Historian Evgeny Spitsyn: biography, books on the history of Russia

In Russian society there are many urgent and important issues, the solution of which depends on the opinion of citizens. One of them is the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn. The fact is that for many centuries the country experienced the most diverse events in terms of meaning and influence on people. Each requires reflection and analysis, the development of a common attitude to it of all citizens of the country. And the acquaintance with the history of the state from school begins. But in Russia there is no single textbook of history. The problem is very serious. Let's discuss it and get to know the person who took responsibility for developing the solution. This is the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn, now engaged in the popularization of material collected in a four-volume textbook.

historian eugene spitsyn

Why is it important?

You should start with a description of the state in which we live. This is the largest country by area, consisting of subjects of the federation. And they, in turn, have their own government that develops solutions, including those related to the upbringing of the younger generation. That is, the content of the history textbook actually depends on the officials dealing with this problem in the corresponding ministry. It turns out that the children of a huge and strong country receive different information about where it came from. And not only that the information in them varies depending on the worldview of the official, but the ideas also do not harmonize with each other, are in antiphase. And this ultimately leads to the disunity of citizens brought up on conflicting concepts. That is, it is, as the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn convinces, about the integrity of the state. This person spends a lot of time and effort to counter such threatening trends. It is important for him what his Motherland will be like in ten or a hundred years. And an understanding is laid of where to go and how to develop for children sitting at school desks. When they grow up, it will be too late to change their worldview, but rather impossible.

spitsyn evgeny yurevich

Evgeny Spitsyn (historian): biography

The Russian outback is said to be rich in talents. But the capital, too, sometimes gives society bright and smart people. Spitsyn Evgeny Yurievich is a native Muscovite. He was born in 1966, at school was fond of, like many boys of that time, stories about military events. This was reflected in the choice of profession. In 1991, he graduated with honors from Moscow State Pedagogical University. Immediately went to school to teach children. Spitsyn Evgeny Yurievich gave teaching activities for more than twenty-five years. As he himself says, he worked in two schools, one of which he headed for some time. Administrative activities did not captivate him. This person considered his subject more interesting - history. And he was forced to write a textbook by the situation in the education system, which he himself called catastrophic.

The essence of the problem

University education differs from that provided by specialized universities by its deep systematic nature. If it is simpler, young people master the base, allowing to collect, structure and analyze large volumes of information. Practitioner Yevgeny Spitsyn, as we know, has perfectly studied the courses offered, as evidenced by his honors diploma. While teaching, this person constantly analyzed the quality of the system, which underwent changes in those days. His conclusions are disappointing. A catastrophe, he considers the introduction of the exam, as well as the transition to the "Bologna system". These two circumstances create a fierce contradiction, destroying the continuity in education. At the exam, students are required to demonstrate their ability to understand historiography. But the "Bologna system" leads to the fact that students do not study, therefore, do not understand this material. Arriving at work, young teachers are not able to instill in students such skills because of their lack of them. It turns out a vicious circle.

practice historian eugene spitsyn

Evgeny Spitsyn: history textbook

It took more than fifteen years to create a work that optimally describes the path of Russia. The four volumes harmoniously combine historical facts, names, as well as an analysis of the works of famous scientists. Evgeny Spitsyn created his books for the younger generation. That is, I was sure that they would begin to teach history at school. But this requires an appropriate government decision, but it is not yet. The first collection was released in August 2015. It was acquired mainly by ordinary teachers who have principles similar to the author regarding the teaching of the subject. The reader’s reviews note that this four-volume is the most convenient tool and help, allowing the teacher to structure the material and present it to children at an affordable level. So the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn received recognition among colleagues. His work was not in vain.

eugene spitsyn history book

Textbook structure

The four-volume consists of nine chapters, which include ninety-five topics. It covers all periods of the historical development of the Russian state. A distinctive feature of the textbook is that it includes a detailed historiography and bibliography of studies. Each topic is accompanied by reference material to the source, which is considered convenient for the reader. This allows you to optimize the work on the preparation of lectures, lessons, reports or essays. Eliminates the need to seek additional literature. The textbook begins with the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and the formation of the first Old Russian statehood. The last topic of books authored by Yevgeny Spitsyn is “The Emergency Committee: how the USSR was destroyed.” That is, the textbook complies with the historical and cultural standard approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

eugene spitsyn books

Other works of the author

The textbook is far from the first work created by Evgeny Spitsin. Although it should be noted that it was thanks to this work that the author received recognition. The scientist and teacher published articles and books throughout his life. His works concerned the history of Russia from ancient times, as well as the problems of modern culture and education. Articles were published in the journal “On Control”, in newspapers and on Internet resources. Evgeni Yurievich considers the goal of his work to be an improvement in the teaching of history. Therefore, in addition to the textbook, he published lecture courses. Among them can be called such as "Russian culture of the 9th-19th centuries.", "History of Russia 1894-1945." These and other works receive the most positive feedback from readers, noting the convenient structure and accessibility of the presentation of the material.

evgeny spitsyn gkchp how they destroyed the ussr

Social work

Evgeny Yuryevich did not stop at publishing a textbook. He considers it his duty to convey to the general public the correct attitude to the complex issues of Russian history. In 2016, he began a series of programs on this topic on the Day TV channel. His programs are popular with citizens of the Russian Federation and the entire Russian-speaking world. As the historian himself notes, the goal is to popularize knowledge, draw people's attention to the problems of presenting past events and the consequences of material distortion. A citizen, brought up on the wrong worldview, becomes a traitor to the motherland. Therefore, the country needs a single textbook. He is, only not officially recognized. The author himself refers to this circumstance philosophically. The Ministry of Education probably has its own opinion on a single history textbook, and Yevgeny Yuryevich suggests in public broadcasts to judge who is right.

Eugene Spitsyn historian biography


The activity of the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn is far from over. This talented person and citizen with an active lifestyle takes everything so that the society develops the right attitude to the study of history, its comprehension. But this is necessary so that people are proud of their country, and not be ashamed of its past under the pressure of dubious propaganda. The great country and its peoples overcame many obstacles. There were downs and ups. But was there anything shameful in history? Many years have been looking for the answer to this question. And the opinions of experts differ, which becomes the basis for further doubts and throwings in society. Is it so to build a Great Power? There is no way to do without comprehending history and understanding the essence of events. The goal is noble, do you think?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25716/

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