Deduction Method and Observation

There is hardly a person in our time who has not seen films about Sherlock Holmes or has not read books about how he deftly and quickly unravels the most complex incidents. Attention to detail and the method of deduction are the main secret to the success of this famous detective. Of course, the way the popular hero A. Conan Doyle builds his conclusions is real talent and rare skill.

Sherlock Holmes deductive method
Not all of us can demonstrate the Sherlock Holmes deductive method in action and the ability to notice all the details. However, these qualities can be developed in oneself. It all depends on the strength of desire.

Development of observation

deduction method
There are no questions arising from observation - this is a useful ability to notice trifles that any person can fully develop. It is proved that you can train this quality at any age. Even Leonardo da Vinci recommended not to look at the world just like that, but to reproduce everything seen with a mental eye. K. Paustovsky advised when looking to keep in mind the idea that everything he saw would need to be described in paints. The simplest exercise - "Observation on inhalation" - is available to everyone: you need to choose an object, carefully examine it when you inhale, and when you exhale, close your eyes and mentally imagine it, while trying to recall the maximum number of details.

The development of deductive thinking

Let's first understand what it is. The method of deduction is such a method of logical thinking, which is based on the construction of particular conclusions from existing general provisions. In other words, it consists in the movement of thought from the general to the individual. The deduction method has its own clear rules, once proposed and justified by the mathematician R. Descartes. There are four in total, so remembering will be easy:

  1. To accept for truth everything that is clearly and clearly perceived does not give any reason for doubt.
  2. Any complex thing should be divided into basic components in order to obtain the initial particles of knowledge.
  3. Cognition by thought should occur in the form of following from elementary, simplest and most understandable things to more complex and difficult to understand.
  4. During all these operations, take into account the entirety of the conclusions (for this you can use the list and classification).

deductive thinking
There are various ways to develop the deduction method. Those who like to understand everything thoroughly can easily find the appropriate manual or textbook with which to practice solving problems. A good option would be spending time with a person with well-developed logical thinking, communication with which would help to draw the right conclusions. You can observe one of your friends' acquaintances about whom nothing was known, and then, in conversation with a friend, check your conclusions about a person: how old he is, what he does, where he lives, etc. Yes, and monitoring the expression and clothes of your friends can say a lot.

How else to improve the applied method of deduction

Give preference to detectives. Solve crosswords, puzzles. Try to find not one but several solutions in any problem, and then, analyzing each one sequentially, choose the best one from them. In the deductive method, it is important not only to notice the little things, but also to be able to generalize the available information. Therefore, learn on the basis of individual facts to mentally assemble a complete picture. Sooner or later, amazing results will appear. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and strictly follow the developed plan.


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