Bizerta city, Tunisia: description, attractions, reviews

In the north of the African continent is the city of Bizerte. It is known for its long beaches, wide avenues, planted with acacias, snow-white French mansions and a port. Very often Bizerta (Tunisia) is called the most Russian city in the country. That is why Russian tourists will be interested in visiting this amazing city.

A little bit about the resort ...

Bizerte (Tunisia) is the second largest city in the country. It is located on the north coast, which is called Coral. The population of the city is 70 thousand people. Not many tourists come to Bizerta, so the city managed to maintain an oriental atmosphere. It is located 55 kilometers from the capital of Tunisia. The city is located on a hill near Lake Bizerte. It is surrounded by beautiful forests on the slopes of the volcano.

At one time, Bizerta was founded by the Phoenicians - about three thousand years ago. During the period of Roman rule, the city had a different name - Hippo Diarchitus. And only the Arabs in the seventh century renamed it Benzert. Well, in the future it was transformed into its current name.

Tunisia Bizerta

In the Middle Ages, the convenient harbor of the city, connected to the sea by the strait, became the place of deployment of pirates. In the nineteenth century, the French came here, who founded their military base. Tunisia, and with it Bizerte, was freed from colonial dependence only in 1961.

Russian colony in Bizert

One of the many pages of the history of Bizerta (Tunisia) is inextricably linked with Russia. It was here after the evacuation from Crimea during the Civil War that the ships of the Black Sea Fleet were withdrawn. More than 6 thousand Russian sailors and their families arrived in Tunisia. So the Russians appeared in Bizerte, who founded a colony here. They lived in difficult conditions and performed rough work, which the Arabs refused. Many sights of the city are connected with Russians.

Anastasia Shirinskaya

Among the emigrants who went to Tunisia together with the Russian squadron was Anastasia Shirinskaya. Bizerta became her new homeland. But throughout her life, she invariably recalled Russia, which she had to leave with her mother. In Tunisia, she studied and grew, and then lived the rest of her life. Anastasia was able to visit Russia again only in 1990.

Temple of Alexander Nevsky Bizert

She described the chronicle of the events that brought her family to Tunisia and the further life of the community in the new country in her memoir called โ€œBizerte. Last parking. โ€ The work was published in Russian and French. And in 2005, the book was awarded the prize "Alexander Nevsky."

Russian sights

The unusual history of the city is tightly connected with the Russian diaspora. The people who arrived here on the ships of the squadron went through many trials and difficulties. Gradually, they joined the Franco-Tunisian community, preserving their traditions. So in Bizert (Tunisia) there were attractions that are directly related to the Russian part of its population. The city still operates a museum in which the interiors of a noble estate of pre-revolutionary Russia are recreated. Within the walls of the institution you can see many photos and documents telling about those distant times. The museum displays furniture and even clothing. In addition, an extensive collection of amazing materials about the Imperial Fleet and the life of Russian emigrant sailors in Bizerte has been preserved. A huge role in the life of the community was played by its permanent leader - Anastasia Shirinskaya, which we mentioned earlier.

Bizerta Tunis Attractions

If you are interested in attractions, then you should visit the Alexander Nevsky Church in Bizert. It was erected in memory of the dead squadron. It is located near the house-museum on Anastasia Shirinskaya Square. In the church of Alexander Nevsky (Bizerte) there are ship icons dated to the beginning of the twentieth century, and St. Andrewโ€™s banner. On holidays, services are held in the church.

The city has a Christian cemetery where Russian sailors found shelter. Anastasia Shirinskaya was also buried there.

Interesting places

In Bizerte (Tunisia) there are a lot of interesting places worth seeing. According to tourists, many water caves are impressive. Over the years, they formed under the influence of sea water. Locals call them caves. The water in these places is amazingly clean and incredibly refreshing in the heat.

Among the attractions of Bizerta (Tunisia) it is worth paying attention to the historical center of the city, which has many interesting objects. Noteworthy are the two mighty fortresses of the city, which at one time guarded the port - a narrow strait surrounded by small houses. Here, to this day, longboats sway on the water, and fishermen repair their nets.

Steps will lead tourists to Kasbah - a fortress at the northern exit of the port area. From its height you can admire beautiful views of the port and the cape, which has beach hotels. Kasbah was erected around 1700. Inside it are the houses of the Medina, and the narrow alleys resemble black shadows. Opposite is the fort of Sidi al-Hani, which operates the Oceanographic Museum.

