What are recreational resources?

Recreational resources are a combination of phenomena of a socio-cultural nature and various elements of the natural environment that can be used to organize resort and recreational activities. Currently, it is customary to include the wildlife and vegetation of a certain region, its climate and relief, water bodies and cultural and historical monuments located on the territory, as well as economic potential.


Climatic recreational resources are the weather characteristics of the region, allowing you to organize various types of recreation. In this situation, variants of weather types can be divided into comfortable, where certain types of recreation are allowed without any restrictions, and uncomfortable, in which the rest in the region is unfavorable. In a uncomfortable climate, recreation in the region depends on short-term weather conditions, for example, in the case of prolonged rain showers, a full-fledged beach vacation is not possible.

Water resources :

Water natural and recreational resources include absolutely all water bodies located in a certain area and suitable for safe recreation of the population. Unsuitable for swimming usually include heavily polluted lakes, streams and rivers, the water in which does not meet certain sanitary requirements.

To assess water resources, criteria such as water temperature and water depth, pollution level and bathing safety, characteristics of rafting conditions, and also characteristics of coastal landscapes are used. As a rule, during the analysis of the shores of water bodies, scientists identify grassy and swampy areas, cliffs and rocks, and beaches are usually divided into sandy, boulder and pebble.

Forests :

Recreational resources of this type include all forests located in the region that are considered suitable for recreation, and for the convenience of holidaymakers, boarding houses and comfortable recreation centers are being built in this area. And among the unsuitable for tourism are included only impassable thickets located in wetlands. To assess this zone as a natural resource, the region’s forest cover is studied - the percentage of forested area of ​​its total area.

Balneological resources :

As a rule, recreational resources include sources of unique mineral water composition, as well as deposits of therapeutic mud of various origin and composition, including volcanic and sapropelic, peat and silt mud. When creating balneological resorts, the mineralization of springs is investigated, certain chemical components suitable for the treatment of a particular disease are identified, and then sanatoriums are built.

Cultural and historical heritage :

Currently, recreational resources include objects that are interesting for cultural tourism. These are spiritual and material objects located on the territory of towns and cities, which are among the monuments of the unique heritage of the past. As a rule, historical sites of interest for sightseeing tourism are divided into archeological and historical monuments, architecture and urban planning.

Archeological monuments include mounds and ancient fortifications, the remains of ancient fortifications and settlements, stone sculptures and burial sites, ancient rock paintings.

When drawing up routes for excursion tourism, architectural objects and unique monuments of urban planning are selected, including complexes of ancient buildings and ensembles unusual in terms of architecture, historic quarters and squares, old streets, folk architecture objects and various religious buildings. Modern tourists are also interested in handicrafts and folklore attractions, oceanariums and zoos, botanical gardens.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25746/

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