What will happen if you do not give a microloan? How not to pay microloans legally

In the article, we will consider what will happen if you do not give a microloan.

Microloans, or microloans, are now widespread due to the fact that MFIs rarely refuse their borrowers. By the way, you can now take a microloan not only from microfinance organizations, but also from credit cooperatives and private lenders.

If there is not enough money for a salary , in modern life no one runs around friends and neighbors and asks for a loan. All financial problems can be resolved in 30 minutes, if you apply for a microloan. These types of loans are currently at the top of popularity, and many people can get them in a microfinance organization.

what will happen if you do not give a microloan

There are almost no requirements at the same time: a passport and, in extreme cases, a pension or driver's license are required from the documents. IFCs may require a military or student ID card. You can get a microloan on a card, in cash or through a specific payment system. The term of such a loan may be several days or months. The average age of people who can apply for such a service is 20-65 years.

Often there are situations when a person wants to get a micro loan quickly, but he is in no hurry to return the money.

What will happen if you do not give a microloan, they often ask.

Failure Factors

The reasons why the borrower does not give money are quite diverse. They can be:

  • the client has not calculated his financial capabilities, and he cannot repay the debt;
  • an unpleasant situation arose at the borrower at work and he was forced to pay off other debts - as a result, the person is left without a livelihood;
  • the borrower is delayed the issuance of wages;
  • some unforeseen expenses occurred (illness, vehicle repair, etc.)

There are many other reasons why the recipients of microloans on the card do not pay their debts on time.

What will happen if the microloan is not paid?

If a client owes money to a bank or an ICC, then he will probably have a question - how not to give money to microfinance organizations and what will happen in such a case? Although you can often hear information that before signing all the necessary documents for a loan, the contract should be carefully read, but many borrowers ignore this advice. In the future, it turns out that the recipient of the loan will not be able to pay money to the microfinance organization, since the interest rates on it are very large and the lending period is too short. What will happen if you do not give a loan to MFI “Credit Plus”, IFC “Creditico” or “Express Finance”?

A client can contact the organization and inform: “I can’t pay a microloan, what should I do?”

If the borrower says that he cannot repay the funds on a microloan and addresses a similar problem to the company, as a rule, he makes concessions to such a client and offers various ways to solve such a problem. This may be refinancing, loan extension or restructuring of monetary debt. In cases where the applicant has nothing to repay the loan, but he does not take any decisive action in this regard, penalties may be charged.

how not to pay microloans legally

Often people say: "I scored a microloan and do not cry!".

In cases where clients who have received microloans in MFIs do not want to pay on loans, ignore phone calls and hide from employees of this financial institution, a banking organization can sell cash debt to a collection agency. At the same time, unscrupulous borrowers who have arrears and arrears on loan repayments receive “minuses” in their credit history, which in the future will be a serious obstacle to obtaining another loan or microloan. The most recent stage of the return of funds is the appeal of the credit organization to the court. However, current practice shows that collection agencies or MFIs rarely go to court. In most cases, they try to force the recipient of a microloan to repay money under a loan agreement on their own.

How not to pay microloans legally?

Some unscrupulous borrowers claim that they do not pay MFIs debts and there is nothing for them. But is it really possible not to pay a microloan for a year or a longer period? What will happen if you do not pay a microloan, it has already been said above: fines, litigation. However, in Russia there is a law that allows you to write off all debts from borrowers. This is an individual bankruptcy law. According to information from the Internet, debt cancellation is possible only when the total debt to banks and all IFCs has reached 500,000 rubles. Although if a person says that he is not paying a microloan and is waiting for debts, then this law is unlikely to help him. MFI pays borrowers only small amounts of money, and wait a very long time until the debt reaches 500 thousand rubles.

According to the above law, bankruptcy is a long and very complicated procedure that requires a lot of time and money.

How to legally not pay microloans, we told.


If some people do not understand how it is to borrow money and not repay, then others argue that not paying microloans is completely legal. Is the law in this case really on the side of the debtor and a microloan can not be repaid?

It doesn’t matter where the person took the mini-loan, at the MFO “Denga”, AKB “Green Finance” or “MoneyMen”, according to the terms of the loan agreement, he must return it.

There is only one legal way not to repay a microloan. All employees of a financial institution are familiar with the expression "bad debt." This means that neither collectors, nor the MFI itself, nor the bailiffs can do anything with the borrower to force him to pay the debt. As a rule, such debts have been hanging for years, they are attracted by high interest rates, but sooner or later they will be written off anyway.

I can not pay a microloan what to do

This is the question of what will happen if you do not give a microloan. Sometimes nothing happens for it.

If a person borrowed money, did not repay it, and such a loan was written off, then there were special reasons for this. The list of such reasons includes:

  • if the borrower is unemployed and cannot be employed for a long period of time;
  • on his bank accounts there was no cash flow that could be withdrawn to pay off the debt;
  • debtors cannot be found by bailiffs;
  • the debtor does not have any property that the bailiffs could confiscate;
  • the borrower filed a counterclaim requesting that the interest on the paid microloan be too high or illegal.

Debts are written off for a rather long time, the whole procedure in some cases lasts for years.