Park Ishkel

A tour of Bizerta (Tunisia) is a very interesting adventure. No wonder the port is called African Venice. The narrow strait leading to the sea bizarrely bends around city blocks. It seems that the buildings rise directly from the water. Bizerta is famous throughout the region for its fish market. And in the city parks you can see amazing archaeological finds. The calm and peaceful atmosphere of Bizerta will set you up for relaxation and a romantic mood.

Bizerta Tunis tour

According to reviews, Bizerta cannot be imagined without its parks. The most prominent of these is Ishkel National Park, located 25 kilometers from the city. It was founded not so long ago, in 1980, but has already been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main objective of the park is to protect the rarest birds and their nests. On its territory is Ishkel Lake, which is called the pearl of the entire region. The area of โ€‹โ€‹the reservoir is about 50 km. sq. In summer, it connects through a narrow canal to the Mediterranean Sea, which leads to an increase in salt levels. Ishkel is a unique reservoir. It is the only surviving lake of the whole system that once existed in North Africa. Not far from Ishkel there are wetlands inhabited by swans and flamingos, as well as many other rare representatives of the feathered world. Among them are the sultan and teal. Such a variety of birds can only be seen in this park.

Here in the forest there are wild boars, porcupines, mongooses, turtles, otters and whole herds of water buffaloes. The National Park is the only zoo in which there are no enclosures or cages. Entrance to the park is completely free. But at the entrance you need to go through registration, as a security measure. Guided tours are held on the territory of the park, here you can see the ruins of ancient structures built once by the Romans. In addition, the park has a museum that tells the story of its development.

City Hotels

There are not many hotels in Bizert (Tunisia). In total, there are about 12 hotels in the city. Most of them are small three-star establishments. The most famous hotel - Bizerta Resort 4 *. It is located near the city center. It features spacious rooms with a pool, jacuzzi and internet. In addition, guests can visit the Moorish cafe, restaurant and beach bar.

Tunisia Bizerte Hotels

According to tourist reviews, we can recommend the Jalta 2 * hotel. The hotel is equipped with a swimming pool, an amphitheater, a restaurant that offers visitors a buffet, as well as a snack bar. In the tourist part of the city is a very good hotel Andalucia Beach 4 *. Its advantage is that its rooms are equipped with kitchenettes, kettles, refrigerators and microwaves. The hotel has direct access to the beach.

Tours in Tunisia

According to experts, trips to Tunisia are popular, because here at reasonable prices you can have a great vacation. For example, you can cite the prices for accommodation in some hotels.

In the budget hotel Jalta 2 * the cost of renting a double room per night starts from 3800 rubles. Rest in Andalucia Beach 4 * will cost more - from 8700 rubles per day. Experienced tourists recommend looking for last-minute trips to Tunisia, the cost of which is very pleasing.

Resort beaches

According to tourists, the sea in Bizerte is often hectic. But at the same time, the local coast invariably pleases. A wide beach strip, gradually going into the sea, is created for relaxation. In the city, only a few hotels are located right on the coast. Most hotels are a bit far from the sea. Among the most famous beaches, it is worth paying attention to La Grotte.

Anastasia Shirinskaya Bizerta

The white cliffs of Cap Blanc cover it from the winds. In the south of the city is a very nice long beach Er-Rmel. The city has a promenade, which is nice to walk in the evening. All guests of the resort gather here.

Culinary delights

According to travelers, the attractions of the city include its fish cafes and restaurants. The fact is that Bizerta is known as a major fishing port. Consequently, there is an abundance of marine life in local markets that can be tasted in catering establishments. Mussels, squids, oysters, octopuses, lobsters, shrimps, cuttlefish - all this can be tasted in the cafes and restaurants of Bizerta. You can buy seafood on your own, and then go to one of the establishments, where they will be very tasty prepared for you. Local chefs are real craftsmen who make fish masterpieces. Among the town's restaurants you can find themed establishments that specialize in fish dishes or local food. Visiting such places is a must.

Russians in Bizerte

Tourists consider Le Petit Mousse to the best places in the city. The restaurant is located in the waterfront area. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that in addition to fish dishes, you can taste Parisian delicacies here. In the old port you can have a delicious meal at Le Phenicien. The Le Sport Nautique establishment is no less attractive, from the terrace of which there is a stunning landscape of the port and pleasure yachts.

Tourists reviews

According to experienced travelers, Bizerte can be safely considered as a Tunisian resort. A quiet cozy town is suitable for a relaxing holiday. Of course, it can not be compared with the noisier Sousse and other cities. But he is not without his own charm. Moreover, the city has a Russian diaspora and interesting sights. If you want to find a budget tour to Tunisia, then Bizerte can be considered as a possible option.


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