels bridge.

New bridge Saratov - Engels

At the same time, time passed, state managers succeeded each other, and the problem remained unresolved. As a result, she reached a critical point.


The data of the initial check of the state of the object recorded that the waterproofing layer of the bridge became unusable. As a result, it was decided to disassemble the roadway and reconstruct the transport infrastructure. However, the Saratov-Engels bridge was never repaired due to the lack of money in the regional treasury. The project was suspended.

In 2008, scientists again embarked on an examination of the bridge. Now it turned out that the cables of flexible reinforcement were very rusted . Depreciation of these structural elements amounted to about 10%.

Bridge Saratov - Engels is closed

Experts said that the diameter of the cables seriously overshadowed, so the slightest fluctuation can lead to disaster. However, even after such disappointing conclusions of experts, the closing of the Engels-Saratov bridge was postponed by officials. Of course, they should not have been slow in repairing, but they just thought that no trouble would happen during their reign, and let their successors do the reconstruction of the bridge.

Until recently, the situation was simply disastrous. The construction has fallen to such an extent that any careless movement, and the bridge could collapse. And this can happen at the most unexpected moment, and hundreds of people can suffer as a result of the tragedy.

One way or another, but optimism is inspired by the fact that at the expert meeting, engineers announced that it was impossible to postpone the repair of the Saratov-Engels bridge. Officials simply can no longer not listen to their opinion.


Due to the fact that repair work will be carried out at the above-mentioned facility from April 15 to November 1, 2014, specialists from the regional transport committee have developed a scheme according to which traffic between the cities of Saratov and Engels will be carried out in the prescribed time.

The closure of the bridge Engels - Saratov

All vehicles will travel in the direction of the Pristanny district. As already emphasized, more convenient transportation conditions are provided for those who use public transport, although the number of flights will be reduced.

From the center of the regional capital, automobile routes will run towards the settlement of Yubileiny. Then the path will continue along Tankists, Bolshoi Zatonskaya and onto the new bridge.

From the Leninsky district of the city you can reach your destination via the Volsky Tract, and from the Zavodsky district - along the Novoastrakhansky highway.

Those who live in Engels can get to the place first along Studencheskaya Street, and then to the Pristan Bridge.

Owners of heavy vehicles will look for other ways to get around Engels, as Student will be filled with cars.

New bridge

Experts say that after the reconstruction of the bridge it can be operated up to a maximum of 2025. For this reason, officials began to create a project to build a new bridge, which will be erected in the narrowest spot of the river, in the immediate vicinity of the old transport infrastructure. The construction of a new construction will cost the regional treasury an average of 40-50 billion rubles. Currently, regional authorities are looking for investors.

Maintenance Costs

Reconstruction of the old bridge will require quite serious investments, the size of which is estimated by experts at 333,000 rubles. This money will be spent on updating the curb, purchasing and installing traffic lights, new road signs and other necessities. During the reconstruction period, the facility will have exclusively emergency rescue, operational and repair services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25709/

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