Saratov bridge - a fifty-year-old symbol of the city

Saratov bridge is one of the main attractions of the Volga region. Since its inception, it has become a symbol of the city and continues to be so far. In 2015, the bridge turned 50 years old. He was prepared for the anniversary in the process of major repairs, in fact, received a rebirth. Half a century - a considerable period and a worthy occasion to recall the past, to take a closer look at the present.

Saratov bridge

Briefly about the main thing

The automobile bridge stretches over the Volga for almost three kilometers. It connects two cities: the right bank of the great river is Saratov, and the left is Engels. The width of the structure is 15 m. The height of the Saratov bridge is variable. In the Engels area, construction is declining. Closer to the Saratov bridge is much higher: the maximum value is 20 m. There is a shipping zone.

Walking to the beach

Saratov bridge today is divided into three car lanes. And of course, there are footpaths. Every summer, residents and guests of the city get to the beach located in the middle of the Volga on the island of Pokrovsky Sands (Pokrovsk is the old name of Engels). The transport on the bridge did not stop for a sufficiently long period in history, and it was possible to sunbathe and swim only after a long walk. Now one of the buses "Saratov - Engels" delivers everyone directly to the entrance to the beach.

Getting to the golden sand on foot is generally easy. But the journey from Saratov to Engels or in the opposite direction without transport is already a feat. The length of the Saratov bridge, in fact, is not so long for lovers of hiking. However, the traveler is often met by a strong wind, creating a beautiful ripple on the Volga and persistent ringing in the ears after the journey. The ups and downs also affect. However, all difficulties recede into the background before the beauty of the opening view. A mighty, wide river, both cities viewed from the middle of the bridge - there is something to admire at any time of the year.

Great construction

The history of the Saratov bridge began in the 50s of the last century. The initial draft has undergone several changes and improvements. It was proposed, for example, to build a two-tier structure so that both trains and motor vehicles could walk on it. In 1956, the plan was approved. Construction began half a year later from the Engel coast. The works are preserved not only in the memory of the participants and in the photographs. The repair was filmed: directly on the site, director Oleg Efremov created the film "The Bridge Is Under Construction" with the participation of actors from the Moscow Sovremennik.

the history of the Saratov bridge

The main decoration of the bridge - the so-called birds under which the ships float - was installed in the next decade. Each of them weighs about 2.6 tons, but because of the openwork design it seems very light. Almost two thousand workers worked on the construction of the bridge. Through their efforts, the main attraction of the city was created in six years.


The Saratov bridge began its work on July 10, 1965. The structural strength before opening was subjected to serious testing. 250 loaded MAZ missed the bridge. The test for strength was passed "excellent".

On the opening day, residents of the two cities met in the middle of the bridge. Thus began the story of the main attraction of Saratov.

Saratov bridge photo


Half a century for reinforced concrete structures, the time is quite serious. Already in the 90s there was talk of the need for repair work. The inability to postpone the reconstruction became apparent a little later, in 2004. Then the contact network was damaged , the legendary trolleybus No. 9 had to be removed from the bridge, problems with lighting began.

Overhaul was carried out in 2014. The asphalt on the bridge was changed, the condition of sidewalks, lighting poles was improved. The waterproofing has been completely redone. Workers replaced the expansion joints, which for a long time made a strong crash when moving vehicles on them. During the repair, the bridge was closed for vehicles and pedestrians.

the length of the Saratov bridge

The work was completed two months ahead of schedule, at the end of August 2014. The updated bridge, according to experts, will last about another 15 years, and then will probably become a pedestrian.

Opening again

The second opening of the bridge was celebrated no less magnificent than the first. A huge number of people gathered for the celebration. Here you could see a different Saratov bridge: photo and video chronicle of the construction of half a century ago overlapped with the modern picture. All this created a sense of ownership not only of the new discovery, but of the creation of the bridge.

The celebration was adorned by bikers and lit up with fireworks. A trolleybus No. 9, specially issued for this day, was launched across the bridge (the route, however, is not going to be restored yet). The celebration of the second opening of the bridge was as solemn as in 1965.

height of the Saratov bridge

Today, the Saratov bridge continues to be the main attraction of the city. It is especially good in the evening and at night, when the road illuminated by lanterns is reflected in the Volga. Of course, the repair did not solve all the problems. No bridge will last forever and possible options for the projects of its β€œdeputies” are already being discussed today. Still the main inconvenience is eternal traffic jams. By the way, the bridge was supposed to be four-lane, but its width was reduced in order to save. They say that Khrushchev himself gave a decree about this. Despite all the problems, the main attraction of Saratov continues to attract tourists and romantics and remains one of the symbols of the city.


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