So, a man took a microloan and did not give up what threatens him for it?

Can they imprison?

This question is often found in various forums on monetary topics. If a person has a debt on a microloan that he cannot pay, and collectors constantly scare the prison, then it is clear that he wants to know what will happen if microfinance and interest on the loan are not repaid.

Most often, collectors and MFIs are scared by Article 159.1, however, it can be imputed only if the microloan borrower had planned not to repay the funds in advance, and if he knew at the time of signing the offer that he could not pay this loan.

don't pay a microloan consequences

If we are talking about a fairly large sum of money, then other articles may be charged: 177 and 165 of the Criminal Code. According to lawyers, there are a lot of important footnotes that create some difficulties and do not allow applying these articles to IFC borrowers, because, for example, article 177 is more relevant to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Organizations that issue microloans sue debtors?

What to do if it comes to court?

A rare court fully takes the side of a credit institution. In most cases, some of the fines are simply written off, as they are too high. There are cases when the court ordered the borrowers to return the entire microloan and at the same time also a part of the fines. In addition to the main amount of debt, it was necessary to recover legal costs. Sometimes, on the basis of a court order, part of the wages of an unscrupulous borrower was deducted for the repayment of monetary debt. In case of non-refund, bank account arrests were also observed, most often in cases when funds were received on the card.

Is it possible not to give microloans, interesting to many.

Can I complain about MFIs?

If a person took a microloan, but he has nothing to repay it, and the IFC does not make certain concessions to write off or extend debt obligations, then this problem has a solution.

We will tell you how not to pay interest on a microloan.

Every year there are more and more people who are unhappy with the service of the IWC. Sometimes their employees behave improperly, demanding to return a long-taken microloan, then the collectors go too far. Finding themselves in such an unpleasant situation, not all borrowers know where to complain about MFIs, respectively, and are not able to fully protect their rights. In the Russian Federation there are several institutions ready to provide assistance to such people: SRO NP MiR, Rospotrebnadzor, Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Central Bank.

took a microloan and did not give up what threatens

It is necessary to write a complaint about an unscrupulous organization, indicating its details, the essence of the appeal and the registration address. The complaint must be signed and a copy of the contract attached to it. Checks are also attached that confirm the cash payments. If the collectors have violated the law, it is necessary to file an application with the police. As for the collectors, in addition to intimidation and psychological pressure, they will not do anything with the borrower.

Therefore, in case of non-payment of a microloan, it is necessary to be prepared for such "guests" who can come not only to the debtor's home, but also visit the organization in which he carries out his labor activities. Psychologically, one should also prepare for frequent phone calls. On the Internet you can see numerous reviews of debtors who could not repay money on a microloan, and collectors damaged their car and doused the house with paint. There were times when they spoiled the reputation of borrowers using social networks.

What will happen if you do not return the microloan? The question is very relevant today.

How to take microcredit again?

If a person has large debts on microloans, but he wants to repay them, it is unlikely that they will be given an online loan again. To return a regular loan, you can visit the office or try to arrange in person by calling the hotline number. Many MFIs, if the borrower wants to repay the loan, make concessions and refinance the loan.

You can turn to lawyers with the question: “I don’t pay a microloan, are the consequences of this serious?”

how not to pay interest on a microloan

Where to get legal assistance?

The necessary assistance can be obtained from any legal adviser who is competent in monetary matters. Often, lawyers help with online appeals. Using a special chat, you can ask a specialist any question and find out what will happen if you do not pay a microloan; what documents are needed in order to write off a debt, whether a debtor can sue the IWC, what kind of MFI collection can apply to it.

Microloan over the Internet

Today it is possible to get a small loan without leaving your home, just using the Internet. On the main page of the selected MFI, you need to find a calculator, set the required amount and terms, choose the most convenient way to receive money, fill out a document and send it to the creditor. If he approves the application, it will be necessary to sign a loan agreement using SMS and withdraw the funds. Many people mistakenly think that the distance agreement is not valid and you can not pay a microloan. Those who take loans online need to know what laws apply. An electronic signature is considered valid, and a person taking a microloan is fully responsible for his own actions. It is unlikely that you will not be able to repay the debt, if only certain courts will take part in this, and it will be necessary to prove their insolvency.

I got microloans and don’t pay

Nevertheless, anything can happen in life, and any loan recipient should know what he should expect if he does not return the money. Firstly, the law will not allow a credit institution to charge fines that exceed 20% per annum. Secondly, a microloan increase of more than 4 times due to fines is not allowed. That is, if a person had the opportunity to receive a microloan for 10 thousand rubles, more than 40 thousand do not have the right to request a financial institution for a refund. In some cases, you will have to seek advice from a lawyer.

The main thing that lawyers advise people who want to arrange a microloan is to carefully consider their step. Since commercial credit organizations care little about the solvency of their customers, borrowers must weigh the pros and cons and evaluate their solvency, even when it comes to a small amount of money. Not to pay a microloan with impunity will not work, and court practice has repeatedly proved this. In any case, certain methods of influence will be taken against the debtor, and he will have to repay the debt, even if it is only a part of it.

We examined what will happen if you do not give a microloan.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25735/

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